10:50PM and my deficit is 1847 Need Suggestions

BigBoneSista Posts: 2,389 Member
Ok so on the days I work (5 days a week) and exercise (6 days a week) I can burn between 3500 to 4000 calories easy (TDEE). Right now my TDEE for today is 3360 and the day isn't over yet. Its hard for me to snack when I'm working because I work in a department store. What foods do you eat to get some high calories in but aren't too bad? I know to use virgin olive oil but I'm not a oil person. I'm going to try to bite the bullet and use it if I can remember to. And peanut butter. Got that one. But I need more suggestions.


  • jolie8
    jolie8 Posts: 6 Member
    Desirai, I have to know what type of exercise are you doing to burn that many calories? Whatever it is, I need to start tomorrow, lol!
  • BigBoneSista
    BigBoneSista Posts: 2,389 Member
    Desirai, I have to know what type of exercise are you doing to burn that many calories? Whatever it is, I need to start tomorrow, lol!

    I work at a department store so I'm forever moving. I do Zumba for cardio and CharLean Extreme for strength training. Those calories are a total calorie burn from midnight April 2nd until that point...10:50pm. I just checked my TDEE for the day and it ends at 3456. Calorie deficit of 1943.
  • beccyleigh
    beccyleigh Posts: 846 Member
    Personal on the go favorites are things like banana, nuts, salmon slices, rotisserie chicken, avocado (eat it with a spoon or if you have the time/place, slice it & put in a sammich), all these things can either be bought when out or else carried in a cooler bag but I would also start looking at ways to generally bulk out your normal lunches with mayo, oil & vegar dressings & such.

    That said, if you end the day with a large deficit & you aren't hungry then leave well alone. I'm realising myself that even though my tdee states I should be eating over 2000 cals a day even witha deficit, if I can't or don't feel hungry enough then I don't overfeed myself & on the days I do go over I know I have created enough of a deficit generally to compensate for it.
  • Can you make yourself a protein shake?

    I just had one for lunch which I made with 2 bananas, a half scoop of chocolate protein, skim milk, bio yoghurt, cocoa powder and oats. Really filling and about 500calories - obviously you can bulk the calories even more if you wanted through a high cal protein shake.

    I've had this today as I will be playing ladies football for 2 hours this evening and need the energy!

    Otherwise, hummus and crudites are good, healthy fats, filling, or have an apple with a spoon of peanut butter.

    Good luck!
  • Moskii1
    Moskii1 Posts: 1
    From my own experience when I was dieting/maintaining (bulking now) I found that if I had a massive deficit I'd binge eat a couple of days later so do try to fill your calories because the need to just go batsht crazy on whatever you have becomes less likely! :)

    What you CAN fill your calories up with is up to you really... What about stuffing a small bag of nuts/trail mix in your pocket and gradually put your hand in to eat them, say you're quitting smoking or something. ;_;
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,423 Member
    My best suggestion is to eat a little something today and spend a few minutes logging your plans for tomorrow so you don't end up so far off, that's a pretty huge deficit.

    Calorie dense things that bump up your cals pretty fast: trail mix, boiled eggs, cheese (babybel or string cheese travel pretty well), muesli bars (if you can find ones without lots of grains and not too much sugar etc), home made muffins (with lots of veggies, grains, cheese etc), red meat, full fat yoghurt or other dairy, bananas, sweet potoato, avocado, rice, dark chocolate, butter, oil, mayo, salmon.....etc!

    Add a few of those to each meal and you'll soon get enough extra healthy cals there to keep you full of bounce for those busy days.
  • taunto
    taunto Posts: 6,420 Member
    bananas and nuts
    also peanut butter
  • EmilyDuby
    EmilyDuby Posts: 67
    I'm rarely ever in a dangerous deficit since I have a desk job and only burn maybe 200-400 exercise calories a day, but when I do need to have something I try to make it primarily protein, meats, nuts, etc...
  • BigBoneSista
    BigBoneSista Posts: 2,389 Member
    Thanks everybody. This weekend I'm going to take a moment to work on a plan with all your suggestions. I appreciate the help.