Knee Surgery - Questions i should ask

Julz2586 Posts: 1,330 Member
Hey all!!!
Ok so i have an appointment next week with the specialist about my knee and possible knee surgery... I've been waiting to see someone for about 4 years now.. maybe a bit more.
I wasn't worried until i realised that i was going to have to go by myself... I always forget to ask things or never know what to ask until my mum or something asks later "so what happens when they do this?" and i'm like errr *shrugs*

The thought of surgery scares me and it's a very high chance that i will have to have it done because i have barely any cartilage on both knee and my left knee is extremely weak and too much pressure and it will pop out leaving me with a sore swollen knee for about a week.

What questions should i ask, i'm writting down when i think of them but my mind is blank.

Has anyone here has knee surgery... tell me your story.

I'm absolutely terrified about going under and never waking up LOL i know its stupid but it's a huge fear i have lol. i was terrible the day i had to have all four wisdom teeth out.


  • TrueBlueBruin78
    TrueBlueBruin78 Posts: 311 Member
    I hope your rehab goes well, but i would ask how long it would take to get back and when you can start your rehab, the sooner the better, What kinds of activities should you stay away from. I hope that helps
  • robsgurl
    robsgurl Posts: 97 Member
    I had arthroscopic knee surgery almost a year ago due to a meniscus tear ( the cartilage in my knee covered too much of the knee and tore) the surgery wasn't too bad. I had an epidural to numb me up. I was awake the whole time. I even have picture the surgeon took during the surgery. I did get chills from the surgery room being so cold and they covered me up with all the warm blankets. I even watched the surgery being done and had someone explaining to me what the surgeon was doing. It also helped the surgeon was also cute..=) I was on crutches and put a little pressure on that leg. with in a week I was pretty much walking with out the crutches but was still using 1 like a cane. Overall it wasn't a bad experience at all.
  • Julz2586
    Julz2586 Posts: 1,330 Member
    I had arthroscopic knee surgery almost a year ago due to a meniscus tear ( the cartilage in my knee covered too much of the knee and tore) the surgery wasn't too bad. I had an epidural to numb me up. I was awake the whole time. I even have picture the surgeon took during the surgery. I did get chills from the surgery room being so cold and they covered me up with all the warm blankets. I even watched the surgery being done and had someone explaining to me what the surgeon was doing. It also helped the surgeon was also cute..=) I was on crutches and put a little pressure on that leg. with in a week I was pretty much walking with out the crutches but was still using 1 like a cane. Overall it wasn't a bad experience at all.

    OMG!! awake!! oh i dont think i could do that!! but well done!

    Bruinbear78 - yes they help :) thanks
  • BuckeyeBoi
    BuckeyeBoi Posts: 233 Member
    Not only have I had 7 on my RT knee I have had some of the worst complications not saying you will but I can give you a well rounded objective view.... Feel free to message me, Brian
  • Brinasacat
    Brinasacat Posts: 505 Member
    I had my knee scoped out 2 years ago. all the broken off pieces of cartilage were removed, but I'm stuck with a bunch of arthritis in the joint. The surgery was easy! They gave me versed, and I slept like a baby. They offered microfracture surgery instead of being scoped out, but I thought it sounded like an increased possibility of an infection in the joint. i also couldn't commit to the rehab, non weight bearing for 2 months, and 8 hours a day in the CPM (constant passive motion) machine. I liIve alone, and couldn't be lying around. 2 years later, it's stiff in the morning, and I try to mainly do low impact stuff.
  • Donnacoach
    Donnacoach Posts: 540 Member
    First of all depending on what kind of knee surgery you have makes a difference on some questions. Some knee surgeries allow you to stay awake during the procedure and you go home the same day. I had surgery on my meniscus 17 years ago and watched the whole thing. Ask if you have to go under or not? How long your recovery period will be? Success rate of the surgery you are having done? If you have to have Physical Therapy or not? Just a few off the top of my head. Good luck.
  • I had arthroscopic knee surgery 8 months ago. They knocked me out. Dr. discovered a stress fracture that was causing more of the pain than the meniscus tear. Recovery was not too bad. My Dr. also provide photos of the stress fracture, the torn meniscus and the knee structure after his repairs.

    I will say the Dr. lied to me. He told me he would not do surgery until I lost 100 lbs. However, his statement motivated me to start losing weight. This helped the recovery and I now have very good range of motion as well as a healed stress fracture.

    Questions to ask:
    1) How long will I be off from work?
    2) How much long will I have to rehab my knee?
    3) Will you provide me photos of my knee after the surgery?

    Good luck and I will say a prayer for you.
  • I've had two major knee surgeries and 2 minor surgeries (arthroscopy only & a hardware removal). I had my major surgeries when I was a teenager but here are the things I suggest you ask because the knowledge was helpful for me:

    1. What type of anesthetic will be used? Will they use general, or will you be awake? Do you have the option to choose? (and then you have to decide what you're comfortable with).

    2. Ask how long the surgery should take and ask them to walk you through it. This helps to reduce anxiety as well as let you know what is going on.

    3. Find out your aftercare info (not that they won't give that to you but I always liked to know in advance). I'd especially ask how long you'll be in recovery, how long you will be doing physical therapy (and how often), and how long you'll be expected to be on crutches (if necessary). It helps to know this so you can plan but also so you have a realistic idea of what your recovery will be like.

    4. I'd also ask if there is anything you can do to prep to be ready. For my first knee surgery, I went in practically blind. I was on crutches for 6 weeks and in PT for 3 months. For the second (exact same surgery), I worked very hard to make sure that my legs were extremely strong and it made all the difference in the world. I was supposed to be on crutches for 6 weeks again but I was only on them for 3 and I was released from PT a month early.

    That's all I can think of right now... If you have any questions, feel free to ask. Good luck with your surgery - I hope everything goes well.

    ETA: I don't know about asking this but when we were discussing the surgery, my doctor told me that because of the degree of damage & issues with my knees, the surgery would help a lot but that I would experience arthritis later in life. He also said that I would likely need a knee replacement later in life. I don't say that to scare you (or anyone!) but it helped with expectations. Of course, I have severe genetic knee problems that I inherited on both sides of my family which, combined with wear and tear, just killed my knees. But i was good to know what to expect not only in the short term but for the long haul.
  • Julz2586
    Julz2586 Posts: 1,330 Member
    Thanks so much for the responces :)