HUGE Appetite! Need HELP!



  • Lolli1986
    Lolli1986 Posts: 500 Member
    I know what you mean about food feeling like it is the only good thing. I used to look forward to lots of things throughout the day, but when I got injured i was constantly sad because some part of my brain would start trying to make activity plans and i had to remind myself that i could not do those things.

    my boyfriend at the time tried to tell me to swim to keep the weight off, and to stop eating chocolate/pizza/etc. this made me sad/angry because i had just cut out everything i really liked to do, and i was supposed to cut out my favourite foods as well!? not only this, but i was supposed to throw myself into icy cold water that was likely to induce a panic attack, and flail around for long enough to get a good workout? i just told him 'look, i'm already miserable enough, focussing on my diet right now and trying to do things that i hate will only make me more miserable'.

    i don't know if that was true... i might have preferred the sense of control that carefully watching my diet and trying new exercise could have brought, but I also worried about what would happen to me if i obsessed about diet but did not get results due to being very immobile.


    Hmm, I've got a pretty active appetite - i don't want to eat huge amounts, but i need to eat about 5-6 times a day and feel starving every 2 hours or so. It is not easy to eat less than 1400 cals. I try to make sure I do at least 200cals of exercise a day to make the diet side easier.

    There is no way that I could have juice or just veggies for any meal... some people can, but that is crazytown for me. i would just be starving again in less than an hour. definitely have some eggs, yoghurt, meat, or cheese with every meal, and have bread, rice, or savory biscuits with at least 2 meals.
  • 1derfuldia
    1derfuldia Posts: 24 Member
    Hi, the huge appetite happens to me too! In fact, it seems to sabotage all my efforts -- just when everything seems to be going good, the appetite hits in a bad way. On some days sticking to my goals is easy and some days it seems impossible.

    So this last month, after tracking everything I ate, I made a graph and tried to look for patterns. I checked if it happens after I have low calorie days -- no. I checked if it was on the weekends -- no. Then I found a female hormone graph and to my amazement, my appetite surges coincide to when progesterone levels peak. All of the days where I went over my calories like crazy happened at that time. Here's the link to the graph in case you want to check when your "overages" occur, who knows, it might be happening to other people besides me:

    I've been trying to figure out what to do with this information. I don't think I can white knuckle my way through it, that hormone is stronger than I am :( So for April, I'm trying to reduce my caloric intake throughout the month on the days that I can actually pull it off, and then bank those extra calories to compensate for the crazy appetite days. I guess my approach is, "I can't beat it, but I can plan for it". I hope it works!
  • nsimportant
    nsimportant Posts: 170 Member
    Drink black coffee with no sugars (maybe some artificial sweeteners or stevia, if You dont mind them) after Your meal.
    That should help with Your appetite.
  • shellsie_j
    shellsie_j Posts: 132 Member
    If you look at my food diary you will see that I eat quite a lot of food but still manage to keep under my cals for the day. I have always been a snacker so I incorporate that into my day. I have discovered Miracle noodles which have zero calories and give me the satisfaction I need and I am eating something. I just mix it with 1/2 tin of tuna, some sweet chilli sauce and soy sauce and some parmesan and it's only 74 calories. Sometimes I have this twice a day!! I have always found it difficult to recognise the feeling of fullness and this is something I need to work on. But for now I know that I personally can eat a large quantity of food and it takes a bit to make me feel full. At night I have a HUGE amount of vegies, and I mean huge. I mix it with a small amount of meat, say 100 grams and I cut the meat really tiny. I stirfry the meat with onion and garlic and one teaspoon of curry powder and 25ml of Carnation evaporated milk (and additional water) and then mix all of the vegies in. Then I top the lot with heaps of Parmesan cheese (very good for cheesy taste but low cals). YUM, I can have a couple of huge bowls of this. The fact is that I don't feel deprived. You could even make up this concoction and nibble on it during the day. I know that people say that you have to retrain yourself to eat smaller meals etc. but c'mon as long as you are keeping under your calories does it really matter how you go about it! Take that back, you must eat healthily, do not make up your cals for the day out of junk. You will not feel satisfied. And it only takes a cople of minutes to eat a chocoate bar but you can nibble on yummy vegie dishes for ages. Just work out what flavours you like and add that to your vegies. You will eventually find a combo that you absolutely love and you will look forward to it and love what it does to your body and your mindset. Best of luck and please feel free to add me as a friend. Shell
  • bridgie101
    bridgie101 Posts: 817 Member
    My appetite has been out of control lately. I have very little self control. When I do good, I usually blow it and binge. I just feel like food is the only thing I have to enjoy or look forward to mostly. I know we should "Eat to Live" and not live to eat, but that's like taking any pleasure I have away.
    Like so many of us on mfp, I suffer from depression and anxiety. Although, I see a psychiatrist, therapist, and take meds, I still have a long way to go. I'm single and unable to work. I'm blessed that I see a trainer twice a week. She's great. I try to get my exercise in every day (at least 5 days a week), though I have a long way to go to be in good shape. So, I am trying! BUT.. I just don't know what to do about this appetite of mine? I don't care for the protien products... shakes, bars, etc. I'm told that more protien would help. Now, I don't have any trouble eating meat. I can tear into some steak or chicken. But that 4 oz limit just doesn't seem to be enough.
    Just curious if anyone had any suggestions?

