Zumba Rush on Kinect?

I'm wondering who has tried this and what your personal opinion is of the game? How many calories do you burn in one session? I'm thinking of buying it, I just wanted a few opinions first. Thanks in advance :)


  • ToBeCountry
    ToBeCountry Posts: 81 Member
    I am looking to purchase it too. I took Zumba at a local gym and loved it. It just doesn't work with my schedule anymore.
    I think I might take the plunge and purchase it. Let me know how you like it too.
  • ToBeCountry
    ToBeCountry Posts: 81 Member
    Purchased today from Target.
  • dmcw19
    dmcw19 Posts: 129
    I have had it for a week or so and like it a lot. I have used it four times so far. The steps are hard at first, but that is the same in a class. I think that is what makes Zumba fun anyway. You are so concerned with learning the routine that you don't focus on anything else. Mine said I burned 430 cals for a full length class. This was not form a hrm though. I felt like it was a good cardio workout.
  • Summersadiva
    Summersadiva Posts: 110 Member
    I just bought it over the weekend and didn't have much time to play with it. In 20 minutes, I burned 240 calories. I plan to spend more time with it over the weekend and will report back.

    I'm a HUGE fan of Dance Central 2 so I'll have to remember to leave it in its case.:laugh:
  • phresh21
    phresh21 Posts: 132 Member
    It's awesome but the calories that it says you burn are WAY off @ least mine is.
  • shauna9909
    shauna9909 Posts: 60 Member
    It's awesome but the calories that it says you burn are WAY off @ least mine is.

    I bought it and I worked my butt off the first time I did it and it said I only burned 100 calories!! There is no way I only burned 100 calories, so I agree with you!
  • zenjenn
    zenjenn Posts: 16 Member
    The game is telling me I burned over 1400 calories in a 67 minute mid-intensity class. There is NO WAY that is true. On myfitnesspal I used "dancing" as activity and it said something like 450 or 500 calories for a workout of the same duration. Sounds much more reasonable to me. Zumbacalories.com said something like 750 which still sounds high to me but is plausible I suppose (it IS a good workout.)

    I am blown away that for some of you it is saying 100 cals but for me it is saying 1400? Seriously? How is this thing calculating calories? CRAZY!
  • Lonecandy
    For a short class of about 25 mins I burn almost 300 calories now, but I do the medium or high intensity classes. Whatever you do never rely on the built in calorie counter for the game. They've patches it at least once but it is still off. For me it underestimates now but pre-patch it was giving me crazy high calories. If you can get a heart rate monitor with a chest strap do so. I had a wrist watch hrm and it was off quite a bit because I couldn't check my pulse often enough.