Will you change your sugar consumption after watching the 60

sapalee Posts: 409 Member
Cut it off but the question is: Will you change your sugar consumption after watching the 60 Minutes segment?

I don't want to debate the validity of the studies or episode, that's already been done elsewhere. I'm wondering about a planned or actual change in behavior for yourself or family.

I had already eliminated or drastically lowered my added sugar intake a few months ago and feel great. Even baby carrots taste sweet now!

I don't count the sugar in fruit because I want the benefits of fruit and am not trying to lose a drastic amount of weight. Disclaimer: I did have a bowl of Talenti mint chip ice cream last night, rare splurge.


  • sapalee
    sapalee Posts: 409 Member
    No takers?

    For me the segment reinforced/ remotivated me to continue what I'm doing.
  • JAAD
    JAAD Posts: 21
    When did it air? Is it available on line to watch?
  • personally, i dont let anything i see come out of the idiot box dictate or change or influence anything i do in my life. just my opinion. i dont trust anything i see on tv. im a skeptic. i have to really look into something before i make any kind of change
  • 42kgirl
    42kgirl Posts: 692 Member
    I didn't see the segment. The giant stopwatch creeps me out. That being said, we definitely try to keep sugar to minimum in my family. But a life without ice cream is just pointless!
  • wxchaser
    wxchaser Posts: 173 Member
    I really wanna see this now! I wonder if they have it up on youtube yet. I'll have to check.
  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    Nope. Over the years, there have been studies, videos, etc that show everything is good or bad for us. A few years ago, it was fat. Don't eat fat. So, I'm going to continue going the way that I have been. I don't have any physical conditions that give me a reason to watch my sugar, so I will carry on with my life as it was.
  • delilah47
    delilah47 Posts: 1,658
    I thought the report was a little "alarmist". This guy has produced some questionable studies in the past. When I started my weight loss quest, I cut WAY back on sugar and will try to maintain that after I meet my goals. It's just a good idea not to load up on sugar, whether or not you are chunky or thin. Oh, and his recommendation of not eating more than 100 added sugar calories per day; nobody could meet that requirement, so I guess we will all meet an agonizing death from that last stick of gum.
  • Mehagon
    Mehagon Posts: 83
    I'm interested to watch the 60 minutes special if I can find it online. . .I've actually already changed my artificial sugar consumption because I've noticed an addiction tendency. . . once I have a small amount, all I want is more! I've changed it even to the point of cutting out peanut butter from my food because it had the same trigger for me. :)
  • fenrirG
    fenrirG Posts: 21
    Look up "Is Sugar Toxic CBS" on youtube. Found a few videos with the bits and parts of the show.
  • sapalee
    sapalee Posts: 409 Member
    When did it air? Is it available on line to watch?

    It was on last night but we missed it so I watched it this morning on the 60 minutes site.
  • Nope.


    I don't eat a lot of sugar to begin with, but imho, if it's consumed pre-workout then I have absolutely no problem with it.
  • vyanadevi
    vyanadevi Posts: 134 Member
    I did see the segment last night and I think that we need to exercise every thing in moderation. At the end of the day, I think that our bodies need a little bit of everything, including sugar. There are a lot of other ingredients out there that can cause cancer, so adding sugar to the list, sure, why not but so are all the other artificial ingredients. Food is not the only issue that is leading the increase in cancer, our environment and what we put out there also contributes. So at the end of the day, I feel that every thing in moderation, good diet and exercise and we should all be good.
  • lambertj
    lambertj Posts: 675 Member
    Very good show last night and it made me run to my diary her on MFP and low and behold my sugar levels are great now that I started working out and eating right. But I tell you, i'm looking at all this sugary junk food at work today in a whole new light.
  • ShaSimone
    ShaSimone Posts: 270 Member
    I saw the segment. It really only confirmed what I already knew...we have too much sugar in processed food. I am not a 'clean' eater by no means and I currently eat a lot of sugary/processed foods, but I would like to decrease that. However the last interview on the segment was sugar cane farmer and he was absolutely correct when he said that is will be almost impossible/implausible to think that Americans will eliminate processed sugar from thier diets entirely.
  • sapalee
    sapalee Posts: 409 Member
    Here is the full segment without commercials from 60 Minutes website

  • Yes! Since I got pregnant, I have been eating waaaaaay too many sweets. I was going to post about this today as well. I watched the whole segment, and yes, it did put my sugar consumption into perspective. Back to eating just as healthy as I did before gettting pregnant.

    It's hard though with all the added sugars in breads and cereals, I guess if those are the only added sugars I consume it won't be soooooo bad.

    No more candies and confections for me though! Maybe every once in a while, but not all the time like I've been doing!
  • vyanadevi
    vyanadevi Posts: 134 Member
    I thought the report was a little "alarmist". This guy has produced some questionable studies in the past. When I started my weight loss quest, I cut WAY back on sugar and will try to maintain that after I meet my goals. It's just a good idea not to load up on sugar, whether or not you are chunky or thin. Oh, and his recommendation of not eating more than 100 added sugar calories per day; nobody could meet that requirement, so I guess we will all meet an agonizing death from that last stick of gum.

  • OpenHeaven
    OpenHeaven Posts: 275 Member
    I stopped eating all processed foods two weeks ago. So no sugar for me. I didn't know that 60 minutes had a show about that...I will have to check it out. I don't plan on being sugar free forever, but I CERTAINLY am going to kick my affinity for sugar in the booty!!!!

    Thanks for the info!!!
  • BrawlerBella
    BrawlerBella Posts: 400 Member
    While I didn't catch the episode. I must agree with the sugar intake. My area of the US was just voted the fattest in the nation. One in three people is Diabetic Type 2 including me. Whether it's your genes, cultural, habits what not. It is an issue affecting both adults and our children. Thankfully my diabetes is under control with diet and exercise.