
Crawflowr Posts: 106 Member
Wow. After 6 months I have, this morning, reached my goal weight of 10st (140lbs) down from 12st 7lb (175lbs). All thanks to MFP. I think I must be a bit of a freak as I have followed the instructions exactly, including eating my exercise calories and have lost weight on target nearly the whole time with only small plateaus of a week or so scattered throughout. I still have pizza or chinese once a week, I still have chips from the chip shop on saturdays, I still eat chocolate and cake, the only difference is now I know how much I can eat and still keep my macros in proportion and my calorie goal in the right range. I love the whole concept of using exercise to be able to eat more, it encouraged me to get on the exercise bike if I really wanted that biscuit. As a result I am now in Week 8 Day 2 of the C25K program and well on my way to completeing my first 5k race. This from someone who used to feel like she was coughing up blood if she ran more than 20 yards before. Even at high school I couldn't run far and now at the age of 46 I feel fitter than I have ever been.

It is a good day :)



  • grainne_eire
    Delighted for you!! Amazing achievement you should be proud!! I'm 5lbs off 10st at the moment and can't wait to get there!! I think I'll cry when I see the figure 9 on the scales ha.. here's hoping anyway! Congratulations you look brilliant! :)
  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member
    great job....keep up the running
  • quietHiker
    quietHiker Posts: 1,442 Member
    Great job!!!!! And very inspiring knowing how you did it (following MFP, eating back exercise calories, etc.) THANK YOU for sharing such a great success story! You look amazing! :)
  • schillewis
    schillewis Posts: 144 Member
    Congratulations!! I've only just begun here so it makes me feel wonderful knowing that following the program that MFP set up for you was the key to your success. Thanks for sharing your story :)
  • JoniBologna
    JoniBologna Posts: 653 Member
    Way to go! You look fabulous!
  • Pollyfleming
    Pollyfleming Posts: 147 Member
    wtg! You look fantastic! I have very similar goals to you so I really appreciate seeing your results. It's very inspiring!
  • Scoutingforcatherine
    congratulations, look great
  • veromancha
    veromancha Posts: 158 Member
    Amazing!! You look great!!
  • 786smh
    786smh Posts: 5 Member
    Fantastic, congratulations and well done - thank you for sharing your story
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