
sapalee Posts: 409 Member
I seem to have lost my taste for avocado. I used to love it and now the past few times I've eaten it takes all I can to choke it down.

This makes me really sad, I don't know what the deal is.


  • Lauraph
    Lauraph Posts: 79 Member
    That happens to me sometimes. I love eggs but lately I don't even want to look at one! They are such an easy breakfast so I hate that I don't want to eat them. I figured it was my body's way of telling me I have had enough. I hope it doesn't happen with avocados!
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 33,950 Member
    I wish that would happen to me with peanut butter. . .

    I think it will pass. I often go through phases with certain foods.