Hey everyone...

I've been using MFP for close to a year now and have never been really active here. I figure it's time for me to finally introduce myself. I'm Megan, 24 years old, living in the heart of upstate NY. When I started out here, I weighed close to 350 pounds. In the year that has passed, my weight has fluctuated up and down but I was never really able to make the scale drop at all. I gave it up for a little while when my weight was about 340, and luckily, it didn't go back up. But now I'm back on the wagon and trying to get down to a healthy weight. I'm down to 325 now and I just quit smoking on Friday night. I know that by quitting smoking, I'll have an easier time exercising. Next week I'm going to restart myself on the South Beach diet and hopefully blow away a ton of water weight in stage 1.

So, here's me at my highest weight of 350 back in early September. You can't see everything but I think the bulging arms, double chin, and back boobies speak for themselves.


I really would love to have some friends here for support, and to kick my butt when I start falling off the wagon!


  • DMRun
    DMRun Posts: 25
    You can do this! You made the decision to get back on track and that really is the first step! Let's not forget the added challenge that you have quit smoking! So today is a new day, start of a new week :) Feel free to add me as a friend - I try to get on here and track every day, exercise a few times a week...and I love to offer support and gain inspriation from others!
  • sbarnhill99
    sbarnhill99 Posts: 29 Member
    keep up the great work I am a newbie as well I hope that I can be were you are very soon.
  • ztor
    ztor Posts: 43 Member
    Hi Megan!!! You can definitely do this!! I know it seems hard at first and I've fallen off the wagon more than once, but it is possible to get down to a healthy weight! I've found the people here on MFP are great at supporting me on my journey. I wish you luck on your healthy lifestyle change!!