    You have a psychological addiction to food. I'd say read Alan Carr's how to lose weight happily or whatever as it deals with the emotional/psychological side of addictions better than most things.

    You have to accept your feelings about food, listen to them, write them down and then objectively identify what's real, and what's just the self pity talking.

    EG "it's the only thing I have to enjoy." I used to say that about cigarettes. Imagine believing wholeheartedly that the only pleasure in my life was in dragging away at a poisonous, smelly, toxic, tube of yuck. It wasn't my only pleasure. It was destroying all my pleasures. It made me unfit, unable to enjoy moving around (nowadays I kind of bounce up and down to music at work. Why? I just FEEL LIKE IT.) It made me lonely, unable to go jogging, join tramping groups, etc because it was the main cause of my unfitness.

    The only way I escaped was by truly investingating why I was telling myself this stuff. What was actually wrong? You have to be accurate, you have to be honest, and you have to confront all the rubbish you kind of squash away.

    Interesting fact: now that I've managed to escape smoking, I have found dieting easy, and I think it's because all the things I used to say to myself to justify scoffing/smoking I now realise are all just puffs of hot air. Your brain comes up with all manner of stuff to justify how your body is feeling, or how your brain interprets your body to be feeling, but it is seldom right. it interpreted my nicotine withdrawals as a need for a cigarette, and told me stories as to why I should have one. It was wrong because of course my real need was to get rid of all nicotine.

    It interpreted a kind of peckish, depressed and anxious feeling as need for food but it was wrong: I needed to sort out my marriage. I was anxious and stressed because I was very, very unhappily married and I had no escape. Meh. I'm getting too deep. :D
  • jodieeidoj
    When I started MFP about 6 weeks ago, I was also worried about how I would stick to smaller meals. Luckily, I had already investigated other diets mainly Weight Watchers to see how people lost weight there without being hungry all the time. Weightwatchers allows free vegetables and fruit, meaning that they do not count towards the daily points total. I knew that this would not work for me because I can eats tons of fruit and veg and I mean lots. What I ended up doing was eating salads whenever I was hungry and I kept that (and still do) as free ie I don't log it. HOWEVER, by salad I mean raw veg such as lettuce cucumber, carrots and any other raw veg you might want to eat (I have to be strict on myself by what I mean by salad so that other things don't slip in there). Also ANYTHING EXTRA I put on the salad like olives or ham (I don't use dressings) I counted and logged.

    After a week, the amount of salads I ate between meals decreased and I still lost weight steadily. I also ate a salad before each meal meaning that I was full after each meal. I am going to start eating a salad before each meal again because it stopped me from picking, after meals because even though I have stayed within my calorie limit, my eye has started to wander again.

    I have tried all different methods like brushing my teeth or chewing gum but that has never worked for me. I realised that I seemed to find some comfort in being full rather than having the need to chew someting all the time. I am working on my portions and appetite all the time, so it is important that I still cut down, but that will happen over a sustained period of time and mental conditioning, so for now this is what I do. I would suggest that you try different things to see what works for you :smile:
  • skphi1
    skphi1 Posts: 12
    low calorie shirataki noodles and lots of vegies will fill you up
  • wychwych
    wychwych Posts: 21
    Mandy hun,
    I think you may be being a little too tough on yourself. I had a quick glimpse at your profile and like me you have a bit of a way to go. If you are trying to stick to 1200-1400 calories now what are you going to cut it down to when you are smaller?
    Also you appear to be struggling at the mo........I have every respect for people who can stick to as low an intake as that but know that I would not be able to sustain it and it would make me want to give up all together. I am attending a consultant lead weight loss group and have been advised to take it slowly as the evidence suggests if you lose slowly it is more likely to stay off. I haven't the research to back that statement up but am assured it is true. Have a think about increasing your allowance.

