Good Day to one and all

My weightloss journey began 2 weeks ago so far I lost 14lbs...I was 266 pounds at the start. I feel positive and ready to run down my obstacles...Wish everyone the best of luck always.


  • Mcharo
    Mcharo Posts: 2 Member
    My journey began months ago...although I'm just joining this website. On Sept. 16, 2011 I decided I would finally do something about my weight. After being a overweight child, teenager and young adult. Now my children are starting to make their own choices and I want to show them the right way to live. My heaviest weight was at 283 lbs. Being only 5', you can imagine how I looked. Now I'm down to 235. I gave up for a while inbetween but now I'm back on track.
    Created by - Free Weight Loss Tools
  • ElHombre23
    ElHombre23 Posts: 126 Member
    Thats outstanding progress. Glad your back on track. Once good habbits take the place of bad habbits, the weight loss becomes automatic. I look at the process of losing weight like a baseball pitcher everyday is an inning you might give up some hits along the way but the final outcome of winning is all that matters.