another week

Another week down of counting calories, exercising, and camping/hiking over the weekend. What do I have to show for it? Up 1.5 pounds. I wonder why I bother sometimes.


  • ainzerillo
    ainzerillo Posts: 27 Member
    Another week down of counting calories, exercising, and camping/hiking over the weekend. What do I have to show for it? Up 1.5 pounds. I wonder why I bother sometimes.

    Hey thanks for allt he support and encouragement people!!!!
  • ElHombre23
    ElHombre23 Posts: 126 Member
    Don't get down brother...first off have you been trending upward over the last few weeks? if you are doing everything right and are still gaining you may to get screened for hypothyroid. I speak from experience having hypo doesn’t mean you can’t lose you just have to do a lot of extra work in order to lose.

    You may also want to consider the following:

    Sodium intake (water retention)
    Take your weight on the same day and time for consistency.

    Hang in there, there is a reason you just have to see it through.
  • ainzerillo
    ainzerillo Posts: 27 Member
    thank you
  • alt1268
    alt1268 Posts: 159 Member
    I would like to make some suggestions after looking at your diary. You are eating a lot of bread, limit the amount. Also instead of canned veges eat frozen or fresh. I use vinegar as my dressing of choice. No calories and helps with metabolism. I also noted you eat quit a few sweets. Trade these up for fruit. I don't know if your drinking water or not, but you definetly want to drink 10-12 glasses a day. Hope this helps. Good luck! (oh yah! pasta, rice, etc. is a starch, starch turns to sugar)
  • ainzerillo
    ainzerillo Posts: 27 Member
    I would like to make some suggestions after looking at your diary. You are eating a lot of bread, limit the amount. Also instead of canned veges eat frozen or fresh. I use vinegar as my dressing of choice. No calories and helps with metabolism. I also noted you eat quit a few sweets. Trade these up for fruit. I don't know if your drinking water or not, but you definetly want to drink 10-12 glasses a day. Hope this helps. Good luck! (oh yah! pasta, rice, etc. is a starch, starch turns to sugar)

    Thank you for looking at my diary!!!

    I do lean on canned vegetables because they travel well to work. I need to cut back on that. Besides peanut butter, I don't think I eat that many sweets or bread. I did Monday because I was so pissed for being up 1.5 lbs. Peanut butter is my achilles heel.

    Good suggestion on using vingear for dressing.