not eating so much

is it ok to not eat the right amount of calories after overdoing it. last night i went over, and im seriously just not hungry and feel bloated because of that. so i was thinking that it might be ok to just go under today and get back on track tommorow? what do you guys think? would this be totaly detrimental?


  • abbymehl
    I have an off topic question for you - how long has it taken you to lose 8 lbs? I can't lose anything!
  • chrissyh
    chrissyh Posts: 8,235 Member
    I would think if you are in the same 24 hour period it may all average out - wouldn't think it should be the norm but there again I keep seeing posts about zigzagging and that's what that would be right!
  • katie980
    katie980 Posts: 24
    i'm having the same dilemma!!!!! i ate way over my calories last night (about 1000 over) and i'm hardly hungry at all today. Curious if i should just go under today since i'm not hungry anyway...and it'll "even out". Sorry I can't be of much help. But thought i'd at least let you know we're in the same boat. Anyone have some advice for us?
  • JoyousMaximus
    JoyousMaximus Posts: 9,285 Member
    You're body can adapt quickly but not that quickly. You aren't going to effect you metabolism in huge ways by not eating your calories today.

    It's unintentional zig-zaging, like ChrissyH said.
  • Wecandothis
    Wecandothis Posts: 1,083 Member
    I think that would be okay. It would be kind of like how some folks are staggering their calories during the week - lower one day more the next.

    But that's just me. :) ymmv
  • sandra400
    sandra400 Posts: 51 Member
    if you go over 1 day eat only when hungry the next staying withen your count forthe day and more than likely you will be under a little and it should balance out by the 2nd day after.
  • BrendaLee
    BrendaLee Posts: 4,463 Member
    If I go way over one day, I'll try to cut a couple hundred off of my calories for the next couple of days- or do some extra cardio and not eat those calories.
  • foxyforce
    foxyforce Posts: 3,078 Member
    I have an off topic question for you - how long has it taken you to lose 8 lbs? I can't lose anything!

    if you are consistent with mfp i find that the weight will come off as they suggest. the more cardio i do and the healthier i eat the faster it comes off. if i eat like a pig most of the time with a few healthy days it really doesn't seem to matter.

    but it took me a few months of trying to get to this point.