60+lbs to go! Looking for buddies :3

Im Lindsey or Lulu, a few things about me: I had a baby boy almost 2 years ago (geez time flies), I have hypothyroidsm (ugh), and I was on disability for 5 months last summer due to a horrible dentist experience. With that said, I have gained some weight in the last two years :( I am currently 227- I lost 23lbs since Feb by exercising and dieting- I kick started this journey with a 16 day juice fast. It really helped!

Im looking for support here, and maybe some people with similar goals and/or interests as me to follow and support :)

Some random things about me: Im an artist, I love video games, anime, sci-fi, comic books (Marvel!), I go to storage auctions, love to bake, and I have a Pembroke Welsh Corgi named Zero who is my second baby!!

Look forward to meeting you all!


  • mrsbailey1207
    mrsbailey1207 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi! I would love to be your weight loss buddy! I also have some 60+ pounds to lose. I started out at 207 then managed to get down to 179. I got really stressed and ended up gaining most of it back. Now I'm at 193. I am very short (about 5'3) and I would love be to be at or around 120. I have a very hard time staying motivated so I could def use a buddy. Do you have the app?
  • ElHombre23
    ElHombre23 Posts: 126 Member
    Hi Lindsey welcome aborad...I also have hypo thyroid, i refuse to let that deter me from my goals...I see you have already made some nice progress...Iooking foward to following your journey and as an MFP member being supportive whenever needed.
  • darcie81
    darcie81 Posts: 69 Member
    you can add me if you like ;0) my goal is 60 lbs! I love video games and i'm an animal lover, i've got a bichon named gibblet! CONGRATS on your 23lbs lost!!! but may i ask what is the 16 day juice fast?!?
  • Hi! I would love to be your weight loss buddy! I also have some 60+ pounds to lose. I started out at 207 then managed to get down to 179. I got really stressed and ended up gaining most of it back. Now I'm at 193. I am very short (about 5'3) and I would love be to be at or around 120. I have a very hard time staying motivated so I could def use a buddy. Do you have the app?

    I added you! I prolly should have mentioned my height lol- Im 5'9. I do have the app on my iPhone.

    I know how stress can be a real downer, when I was on disability it was awful and a huge contributer to my weight gain :( Looking forward to motivating each other! ^_^
  • Hi Lindsey welcome aborad...I also have hypo thyroid, i refuse to let that deter me from my goals...I see you have already made some nice progress...Iooking foward to following your journey and as an MFP member being supportive whenever needed.

    Thank you for the warm welcome! I admire your drive- having hypothyroidism can be really frustrating, but like you Im not gonna let it stop me! :D
  • you can add me if you like ;0) my goal is 60 lbs! I love video games and i'm an animal lover, i've got a bichon named gibblet! CONGRATS on your 23lbs lost!!! but may i ask what is the 16 day juice fast?!?

    Thank you :3 Awwww Gibblet is such a cute name!

    I watched this documentary called Fat Sick & Nearly Dead, I recommend it to anyone who is looking to start a real weight loss journey. Check it out if you can! Its on Netflix. Heres the site too:

  • Hey there you can add me also. I have a 6yr old and yes time flies by QUICK... I am looking to lose 46 pounds and im 5'3
  • Martmag1
    Martmag1 Posts: 3 Member
    I would like to be your buddy..I have lost 8lbs. in 2 weeks and I have to lose another 90lbs..I am going to do it this time and I need a strong person to go through it with..looking forward to hearing from you..Maggie
  • Hi LuLu (May I call you that?)

    I'm Jen. Nice to meet you. Thanks for the documentary link. I'm going to check it out. I'm 5'8 and weigh 220 but I want to get to 150. I have been thinner but I'm 43 so I want to be realistic. I have two kids, 5 yr old son (Jaron) and 3 year old daughter (Gia). I, too, am severly hypothyroid but that will not hold me back from reaching my goals. I'd like to be able to take a photograph without my kids on my lap so no one can see me. When I reach my goal, I'm going to buy the reddest dress I can find that will make my husband want to propose to me all over again!

