
So I've been working about and watching my calories for about two weeks now. Up until yesterday I had lost 5 pounds then all of a sudden today it says I gained two pounds in less than 24 hours? How is that possible? My friend said its my body building muscle but I feel like I havent been doing it long enough to be at that point yet. Any input?


  • wolfehound22
    How many cal are u eating, and what are you doing to workout. It can be differnt things, for one try not to weigh everyday, our bodies can change so much, I know mine can gain over 5 lbs in a day sometimes. So set a certain time each week to do it. And even so you may see weight gains, could be water, could be muscle growth, could be u hadn't gone to the bathroom, gross I know, but its true. Try adn take pics, and measurements, these are the real key to success, and you will get a lot better results focusing on that, as well as body fat %.
  • BrianSharpe
    BrianSharpe Posts: 9,248 Member
    A 2lb gain or loss could just be water retention (too much sodium yesterday??)

    Don't get frustrated if you've only been at it 2 weeks - you're just getting warmed up. It's not a sprint, it's a marathon.
  • lyricalLies13
    I try eating all my calories MFP tells me to eat, but sometimes when I workout and get an extra 500-700 i just cant eat that much.
  • animix116
    animix116 Posts: 4 Member
    Like wolfehound22 said you shouldn't weigh yourself everyday as it does get discouraging. As for the weight gain don't worry about too much's most likely just a normal fluctuation in weight caused from muscle growth, water weight (water weight especially is its near your time of month, i can gain 7lbs overnight because of it). The amount of pounds you lose shouldn't be your driving force instead observe how your clothes are fitting and your excersice levels (how much more you can do now compared to where you started). I know how it feels, countless times throughout my weight loss journey i would gain weight but instead of letting that bring me down i used it as a driving force as an opportunity to prove that if i can conquer a measely pound i can do anything! good luck.
  • TankGirl71
    TankGirl71 Posts: 241 Member
    Throw away the scale. Get a tape measure.
  • Angie_1MR
    Angie_1MR Posts: 247
    I fluctuate 2-3 pounds regularly. It's your water weight. As a woman, you would be genetically gifted to put on 5 pounds of muscle in one year.
  • Tourney3p0
    Tourney3p0 Posts: 290 Member
    The good news is that it's not fat!* The bad news is that it's also not muscle. It's water. Don't worry about it.

    * The preceding statement assumes you did not eat 7000 calories over your goal yesterday
  • chefkev
    chefkev Posts: 155 Member
    Plus, you are female and with the various hormonal shifts your body goes through, weight swings are not uncommon. Keep at it, it will come right off again, I promise.
  • Geminieve24
    Geminieve24 Posts: 364 Member
    Us women retain water and especially at certain times of the month...Also..(maybe TMI) but if you haven't yet gone to the bathroom?
  • chachita7
    chachita7 Posts: 996 Member
    Water retention - what was your sodium in take like yesterday?
  • sevsmom
    sevsmom Posts: 1,172 Member
    I noticed that I would retain a significant amount of water in relationship to my menstrual cycle. My GYN even gave me a prescription for "water pills"!! I would gain 5-6 lbs in 24-36 hours. It would hang around for about a week and then vanish. As I've lost weight this past year I've noticed the "bloating" is nearly disappeared! When it does show up, it's slight and I don't have to medicate to manage it. Don't get discouraged at 2 weeks. Make sure you are eating enough calories AND drinking enough water!! It took me almost 5 weeks before the scale budged in the right direction. Be determined to keep at it!!
  • brettjcohen
    brettjcohen Posts: 30 Member
    Scales are funny things. I kinda pigged out for dinner the other night at my daughter's birthday. I came home and stepped on the scale (I have a decently accurate one) and it said 197. I almost fell over because I usually hang around 185ish. I'd been eating poorly for a few days and wondered how I gained 12 pounds in like 3 days. That was last Friday. Today I'm at 184. I just can't explain it. I think I can vary in weight by up to 5 pounds in the same day based on time of day, fluid intake, etc.

    Just chill and keep on track. This is a marathon not a sprint so minor ups and downs are pretty normal I think.
  • erogers85
    erogers85 Posts: 32
    i agree! Don't weigh yourself daily, it will make you feel defeated. I weigh myself every Saturday morning between 6:30-7:00am before I eat or drink anything and that's it! Keep up the great work!
  • j77r68
    j77r68 Posts: 271 Member
    Just remember you are only two weeks in. you will have ups and downs. go over your diary's to see if you need to cut back on things like sodium, sugars, carbs etc... up your workouts by a few minutes each workout and if you are going to continue weighing yourself daily make sure it is done at the same time preferably in the morning because as the day goes on your weight WILL fluctuate.
  • JennedyJLD
    JennedyJLD Posts: 123 Member
    I know it feels like a huge number right now, but in the scheme of things, 2 pounds is not a big deal. My weight fluctuates by 2-3 pounds a day. It could be water weight - was yesterday a high sodium day?, could be that you haven't gone #2 in a few hours (sorry, but true), could be that time of the month. Give it three days and I bet those 2 pounds mysteriously disappear and take a friend or two with them.
  • clockworkkarly
    A 2lb gain or loss could just be water retention (too much sodium yesterday??)

    Don't get frustrated if you've only been at it 2 weeks - you're just getting warmed up. It's not a sprint, it's a marathon.

    ^ what he said.

    maybe you just need to take a big poo. 2lbs is nothing... just keep at it! it's also best to weigh yourself ONCE a week, in the morning right after you wake up. that way there is nothing sittin in your stomach. don't give up.
  • Tropical_Turtle
    Tropical_Turtle Posts: 2,236 Member
    Us women retain water and especially at certain times of the month...Also..(maybe TMI) but if you haven't yet gone to the bathroom?

    ^^^ this - I can add and drop 3-5 lbs in a day for those reasons alone
  • Susan2BHealthier
    Susan2BHealthier Posts: 130 Member
    I know how you feel. I have had 1250 calories everyday the last 8 days and 30 min exercise everyday and gained 3 lbs this morning when I did my weekly weigh-in. Don't give up. Last time this happened I gave I had to start over last week. Just keep eating healthy and exercising. I may throw my scale out: :noway:
  • redlion45
    redlion45 Posts: 155 Member
    How many cal are u eating, and what are you doing to workout. It can be differnt things, for one try not to weigh everyday, our bodies can change so much, I know mine can gain over 5 lbs in a day sometimes. So set a certain time each week to do it. And even so you may see weight gains, could be water, could be muscle growth, could be u hadn't gone to the bathroom, gross I know, but its true. Try adn take pics, and measurements, these are the real key to success, and you will get a lot better results focusing on that, as well as body fat %.

    This ^ Is dead nuts on target! Weight can change for a number of factors day to day and it doesn't mean you gained that much in one day :noway: Don't get down. It's only been 2 weeks. This is a marathon, not a sprint (as much as I hate to admit it sometimes). None of us put the weight on in 2 weeks, and it isn't all coming off in two weeks, or even 2 months in some cases. Just keep on truckin down the road, try to eat right and get active every day. :bigsmile:
  • LifeOnMars_
    LifeOnMars_ Posts: 755 Member
    So I've been working about and watching my calories for about two weeks now. Up until yesterday I had lost 5 pounds then all of a sudden today it says I gained two pounds in less than 24 hours? How is that possible? My friend said its my body building muscle but I feel like I havent been doing it long enough to be at that point yet. Any input?

    You are only 2 weeks in. Keep at it and ditch the scale for now. Weigh in once a week.