30DS question

sphyxy Posts: 202 Member
I would really like to start an intensive workout like this but I am curious as to how many people who are still far from their goal were able to endure this workout? I am 29, 5'10 and just over 300 pounds still. I think that I am pretty athletic for the amount of weight that I am carrying on me, but I am just wondering if this workout will be too much of a strain on my back and left knee.

I know you can modify things, but I wanted input from those who have attempted/completed the 30DS! I am really sick today but I want to start tonight reguardless!!


  • mariuch11
    mariuch11 Posts: 24
    Hi, I am 41 and 265lbs. I too want to start this workout and was concerned about my ability to physically do it. I went on You Tube and was able to watch the entire level 1 workout and I think I can do it (except th epush ups). With that being said I also saw some clips of the other 2 workouts and I know that there are a few moves I will not be able to do because of my weight and body shape (my belly mostly). I did order the DVD from Walmart and it is due here on Wednesday.

    I have decided to try and do as much as I can push through, without hurting myself. I have also decided that if I get through the first level and I don't think I can do the next then I'll just do the first level for the rest of the 30 days and try again next time. I'm also thinking that if I do try the next levels then maybe I can alter some of the moves that I know I won't be able to do. Example...theres this move where your suppose to bring your knees to your chest while your hands are on the ground...no way I'm gonna be able to do this so I was thinking I'll do jumping jacks or jog in place till the next move. If it's a weight move I'll do a weight move that I can do from the first level that coordinates with that body part that they are working.

    My hope is that I will be able to do the whole thing eventually as my body shrinks :bigsmile:

    I don't know if this will work but I figure anything is worth trying. If it doesn't work ok try something different, but if it works then I will be happy you tried. :happy:

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  • packersfn7
    packersfn7 Posts: 62 Member
    I just the did the workout for the last time yesterday. I have a lot of extra weight. However, I have been going to the gym 45 minutes a day for the last 6 weeks or so. The workout was the hardest workout I have ever done, even when I was thinner and in shape. I would not attempt the workout if you haven't been working out. You could get injured. I also did take some breaks and do some modifications. There are a lot of jumping jacks, jumping rope, etc. You need to be careful but you can do it.
  • spynoodle
    spynoodle Posts: 404
    I make a lot of modifications. Not to the point where it's a completely different workout, but I do it to suit my abilities. The point is to push yourself, not kill yourself!.
  • MaryPhillips90
    MaryPhillips90 Posts: 236 Member
    It absolutely would not put too much strain on you! Keep in mind that Jillian was the trainer for Biggest Loser and she mentions that in her 30DS. I think she says something like, "If I have 400lb people doing this, so can YOU!"
    Even if so, just do what you can :)
  • momma3sweetgirls
    momma3sweetgirls Posts: 743 Member
    Jillian Michael's LOVES lunges and squats. If you've got a bad knee, you might find these challenging, but like you said, you can modify the moves if it's too much. As you gain strength and lose weight, the exercises will become easier. Any exercise (even modified) is better than none! Good luck!
  • VeganPanda
    VeganPanda Posts: 582 Member
    Hi! I am 5'7, 154 pounds, so I don't know how much help I will be.

    But I am currently on day 5 of 30DS I believe and I am loving it. There is a lot of jumping (jumping jacks, butt kicks, jump rope without the rope), some strength moves, and ab moves. I would give it a try if I were you, and see how you feel. I found it free on Youtube (just search 30 Day Shred Level 1) so that you don't have to buy it and end up not liking it. The first day was killer but I have stuck with it and it is getting progressively easier. I am excited for what Level 2 will bring. You can do this!

    Best of luck to you!
  • lyricalLies13
    After I have some lunch I will be starting this for the first time, I'm 5'5 and 281 so I know its going to be hard but if you just do what you can you will still get a good workout.
  • AmoreCouture
    AmoreCouture Posts: 255 Member
    I haven't been exercising very long and am still very much a beginner. I started it at just under 200 pounds at 5'3, and it was hard but your body will adapt pretty quickly. I think it's a great workout for beginners. As far as push-ups, you can do them on your knees, or even just lean against a wall and do them if you need to. You can always find a modification for the more complicated moves, and Jillian shows the modifications for a lot of them as well. Modify until you get used to it, then one day you will be able to do them without modifying.
  • soaps54
    soaps54 Posts: 567 Member
    Hi! There is a lot of jumping around in the first level of 30DS (jumping jacks, jump rope in place, squats, etc) so it may be hard on your knees. She does have two assistants behind her of which one shows you the advanced version and the other the modified to make it a bit easier.

