Looking for some friends to support/support me!

New to this, just looking for some inspirational positive people that can help me stay motivated and vice versa.

I love to share recipes, workout ideas, etc. Check out my profile and if you feel like we have some stuff in common add me! I'd love to get to know you and your story!


  • nlnevers
    nlnevers Posts: 1 Member
    Hello! I'm your age, looking for some ideas, too! I'm newly married, so I'm getting used to cooking for two and keeping it healthy. I've stumbled across some great recipes so far, I'd love to share them with you! My biggest weakness is sweets (and is the reason why I need to lose some weight :P), so I'm trying to find some healthy ideas to curb my sweet problems. I made a chocolate zucchini cake tonight that's pretty low calorie. It's cooling now, so I can't attest to it's deliciousness yet, but if it's anything like my mom's, it'll be great :) I hope we can help each other out!
  • cheriibomb
    Hi im cherise, and i am definitely looking for some friends to help with the motivation area. I love to push myself and my friends when i know exactly what they want and im not afraid to tell them to move their tushies:)