Any other college students out there?



  • crazytreelady
    crazytreelady Posts: 752 Member
    Hey, if you'd like to ad me feel free :).
    I think I speak for every one when I say eating right whilst going to university is soooo hard because your schedule is really messed up.
    I feel bad for the people in dorms more so because they don't really have access to the same way of making meals!
  • LouieSTFU
    LouieSTFU Posts: 1 Member
    College student checking in from Santa Cruz! Engineering student.

    It's tough because I tend to be so busy, and the on campus options tend to be very limited!

    - Louie
  • sarah_7626
    sarah_7626 Posts: 31 Member
  • mes1921
    mes1921 Posts: 71 Member
    Biosystems and Mechanical Engineering junior!

    Two jobs + two majors + 5 student organizations + social life (not much of one haha) = crazy busy.

    Bought some cool lunch boxes last year that make sure I pack lunch (and usually dinner) to bring to campus every day (12-14 hours/day on campus is the norm!)

    Anyone feel free to add me! :-)
  • nicoleeliza4
    3rd year business right here! Last semester coming to an end so it's been super stressful between all the group projects and exams now looking for a job for my work experience year and looking for an apartment, so much stress! It can be so hard to eat healthy when you just need a quick meal on campus.
    Biggest tip though is use the gym! Most schools automatically charge you for a membership in your school fees so use it!! I didn't take advantage of it the first year and wish I would have. It majorly relieves stress, clears your head, and if you've had one of those greasy fast meals that leave you bloated force yourself to go and you'll feel great again in no time. Just keep forcing yourself, makes all the difference! Meet some good people too :)
  • ans08a
    ans08a Posts: 2
    I'm a college junior trying to get my high school body back! I just joined this site, so I haven't lost anything yet, but I'm hoping this will motivate me. I don't have too much to lose, but sometimes that can be more of a deterrent than a motivation. I need accountability!

    So feel free to add me as a friend.

    Bikini season is oh so close!
  • zooz93
    zooz93 Posts: 3 Member
    I'm a college freshman, and I gained my freshman 15 in ONE SEMESTER! I live in the dorms, and the food is awful, making it so difficult to eat healthy on a reasonable budget. I can't wait until I get a kitchen next year, but that's not until after the summer! I really want to feel good in my summer shorts, so I'm trying to get my high school body back!
  • fatpignomore
    Junior art school student! :)
  • RebeccainMI
    RebeccainMI Posts: 16 Member
    I would love to talk with some other college ladies. I'm having a particularly hard time because I'm a student at the Culinary Insitute of America and food is a way of life there. I'm 22 (23 in September) and would love a community of support. Message me or add me.
  • snewsome7
    snewsome7 Posts: 189
    I am until May!! I'll add ya! :]
  • HealthyHappy120
  • ReneeMustLoseIt
    Going to college in 5 months! I need to lose 30 lbs :P
  • brittigno
    brittigno Posts: 193 Member
    Re-starting college in January. :D Seems so far away, but it's coming faster than I would have thought.
  • BeautyFromWithin
    BeautyFromWithin Posts: 290 Member
    Sophomore college student!

    I love offering advice and motivation as well as receiving it!

    It's tough to stay in shape in college - especially with late night ben&jerry runs and eating out with friends sometimes!
  • stephabef
    stephabef Posts: 936 Member
    In my fifth year - just finished my anthropology degree and am starting nursing school in the fall!
  • jgcanderson
    jgcanderson Posts: 2 Member
    I'm also a college student (almost done with my 2nd year)! I gained about 20 pounds when I stopped playing sports early in high school and I've decided to finally (try to) stick to healthy life and get fit again
  • AmateurSurgeon
    im a part time student, add me too.
  • hesn92
    hesn92 Posts: 5,967 Member
    ME! but not for long! I'm graduating May 4 :)
  • arkansascountrygirl
    arkansascountrygirl Posts: 234 Member
    college freshman at age 37 here. you can all add me