    Good luck B
  • FlaxMilk
    FlaxMilk Posts: 3,452 Member
    What does MFP set your calories to? I'm not sure you really need to stick as low as 1200-1400. I think your trainer is way off base with this number for you. It's setting you up for failure, and your body will adjust to it long before you want it to. I am at 121 and 5'0 tall and I eat 1200 to lose, more on long days or when I feel like eating back my exercise calories.
  • Miss_dannii
    Miss_dannii Posts: 1,351 Member
    I know you say you don't care for protein shakes etc, but regardless of that you should try get into the habit of having them. I can't stand water and salad, but I know in order to make changes to my body I'm going to have to suck it up and drink/eat them. I find the more water I drink the fuller I am. Also things like quick-soups and porridge are very filling. You just have to find the things that will work for you! x
  • gemiwing
    gemiwing Posts: 1,525 Member
    12-1400 seems really low, honestly. You don't have to starve yourself to lose weight- especially if you are adding workouts and diet changes. Going from fast food/fatty food exclusive to adding in good fats, protein etc will give you weight loss without starving.

    Calculate your TDEE- take fifteen to twenty percent off that and eat that amount. Just because someone is a personal trainer doesn't mean they know what they're talking about. Doctors get included in this category too if they are advocating starvation to someone who can exercise. Don't let them say you have to super-restrict your calories because you have 'more to lose'. Since you have more to lose you will be better served by learning how to eat properly and that doesn't come from starvation dieting.
  • Buddhasmiracle
    Buddhasmiracle Posts: 925 Member
    I really appreciate your suggestions. Thank you! I've never heard of the brush your teeth thing. It's a good idea.. if I can make myself do it.
    I'm wondering if my calories are too low. I'm trying to go by what my trainer says. She wants me to stick with 12-1400 calories a day. It's hard. I think I will do really good and then at night it will hit me, and I feel like I'm starving. Then I just start shoving food in because I don't care by then.
    What's extremely hard for me, is that I am a very picky eater. I try things, but so much disgusts me to the point of gagging (like a lot of veggies). Which is why I've tried to juice. I bought a juicer and juice fresh fruits and veggies. By mixing the fruits with some veggies, it's a little easier for me to get them down. Only problem is, I was doing a juice fast for a whole day twice a week. After so long, everything just looks disgusting. It gets old really quick. Like today, I was going to juice all day, but then, my second juice actually made me feel bad. My stomach felt really empty. Then I drank the juice which just didn't seem to settle good. I ended up having to quit and eat some real food.. and even now, my stomach still feels a little blah.
    Again, thanks for your advice! I've been getting a lot. Trying to figure out what's best for me can be really hard and confusing. My trainer telling me one thing, my doctor telling me something else, and then to hear what everyone on mfp says.. it can really be mind boggling!
    Hope to talk again!
    Mandy-- I think your trainer may be short changing you on the calories. Go to fitness frog and use their calculators to determine for yourself your BMR, bodyfat %,(use the US Military Standard -- or certainly your trainer must have a device to measure it for you) TDEE (total daily energy expeditures). Compare those daily caloric requirements results. You will see what the results for caloric requirements based upon your activity level. You can even determine what your maintenance calories would be at your desired weight.
    On MFP what did you set your weekly weight loss goal to? At a maximum stick to no more than one pound.
    Other than that, all the strategies folks recommended are great. But please do your own calculations as a comparison to w hat the trainer is recommending.
    Best wishes to you.
  • coconutbuNZ
    coconutbuNZ Posts: 578 Member
    You ARE trying Mandy I know how you feel. It isn't a failure when you keep on trying. A lot of us here, we're in the same boat. I haven't been here that long but I'm sure others in here will give you some helpful advice. If only we had a button on our body somewhere and when we push the button our appetite will instantly disappear! HA! If only.
  • jcpmoore
    jcpmoore Posts: 796 Member
    Hi Mandy!

    I can SO relate! First and foremost, your trainer is not also a nutritionist, so don't take her word for what you should eat. Anyone here on MFP will tell you that 1200-1400 calories is not enough-not even close! I was just in a recent discussion about upping the calories to something more realistic and I think you'd get a lot out of that discussion. Here is is:

    Also, don't do all day juicing. Your body needs more than liquids. I'm not a nutritionist so I'm only going by experience here, but you can really get some serious acid issues going by doing that. I totally understand picky eaters-I'm married to one! But if I can get him to eat vegetables (and I can!) then you can do it too. Make a list of the vegetables you do like and how you like them. My hubby eats most of his raw 'cause he really only likes them that way. Carrots and broccoli with dip, so that's what he eats. I think it's best to eat what we like and find ways to make it work rather than try to force ourselves to eat what we don't like. Change comes slowly.

    I also have a book I highly recommend that helped me tremendously with emotional eating. It's called "If I'm So Smart, Why Can't I Lose Weight?" It's a fantastic read and has great steps to help those of us who need to break the cycle of emotional eating. I needed this book a lot and it really helped. It's a small book, but worth it, IMO.