    I'm doing this thing! Might as well have some company.
  • Hi! Yes I have at least that to lose plus some depending on how I feel then. I just joined this site recently and am loving it so far. I love video games too, especially Mario Kart for Wii. (I'm totally addicted) Feel free to add me! :-)
  • Hey there you can add me also. I have a 6yr old and yes time flies by QUICK... I am looking to lose 46 pounds and im 5'3

    Added you! :D
  • JustCallMeJaz
    JustCallMeJaz Posts: 29 Member
    HEY!!! I have a goal of 60lbs too, im already down 15. Lets do this thing together!! :smile:
  • I would like to be your buddy..I have lost 8lbs. in 2 weeks and I have to lose another 90lbs..I am going to do it this time and I need a strong person to go through it with..looking forward to hearing from you..Maggie

    I would love to be your weight loss buddy Maggie! 8lbs in two weeks thats amazing!!! I just keep reminding myself everyday to try my best, some exercise is ALWAYS better than none
  • Hi! Yes I have at least that to lose plus some depending on how I feel then. I just joined this site recently and am loving it so far. I love video games too, especially Mario Kart for Wii. (I'm totally addicted) Feel free to add me! :-)

    Welcome Melissa, just added you! OMG Wii is addicting- I just got a kinect for my Xbox and I love doing zumba and other interactive games. Its like the Wii on steroids lol
  • HEY!!! I have a goal of 60lbs too, im already down 15. Lets do this thing together!! :smile:

  • u sound very active and way to go on loosing 23 lbs i am new member and currently weigh 152 goal is 125 130 i currently am doing zumba fitness if u dont have i strongly suggest to buy it is so awesome and u burn alot of calories and sweat like a pig!im a divorced mom of a ninteen year old beautiful girl and volunteer 2 times a week for my area hospital at there pool therapy add me and will do it 2 gether loosing weight as a team lets incourage one another
  • Hi LuLu (May I call you that?)

    I'm Jen. Nice to meet you. Thanks for the documentary link. I'm going to check it out. I'm 5'8 and weigh 220 but I want to get to 150. I have been thinner but I'm 43 so I want to be realistic. I have two kids, 5 yr old son (Jaron) and 3 year old daughter (Gia). I, too, am severly hypothyroid but that will not hold me back from reaching my goals. I'd like to be able to take a photograph without my kids on my lap so no one can see me. When I reach my goal, I'm going to buy the reddest dress I can find that will make my husband want to propose to me all over again!

    I'm doing this thing! Might as well have some company.

    You can absolutely call me Lulu! Its so much more interesting than Lindsey, am I right? :P

    Sounds like we have a lot in common, and its great you have that motivation to be better. It can really go a long way!

    I would love to be your MFP buddy, lets do this!! You'll be in that red dress in no time with that great attitude you have- your husband better be ready to buy another ring hehe
  • NewMeKP
    NewMeKP Posts: 37 Member
    add me! i also have around 60 to lose (57 now). im here to motivate!! we can do this
  • u sound very active and way to go on loosing 23 lbs i am new member and currently weigh 152 goal is 125 130 i currently am doing zumba fitness if u dont have i strongly suggest to buy it is so awesome and u burn alot of calories and sweat like a pig!im a divorced mom of a ninteen year old beautiful girl and volunteer 2 times a week for my area hospital at there pool therapy add me and will do it 2 gether loosing weight as a team lets incourage one another

    Ohhhhhh I LOVE ZUMBA!!! I have it for my XBOX and I also do it at the gym, its so much more fun to do it in a group! I go to an all womens gym so I feel a lot more comfortable. Not that I feel like being around men is uncomfortable, its just in co-ed gyms Im always aware of myself and I like to let go. Know what I mean?

    You sound very active as well! I wish I had time to volunteer, if Im not working or with my son, Im at the gym lol

    Added you and looking forward to this weight loss journey!! :D
  • Emmabulliemum
    Emmabulliemum Posts: 294 Member
    Hi Lulu feel free to add me I have 82 lbs to lose in total i'm down 27 so far :@)