My binge eating is getting out of control

My carb addiction is not helping either, Im even thinking of going on a strick "no carb" diet and i dont want to do diets aymore. I dont know how to stop binging, i need help i need to stop, all my hard work, all the pounds lost are slowly creeping back


  • my2boiz
    my2boiz Posts: 89
    I don't know of any special trick. It's really just mind over matter. We all have days where everything sounds good. Allow yourself a day like that every once in a while. Maybe you won't feel so deprived?
  • _HeathBar_
    _HeathBar_ Posts: 902 Member
    You need to find out why you are binging and work on fixing it. Are you getting emotional and eating? Maybe you are being too strict with your diet and it's causing you to have major cravings.

    This is really a personal thing. There is something causing you to sabotage your efforts, figure out what it is and work on dealing with it.
  • gemiwing
    gemiwing Posts: 1,525 Member
    What are your calorie goals for the day? If you are over-restricting then your body will make you binge to sustain higher level functions- like sweating and growing hair.

    What kind of binge are we talking about? Some cals over once a week- or routine, emotional coping skill eating behavior?
  • thekarens
    thekarens Posts: 254 Member
    Maybe a therapist. Some times there are underlying issues and they can be really helpful.
  • Lyra89
    Lyra89 Posts: 674 Member
    Fill up on GOOD carbs and you wont crave crap ones.

    I struggled with binge eating for a long time after losing 50lbs and recovered by including PLENTY of carbs into my daily diet.

    Focus on:

    Fruits & Veg (unlimited)

    Oatmeal/Porridge oats cooked with milk or milk sub like Soy/Almond milk with plenty of yummy toppings so it tastes good (berries, flaxseed, PB & J or banana and cinnamon)

    Brown Rice

    Wholemeal/wholegrain bread...but NOT the kind you can squish into a ball in your hand...thick, hearty crusty bread or pitta breads...look for minimal ingredients on package...I buy freshly baked from a bakery OR wholemeal pitta with only four ingredients on label

    Pasta...just watch your serving, no more than 100g - can be extremely satisfying when eaten with a wholesome sauce & loads of veg like broccoli

    Buckwheat noodles in stir fries

    Wholegrain cereals with yoghurt as snacks

    Quinoa / Cous Cous...very filling!

    I eat carbs with EVERY SINGLE MEAL.
  • littlelol
    littlelol Posts: 539
    I havr found that eating complex carbs ( such as eggs, soup, cheese, brown rice, brown bread) and cutting out refined carbs ( white bread, white rice ....)really help with my binge eating. I just need to stop binge eating when Ive had a drink or im hungover now! x
  • MrsBlobs
    MrsBlobs Posts: 310 Member
    Are you actually being too strict with yourself? If you deny yourself constantly you'll break eventually. There are loads of people who will allow themselves one night or a treat meal or something every now and then and still lose well. When you are 'on the wagon' do you feel like you are missing out? If you do, you need to work in some of your treat foods into your normal days within limits. For example, if chocolate is what does it for you then buy a bar and take segments at a time within your limit...or alternatively you could be on target, properly, for two days and then have a naughty meal, back on target for four days and then a naughty meal and then back for a week and have a naughty you are treating yourself for getting back on track, extending the time you are on target and curbing your craving at the same time..?
  • classycouture
    classycouture Posts: 888 Member
    Don't completely cut out carbs all together, you'll just end up setting yourself up for a big binge later. Whenever I feel a binge coming on, I do one of a few things: take a deep breath, have a glass of water, take a walk, do whatever I need to get out of the kitchen and get my mind off my binge. Just take a second to ask yourself why you are doing this, are you really hungry? What's triggering your binge?
  • shovav91
    shovav91 Posts: 2,335 Member
    I struggle with the same thing. I know it's hard, but you have to find ways to distract yourself. When you feel a binge coming on, RUN! Literally or figuratively. Distract yourself with anything from going for a walk to cleaning the house. Chew gum, drink tea; think about why you're feeling the need to binge. Is it an emotional trigger? Remember, food is not a replacement for love although sometimes it may feel that way.
  • Vegan75
    Vegan75 Posts: 2
    Hi Friend,
    I know all about binge eating, I invented the concept. I'll try to give you a short story about me!!! Two and a half years ago, I got so disgusted at myself and decided this is it. BUT, this time I really beleived it. In the past I was disgusted but kept falling off the wagon.I decided to follow a plant based eating plan. I'm down 80 lbs. (have 30 to go) and the rest will come off. Getting healthy is a process not a quick fix. Stop telling yourself that by the end of the month you'll lose 20 lbs and then get depressed when it doesn't happen.It has taken me two and a half years and it's the first time I didn't give up yet. I've finally realized that it took me 55 years to put it on , how do I expect it to come off fast? So, my friend by following a vegan diet your body cleanses itself of all toxins and it doesn't want to binge anymore. Beleive me when I tell you I was the most undesciplined person on earth. I workout five times a week for 1 hour. I don't look my age and I'm dowm from a 24w to a size 12.
  • Lyra89
    Lyra89 Posts: 674 Member
    ^ forgot to mention POTATOES! :) x
  • McMeggers
    McMeggers Posts: 22 Member
    i know about binge eating far to well, something that has been seeming to work for me is that if i want a peice of choclate or something during the day i have it! i try to fit little treats into my daily calories because for some reason atleast with me if i have something then i wont be tempted to clean out my cubbards in search of something sweet. just keep that chin up!
  • echoica
    echoica Posts: 339 Member
    Don't completely cut out carbs all together, you'll just end up setting yourself up for a big binge later. Whenever I feel a binge coming on, I do one of a few things: take a deep breath, have a glass of water, take a walk, do whatever I need to get out of the kitchen and get my mind off my binge. Just take a second to ask yourself why you are doing this, are you really hungry? What's triggering your binge?

    ^ this is good advice
  • AfroWookie
    One of my big problems was eating at night out of boredom. I still do it, but I've switched from junk food to baby carrots, and also I just stick to a few. It's worked for me so far, maybe it's something you can try also
  • laurieagain09
    laurieagain09 Posts: 183 Member