Now THAT'S Motivation...

The boyfriend said to me that if I get to a confident weight that I am happy with, when I go to Skegness to visit my dad, he will take me on a shopping spree!!

Hopefully by then I am a size 10, or a nice 12 as currently I am at a size 14. The Skegness markets are full of clothes that are made for TINY girls, and I want to be able to get lots of great stuff!!

What your motivation to lose the weight?


  • janeinspain
    janeinspain Posts: 173 Member
    Of course I want to look great in skinny jeans (I have a couple of pairs in my wardrobe) and in bikinis and all. But honestly, all I want is not to feel like binging. I don't want to ever eat mindlessly again. I just want to be in control of my eating for a long long time. I don't care if I only lose 1 kilo/month as long as it is forever lost :)
  • Queen_M
    Queen_M Posts: 70
    I'm going to new york with my boyfriend in august and I want to look amazing in the pictures. I don't want to look back at the photos and cringe at my weight, I want to look back on the photos and be happy with the amazing memories and how I look.
  • bluemorpho1247
    bluemorpho1247 Posts: 300 Member
    Yeah, more on the health side! I wasnt too worried about my health, but its improving, and i like it!!

    The photos will look great, its a long time away so surely will be a good loss :)
  • nancycola
    nancycola Posts: 98 Member
    I really like this post from janeinspain.
    Of course I want to look great in skinny jeans (I have a couple of pairs in my wardrobe) and in bikinis and all. But honestly, all I want is not to feel like binging. I don't want to ever eat mindlessly again. I just want to be in control of my eating for a long long time. I don't care if I only lose 1 kilo/month as long as it is forever lost :)

    I totally agree. The biggest reward would be to permanently adopt a mindset where I no longer feel a need to eat past sated. No more emotional eating. No more bored eating. No more mindless eating. The weight will take care of itself.

    Then there's the bikini as motivation...
  • dave30309
    dave30309 Posts: 13 Member
    My motivation is a week in Hawaii if I lose 80 pounds. I'm 10% there already.
  • 3mmalou16
    3mmalou16 Posts: 27
    im going to my cousins wedding in Cyprus in 6 weeks, so even though I know I wont be at my goal weight I should be near enough there!
  • katB_83
    katB_83 Posts: 41 Member
    The 4 bikinis I have bought for my holiday in August with my Boyfriend are my motivation. I want to put them on and feel like i look good instead of looking for places to hide on the beach.

    Im sure we will all meet our goals
  • bluemorpho1247
    bluemorpho1247 Posts: 300 Member
    These are all fab motivations! I think i may add a few more to the list :P tho being a huge clothes addict... i may still keep min at number one ;) hha
  • MissSpuggz
    MissSpuggz Posts: 155 Member
    Mine is definitely the beach this summer. Got a few trips planned with my friends and boyfriend and Skegness is one of those! Might spot you walking around looking amazing with your boyfriend carrying millions of bags of clothes! :P
  • my motivation is my kids!, me and my husband have 2 girls already but want another one soon and i want to be healthy and lead a good example of healthy eating to them...... i want to lose weight fast but i know if i do it will be back on before i know it and i want the weight to stay off!

    on a more selfish note i want to look and feel great! i want men to look at me and think mmmm nice rather than wtf!
  • elishabeish
    elishabeish Posts: 175 Member
    How Sweet of your Hubby!!

    As for me, My Mom has been in a vegitative state since March 30, 2008. No chance for recovery, but her husband wont let go. This all started with a hernia that she was too afraid to have surgery on. It gave her a lot of pain, so she couldn't exercise and became obese. During this time the hernia tangled up with her intestines. February 24, 2007 she coughed real hard and her bowel busted, she went into septic shock and was in a coma until March 28, 2007. On March 30, 2007 her throat swelled closing her airways and she was without oxygen for around 11 minutes. Once resuscitated, she was brain dead. Her husband cant let go, ignoring her verbal wishes to family.
    @~&gt;~~ I refuse to let this happen to me. I refuse to put my kids through the pain of loosing their mother at a young age. I refuse to put my Husband through the pain of losing his best friend!!!!! I will play with my great grandchildren!!!!! I love my family more than I fear anything that will help me be here to love them<3<3<3

    The Clothes getting smaller is icing on the cake :wink:
  • bluemorpho1247
    bluemorpho1247 Posts: 300 Member
    Mine is definitely the beach this summer. Got a few trips planned with my friends and boyfriend and Skegness is one of those! Might spot you walking around looking amazing with your boyfriend carrying millions of bags of clothes! :P

    Yes! you probably will :P im out every day!! haha. hopefully amazing... :P

    When is it you go? Im off on the 4th august for a week or so i believe!
  • MissSpuggz
    MissSpuggz Posts: 155 Member
    Mine is definitely the beach this summer. Got a few trips planned with my friends and boyfriend and Skegness is one of those! Might spot you walking around looking amazing with your boyfriend carrying millions of bags of clothes! :P

    Yes! you probably will :P im out every day!! haha. hopefully amazing... :P

    When is it you go? Im off on the 4th august for a week or so i believe!

    We're going in July for a week but will probably go up randomly over the summer. It's the only decent beach town near us so we go a lot when it's nice! Hopefully we'll have a sunny summer!
  • I'm turning 21 in September and will probably be holding a party in my home town. But whenever I go back to my home town, I am ashamed about my body because everyone notices that I am fatter.
    I want everyone to notice how fit I am on my 21st. Desperately.
  • Nix_
    Nix_ Posts: 94
    To get back into some of my old clothes! :)