    Friend me if you want, hon, I'd be glad to share the journey!
    I really appreciate your suggestions. Thank you! I've never heard of the brush your teeth thing. It's a good idea.. if I can make myself do it.
    I'm wondering if my calories are too low. I'm trying to go by what my trainer says. She wants me to stick with 12-1400 calories a day. It's hard. I think I will do really good and then at night it will hit me, and I feel like I'm starving. Then I just start shoving food in because I don't care by then.
    What's extremely hard for me, is that I am a very picky eater. I try things, but so much disgusts me to the point of gagging (like a lot of veggies). Which is why I've tried to juice. I bought a juicer and juice fresh fruits and veggies. By mixing the fruits with some veggies, it's a little easier for me to get them down. Only problem is, I was doing a juice fast for a whole day twice a week. After so long, everything just looks disgusting. It gets old really quick. Like today, I was going to juice all day, but then, my second juice actually made me feel bad. My stomach felt really empty. Then I drank the juice which just didn't seem to settle good. I ended up having to quit and eat some real food.. and even now, my stomach still feels a little blah.
    Again, thanks for your advice! I've been getting a lot. Trying to figure out what's best for me can be really hard and confusing. My trainer telling me one thing, my doctor telling me something else, and then to hear what everyone on mfp says.. it can really be mind boggling!
    Hope to talk again!
  • butterflyliz32
    butterflyliz32 Posts: 124 Member
    I feel ya!! I suffer from massive issues with anxiety and panic disorder, as well as a food obsession. I have gone through a lot of therapy (group and individual) over the past 18 months, and I will tell you that I truly belive that the food addiction is the hardest addiction out there. Think about it - You can live without drugs and alcohol... you cannot live (very long) without food. It isn't something you can just stop! My weight loss progression (about 40 lbs total) has been extremely slow, but I am still plugging away at it.

    My therapist recommended a great workbook for Binge Eating and Compulsive Overeating, based off CBT (Cognitive Behavioral Therapy) and it really did open my eyes to a lot of things I was doing that I didn't even recognize (sneaking food, lying to myself about what I actually ate, etc). The workbook is called, "The Binge Eating and Compulsive Overeating Workbook: An Integrated Approach to Overcoming Disordered Eating" by Carolyn Coker Ross. Check it out and see if it can help you work through the emotional side of eating.

    I don't have it all figured out, by any means. My anxiety causes a lot of problems with my eating (often leading me to become violently ill), so it is still a process. I just started taking Prozac for the first time to see if that will help, at least with the anxiety. Crossing my fingers!!

    Please feel free to add me as a friend, if you would like someone for support.
  • FlaxMilk
    FlaxMilk Posts: 3,452 Member
    I wouldn't recommend shakes if you don't like them--especially as you are having trouble with overeating. Shakes are just going to be an easy way to get calories in and if you don't like them, leave you unsatisfied and wanting real food.
  • debswebby
    debswebby Posts: 326
    First of all well done for starting this journey in the first place. That's always the hardest thing to do.
    I also think you are setting your calories too low. I weigh 222lbs and MFP have mine set at 1600. I'm losing pretty much every week.
    I also have a huge appetite. Its obscene the amount I can put away in one sitting and spent my whole life avoiding vegetables and salads. One thing I learned really quickly was to like vegetables now I eat them all the time.
    Also don't be afraid to be hungry. You're not going to starve if you have excess weight to lose. Eat to your calories and if your tummy wants more you have to ignore it. It will soon learn. I'm often heard saying to my tummy "I'm not listening. You can't possibly still be hungry" lol
  • danagisana
    danagisana Posts: 42 Member
    this may sound crazy but there is a diet plan out there called the Shangri La diet. You might want to read up on it and give it a shot.
    Basically the doctor used himself as a patient to come up with a plan that would help him lose weight. It involved having tablespoons of oil twice per day. Apparently this works to suppress appetite, and helps you eat fewer calories. Yes, sounds crazy, but based on the message boards it his helping curb the appetite of thousands of people.
    I gave it a try for two days and it didn't work as well for me, but based on what people wrote it will work more quickly if you are not close to your goal weight.
    Anyway, just a suggestion but you might want to give it a read and see if it works for you. It is not unhealthy or expensive and might be worth a few days of your life to see if this crazy thing works for you as it seems to have done for others.

    good luck
  • dovesgate
    dovesgate Posts: 894 Member
    12-1400 calories seems a bit too low. If you're going from 3000 to 1400, no wonder you feel like you're starving since that is half your food intake!

    I've been trying this for the last couple weeks (with results):
  • nsimportant
    nsimportant Posts: 170 Member
    How can anyone say that 1400 calories is not tons of food?

    You can eat (35oz) 1kg of lettuce (28oz) 800grams of raw chicken breasts and (3.5oz) 100g of raw lentils.

    If You are not stuffed from 1400 calories You are making wrong food choices.

    Decide what Your goal is and stick to it.