First Time...

I'm kind of new to these message boards and I thought it would be nice to try it out. I'm really close to my goal weight and would like to make some new friends to help motivate me and help motivate too? :p I started off at 237 pounds as of July/2011 and as of right now I weigh 143 pounds and my goal is 130 before summer. I've never wanted something so bad before in my life and these last vanity pounds are the worse! I'm getting a body bugg to help me but I think talking to other people would be an amazing way to inspire and motivate me to keep heading towards the finish line. I would love to hear inspirational stories and help others! ^__^


  • twinsies041
    WOW!! great loss!!
  • eso2012
    eso2012 Posts: 337 Member
    Oh my, you are an inspiration!!! Way to go!
  • qtiekiki
    qtiekiki Posts: 1,490 Member
    Wow. Great job on your weight loss.
  • TeddyBear47
    TeddyBear47 Posts: 200 Member
    Congrats on the loss, great job and fantastic discipline and effort. I added you if you like.
  • SteveZT
    SteveZT Posts: 16
    wow, that is great loss,
    hope you get to your goal

  • lnguyen578
    Wow people are so nice on here I wasn't expecting so many replies! ^__^ Thanks so much guys <3 Would love to be friends!