Newbie needing motivation and support

Hello everyone, trying something new here. I feel as if I have dieted my entire adult life. I was dx with PCOS in my early 20's and gained tons of wight and been fighting this up hill battle since. Now I'm 35 and looking down the barrel of middle age and getting scared of multiple health problems in my future. Im a nurse and see illness and death everyday and don't want my golden years to end that way. So here I'm trying group support to hopefully get me to goal weight. I have 60lbs I must shred and would like to have at least half gone before my birthday. So far I have drop 20lbs doing SouthBeach and walking 30minutes. That was 3 months ago and nothing since then. I have been playing with same 3-5 lbs and I can't seem to get out of the 260's.
Ok I can be windy with my words. So any inspirational comments would be welcome. I will do my best to check in everyday to give updates on my progress


  • briscottcoach
    I think you are in the right place to get yourself moving!! I love to help people out and also get motivation in return.
  • Bpowell76
    Bpowell76 Posts: 25 Member
    Thank you. Just came back from 40min walk and now trying calm down for sleep. I must get ready to psych myself for TurboFire workout tomorrow.
  • jenstanley13
    jenstanley13 Posts: 194 Member
    feel free to add me as a friend, we can all use motivation and support.
  • debinewb1
    debinewb1 Posts: 50 Member
    Feel free to add me as a friend.
    I've been doing MFP since January (even tho it says only 30 days ~ I accidentally deleted my entire acct. hmmm....about 30 days ago. :happy: Anyhow, I've used Weight Watchers and other groups like that, but I think that MFP is meeting my needs because it's so easy. I love the posts and the opportunity to support others.