I am in need of some serious motivation.. 2 years ago I weighed 180 lbs, last year I gained weight & was up to 218 before getting pregnant. My weight the day of the c-section was 262 I was done to 240 within 2 weeks while breastfeeding & after I had to stop & start bottle feeding I went back up to 257 within a week or so. I am having a horrible time sticking to a diet. My last pregnancy I was up at 290 & I got back down to 180 on my own it just seems so far away.. I feel so depressed. I went to gnc today started on their lean shakes til my body by vi shakes come in. I also bought a biggest loser video to start with. My doctor still says I need to start out slow so no p90x in my near future. I am walking in the evenings with my family as well.


  • TKHappy
    TKHappy Posts: 659 Member
    You can add me if you want, I love helping to motivate! :)

    Random question: Is your pic blue for Autism Awareness Month?
  • carly_pear
    carly_pear Posts: 65 Member
    Feel free to add me.....we have about the same to lose.
  • Yes it is! My son has low functioning autism he is 5 1/2
  • donnaferraiuolo
    donnaferraiuolo Posts: 17 Member
    welcome.....add me!!!
  • I felt the same way, I found a local nutrition club. also ZUMBA~ its a great feel good workout. Cardio and good music.. great for any fitness level. :) I am on a shake plan as well. Ive lost 10 lbs in a month and my energy is through the roof. Also my workouts have been longer and stronger. :)
  • Hey and welcome! Feel free to add me too :)
  • What kind of shakes are you taking?
  • hello! i love helping to motivate others which in turn motivates me!!! feel free to add me!!!! i'm looking for more fitness friends!!!
  • 7funnygirl7
    7funnygirl7 Posts: 1,176
    You can do this! Here if you need some extra help! I'm great at motivating :smile:
  • salesse
    salesse Posts: 11
    What shake plans are you on??
  • TKHappy
    TKHappy Posts: 659 Member
    Yes it is! My son has low functioning autism he is 5 1/2

    I have a 9yr old son, also with low functioning autism. Nothing in life has taught me more will power, patience and understanding! Now to apply the things he has taught me to my fitness journey and I'm good. :)
  • You are welcome to add me too. I have much more to lose than you but I feel that working together to get healthy is the best thing for everyone, even if you don't know them.
    Remember to give yourself a break but to keep your goals in mind. Do not worry about losing 50, 100 or what ever pounds today. Only think about what you can really do today.
    You have friends here that are on the same journey and we will help.
  • jlh69
    jlh69 Posts: 4
    Girl you can do it, keep focused and set realisic goals for yourself not everyone else. Start out small and reward yourself for every step you make towards your goal. believe me it does not happen overnight. you didnt gain weight overnight just keep that in mind