The Final Meltdown 8.13.09

smadag1 Posts: 1,368
edited September 20 in Health and Weight Loss
I finally got a workout in last night and I am feeling the pain today. I didi 75 minutes (that is over 800 cals burned:noway: ), but now my leg and foot hurt.

I drank over 100 oz of water yesterday and will try again for that today and stayed under in my cals (thanks to the long workout)

Hope you ladies have a great day and thank you all for supporting me during my lazy period:flowerforyou:


  • Ileanak
    Ileanak Posts: 343 Member
    :laugh: Go Smadag, go Smadag :laugh:

    Yay! and congrats!

    I must have not done enough stretching because I descided to jog on the treadmill yesterday (1 min walk at 4.0, 2 min jog ar 5.2 and repeat) for 20 mins. by the time I finished, my hips hurt.

    i usually hurt a little after my sprint triathlons, but never the next morning. Well, I almost couldn't get out of bed this morning! I am still aching. i think it's because in a tri, I have swam for 20+ mins and rode my bike for another hour before I jog.... so everything is really warmed up, whereas yesterday i only did static stretches for 5 minutes. I still did 25 mins of weights (legs) afterwards, but they aren't hurting

    i am really bummed about the ache, if it persistes, I will have to go see someone.

    And my TOM is due to sart this weekend.... the hormones are killing me.

    I hope you ladies are ready for the upcoming weekend! Any great plans??
  • chrissyh
    chrissyh Posts: 8,235 Member
    Smadag - as I told you on facebook - I am very proud of you...but maybe you should build back to 75 minutes - start with 30 - and add 5 each workout....but the trainer where I gol told me that you can get as much out of a 20 minute with high intensity and you can a low intensity for longer periods...just a thought

    Lleanak - sounds like an advil morning to hips are always what gets me after I run.

    Check out this thread I posted - it was an awesome evening last night...
  • Elaina
    Elaina Posts: 3
    Thats, great. You took that step. I just put a cross trainer I purchased into my bedroom knowing that the other room where it is presently kept is having renovations done to it. Instead of waiting for the renovations to be done, and using it as an reason not to get started I had it moved to my tiny little bedroom. It is so tiny that it takes up a good part of the floor space, I can bearly slip around it to crawl out of bed. But it is a good place to start. I did step on it, and off it. But listening to you this morning encouraged me to get on it and use it. Sometimes its just getting started, even if its just a few minutes a day. How did you know the measurement of your calories for the tremendous workout that you did? I do not know how to measure a workout, estimate in terms of calories built?
  • smadag1
    smadag1 Posts: 1,368
    I found the Elliptical on the workout list and entered how long I worked out for.
    I am not sure if cross trainer is there or not but you could always ask others how they log it

    Chrissy I did 30 minutes last week and it just did not feel like enough so I knew I needed to step it up and I feel better after trying to kick my own butt
  • Ileanak
    Ileanak Posts: 343 Member
    I'll do it with you, Smadag.... even with my am walks, I thing I need to increase the cardio in the pm from 45-60 mins up to 70. So ... the plan for my afternoon workouts will be 45 mins cardio, 30 mins (approx) weights and 25 mins cardio.

    Chrissy: As I said in your other post.. you are a StAr!!!!

    go through the setup for mpf, set your baseline calories and workout goals. As you enter your exercise, it will update for your cals that you should be taking in.

    good luck!
  • chrissyh
    chrissyh Posts: 8,235 Member
    sounds like we're all increasing our workload to decrease our loads...:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    It's so good to hear from all of you again. I got back from vacation Monday night, and got really sick Tuesday with ANOTHER UTI! I am so tired of this! Anyway, even though I can hardly walk around right now, I 'm ready to get back to it as soon as possible. Have to get better in a hurry - I start back to work next Tuesday, and need to keep up with those high school students. Hope you all have a wonderful Thursday! (I'm going to lay down for a little bit.) Mary
  • chrissyh
    chrissyh Posts: 8,235 Member
    It's so good to hear from all of you again. I got back from vacation Monday night, and got really sick Tuesday with ANOTHER UTI! I am so tired of this! Anyway, even though I can hardly walk around right now, I 'm ready to get back to it as soon as possible. Have to get better in a hurry - I start back to work next Tuesday, and need to keep up with those high school students. Hope you all have a wonderful Thursday! (I'm going to lay down for a little bit.) Mary

    I'll stick to my one high school student - that's enough for me at one time - what do you do at the school?
  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    I actually retired one year ago after working as a music therapist for 32 years at the state psychiatric hospital with the most difficult patients in the state - the security behavior ward. Last fall I took a job as a paraprofessional at the local high school, working with students with learning disabilities and behavior problems.
  • fiftyandfit
    fiftyandfit Posts: 349 Member
    GOOD MORNING!! :flowerforyou:

    Mary sorry you're under the weather again :frown:

    Alright........I'm feeling like the lone couch potato!! :tongue:
    The boys started school today :grumble: so early morning wake up for me......
    Had all intentions of using the extra 3 hours to get out and walk my 2 miles....
    SERIOUS allergy problems. Can't breathe (literally) have used my inhaler
    3x's since waking up, my nose is running like crazy and my sinuses are killing me
    CALGON>>TAKE ME AWAY! I'm hoping this passes started yesterday
    afternoon. Have no idea what I got in to ...but not happy:grumble:

    VERY stressful day at work yesterday, 3 drowings :cry: one a 3yr old boy who looks like
    he is going to make it, but unknown if any permanent brain damage. was in the water
    for at least 10 mins before dad found him and started cpr. the other 2 are drunk adults..
    no sympathy...less than a 10% chance of survival for both. say a prayer for the lil guy.

    I'm so proud of you that are staying on track and hoping to get back to
    the right mind set SOON! It helps to chat with you daily and read your posts....U ROCK! :drinker:

    Hugs to all
  • Ileanak
    Ileanak Posts: 343 Member
    Pam and Mary

    Nice to see you both!

    Sorry for the UT/breathing issues!!

    Just mentioning kids, makes me exhausted!
  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    Pam - sent up several prayers for the kiddo. Let me know how it turns out! And God bless you for working with these people! Do you work in an ER? Are you a nurse?
  • smadag1
    smadag1 Posts: 1,368
    Not feeling real great right now. I have been hungry all afternoon and finaly gave into my PB&J I didin't eat at lunch and I just want to go home and fall asleep
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