    I made it through halfway last month and kinda burned out just around Level 2 Day 4. I am starting over today and hoping to go all the way through this month because it really is a great workout. I felt so much stronger and durable while I was doing it.

    My advice would be to go at your own pace - don't move onto the next level unless you're ready. A lot of people put themselves on a strict timeline where they move on every 5, 7, or 10 days and if you're not ready - you'll feel like crap at the next level.

    Hope this helps & good luck!
  • netsirk12
    netsirk12 Posts: 220 Member
    I wouldnt eat too close before doing this workout!!! But modifications are on the video. During level one I had knee pain for a couple of days. I had to use a pillow for pushups and stuff but it went away. Anyone can do it!!!
  • Still_Fluffy
    Still_Fluffy Posts: 341 Member
    II I can run a marathon at 330, then again at 300. You can handle the 30 day shred (i've done it a couple of times with my wife). Start slow and hit pause when you need it.
  • r3d13
    r3d13 Posts: 139
    I am 5'3 and 220 pounds. When I started this journey a few months back I was 247. I have had knee surgeries with problems still with my knees. I completed this and am on to Shred it with Weights and Killer buns and thighs. At first this was really hard. I did a lot of the modifications and if my knee hurt too much I didn't jump or as high. I built my knees up to handle this. I also walked 2-3 miles a day and that really helped with the knees. So I believe if you take it slow and do the modified moves you should do fine.
  • Princess_Sameen
    Princess_Sameen Posts: 290 Member
    you can adjust the exercises to suit you! I am 269lb now and I have worked through the intense workouts!
    was really hard work but i was determined to get my weight off :)
    can add me if you want help you out with exercises as been there
  • mgpage
    mgpage Posts: 123
    I don't think you will have any problem doing the 30DS. I didn't start w/ as much weight but I have had 2 back surgeries and I have been able to do all three levels. I have not been able to do 30 days straight, so don't beat yourself up if you need to take a day or two off and start up again. I follow the modified moves because there is less impact on my back. As for the push ups someone suggested that I do a box push up because I struggled doing the girl push ups. I do what I can, and if I feel like I am putting to much strain on my back I stop and rest, pick up w/the next move. I hope this was helpful, and good luck!!
  • sphyxy
    sphyxy Posts: 202 Member
    Thanks everyone!! I have been going to the gym 3-5 days a week for the past month, doing 25 on the treadmill, 20 on stationary bike and 20 minutes of weights/resistance on those days. I am looking for something to mix it up a little and love the results everyone has been having. My knee has been getting better since I have been losing this weight since February. You have all motivated me to do it! I love this damn site lol

  • projectconsistency
    I started doing the 30DS around 265 pounds. My biggest tip is to wear shoes so you don't hurt your feet.
  • jcpmoore
    jcpmoore Posts: 796 Member
    I have a good deal of extra weight and an extremely bad knee. I'm on day 6 of level 1. The main thing I can't do is the jumping jacks. My doctor said NO. I love Jillian, but she doesn't outrank my doctor. That said, she does include a low squat-position punching move in one of the segments in level 1. She mentions that you can use that move when you have a lower body injury, so I sometimes substitute that move for the jumping jacks. Other times I do the jjs without the actual jump, putting more emphasis on the arms. With her "jump rope" moves, I have to jump one foot at a time. Again-that's what my doctor said to do.

    With those two modifications, I endured five days straight of 30ds and loved it. I can already see a difference.
  • WhittRak
    WhittRak Posts: 572 Member
    I started yesterday, and I weigh 291. it is hard, but you must get through it! The feeling of accomplishment after is amazing! Also, make sure to wear some sneakers.
  • spynoodle
    spynoodle Posts: 404
    I have a good deal of extra weight and an extremely bad knee. I'm on day 6 of level 1. The main thing I can't do is the jumping jacks. My doctor said NO. I love Jillian, but she doesn't outrank my doctor. That said, she does include a low squat-position punching move in one of the segments in level 1. She mentions that you can use that move when you have a lower body injury, so I sometimes substitute that move for the jumping jacks. Other times I do the jjs without the actual jump, putting more emphasis on the arms. With her "jump rope" moves, I have to jump one foot at a time. Again-that's what my doctor said to do.

    With those two modifications, I endured five days straight of 30ds and loved it. I can already see a difference.

    I love the punches!!!
  • sphyxy
    sphyxy Posts: 202 Member
    I made it through day 1!! The only time my knees hurt was during jumping jacks. I had to modify them and felt like a moron for modifying something so basic, but I didn't rest and pushed through it. This video is awesome!

    Thank you to everyone for the input!