What is YOUR favorite type of exercise?

What is YOUR favorite type of exercise?
--I have found that I love to dance, so any type of dancing game for my Wii or Xbox works great for me.

On the other hand, what have you found that works the BEST for you?
--Although I love to dance, walking and the 30DS are what's working best for me right now.
--I really do dislike that 30DS but I have heard so many great things about it. I can't wait to see my results after 30 days!

Please share about your exercises!
Add me if you're looking for more motivational friends as well :)


  • mslack01
    mslack01 Posts: 823 Member
    I enjoy walking the most and for sure dancing but I don't get to go dancing much and I don't have a Wii.

    But as much as I hate it, the 30DS helps me the most. That and running.
  • echoica
    echoica Posts: 339 Member
  • courtneyraquelx3
    I hate those the most as well! The 30DS makes me want to yell. It's so rough but I haven't made it through a whole week yet so I'm sure that once I start to see results I will like it a little more, maybe. The only thing I like about running is that it burns calories faster than walking, but I am not the best runner out there that's for sure haha
  • pigote
    pigote Posts: 615 Member
    What is 30DS?
    I'm trying many different things, Walking, Ellliptical, Wii Fit, Zumba, JustDance3 & Fitness Ball but have recently had a foot problem that makes it feel like I'm stepping on a golf ball so it's been a challenge the last couple of weeks to work through it.
  • roodledoodle
    I love my P90x sessions for toning up and running on the treadmill for my cardio - love a good blast!
  • 987Runner
    987Runner Posts: 209
    What is 30DS?
    I'm trying many different things, Walking, Ellliptical, Wii Fit, Zumba, JustDance3 & Fitness Ball but have recently had a foot problem that makes it feel like I'm stepping on a golf ball so it's been a challenge the last couple of weeks to work through it.

    30DS is Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred. I personally haven't used it but I've heard wonderful things about it.
  • salxtai
    salxtai Posts: 341 Member
    taekwondo training -1.5 hrs goes by without noticing, compared to being bored for 50 min in the gym

    Probably a mix of training / 3-4xwk 15-20min cardio + machine / free weights is working for me... I think. See what the scale says on friday
  • 987Runner
    987Runner Posts: 209
    Running. It's worked really well for losing weight. I signed up for a half marathon in May so having that goal has really pushed me to succeed in both training and weight loss. I live "in the country" so I am blessed with beautiful views, few cars, and a peace that I can only get being by myself!
  • carolanne84
    carolanne84 Posts: 53 Member
    Walking in the fresh air!!!! i am also doing 30ds started level 2 last night and was surprised I did better than I thought I would. I love to dance around with my kids to music also.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    What is YOUR favorite type of exercise?
    -- Hiking. Whether a short hike after work, geocaching, or a long backpacking hike I love it! By far my favorite way to get the old ticker pumping.
    -- Zumba. The most fun exercise I've found for indoors.
    On the other hand, what have you found that works the BEST for you?
    -- For overall results, I'd have to go with Zumba because it works the whole body and really strengthened my core.
    -- For weight loss, I'd go with running. Definitely not my favorite but it melts the fat fastest of anything I've tried.
  • toadiejones
    toadiejones Posts: 608 Member
    <---- Skating is by far my favourite! Doesn't feel like work but I get a great calorie burn and it lifts my butt like nothing else! If only I could return to my teenage competitive body...post 4 kids and only able to skate once a week doesn't get even close to the same results :(

    What works best for me now? Running has definitely improved my fitness level more than any other activity. Sometimes its agony but I love the feeling of a strong heart. My body feels "clean" when I do it. And, yeah, 30DS has worked well for me...but I hate it with a passion...
  • gracieabem
    gracieabem Posts: 211
    I love walking the dogs. We go at a fairly brisk pace, but it depends on which dog I have got. The little chihuahua trots along quite speedily for herself, but is just a tad slow for me... but she is an endurance hound, we go for an hour or so. The stafford is a bit faster, but she is 11 so we only go for short, quick jaunts mostly usually with a car ride involved - I don't usually count this in my exercise log. The whippet is extremely fast and we go for about 30 mins - 45mins. Perfect gait to get me moving, but I only take him a couple of times per week (he is my grandmother's dog and an extreme couch potato.)

    Second to that is my running. I'm up to Week 9, Day 2 and I cannot believe I'm running 30 minutes! I look back to when 1 minute intervals were a struggle. Running makes me feel great in the end. Sometimes my workouts include lots of arguing with myself about whether or not to bother in the first 10 minutes (seems to be the hardest for me), or sometimes the conditions mean it's an extra struggle - heat, humidity, wind, and sometimes I'm just plain tired. But I've always managed to finish and I get a buzz of pride every single time. It has helped me feel fitter and have so much more energy.

    I go to the gym 2-3 times per week for resistance training with some cardio included in my workout. I will admit to not being the biggest fan of this. I have been going since October and I really think that it has helped me with my weight loss. It's still not my favourite type of exercise though. I enjoy when I get a program review and a new exercise program because it's something different for me.

    If I had to give one up, I'd give up the gym, despite that being what I think has helped me the most with weight loss. I'd rather enjoy my exercise and do it, than end up skipping sessions or not doing it at all.
  • Abrasue
    Abrasue Posts: 218 Member
    ABS baby! :) and lifting back.
  • Spanaval
    Spanaval Posts: 1,200 Member
    Love to hike. Haven't done it in a looong time because the toddler can't keep up, and she's too heavy for me to wear and do longer distances. I also love Yoga and am coming to appreciate Pilates more and more.
  • lauromero91
    Spinning! It's so much fun because it's so upbeat and what makes me love it more is that it sheds the pounds right off me! You really should take a spinning class if you get the chance :smile:
  • runnercheryl
    runnercheryl Posts: 1,314 Member
    Running is definitely best for me. It's the first exercise I've enjoyed in 16 months of living healthy, and I'm finding it to be very effective. I'm loving every run I do, I'm seeing results and I'm also happy that twelve minutes out doing a mile is enough for me to consider my exercise done for a day.

    I only started a month ago, and I'm still slow and can't run for more than a quarter of a mile before I need to walk for a while to catch my breath, but I'm committed to running enough that I've already bought all the equipment and I'm planning to do this for as long as I can.
  • _GlaDOS_
    _GlaDOS_ Posts: 1,520 Member
    Deadlifts and bench presses.
  • HorrorChix89
    HorrorChix89 Posts: 1,229 Member
    Zumba, it's the only way I'll ever do any form of a squat.