Dukan diet

Is anyone else doing the Dukan Diet ?

I am currently on week 4 and looking for others doing it for inspiration and support etc :)


  • Justyna1986
    week 4? Jees girl, you're doing a good job. so i take it you are on the stage 2 when you're mixing the proteins?
    how you feel?
    i was thinking about doing it again, but i think my kidneys would kick the crap out of me.
    i've lost few nice pounds, but gained some of them after short time... no i don't blame the diet, i blame holidays, kebabs and beers :/
    i was doing the Dukan Diet 3 times, i've lost 11 pounds in 3 weeks for the first time,
    around 8 the second time (also around 3 weeks)
    and around 14-15 in 2 week time.. that was my last adventure with the diet.. i was so desperate to loose a lot of weight in a short time so i decided to eat the pure protein only..
    well after every time i gained around 4 pounds in a period of two months, but i wasn't looking after my diet so good and i definitely stopped it too quickly...well apart of everything i was missing fruits and vegetables.
    but i wish you great goals. 4 weeks is really a lot and hope you'll achieve your goal ! :)

  • leanneakaliz
    leanneakaliz Posts: 229 Member
    Thank you and yes I am

    Its great for me as I am definitely a meat lover :)
    I do not really eat much fruit but do have cravings every now and again.
    This is my 4th week and ive lost 10 pounds but i did gain 2 pounds at the weekend but have got it back off again now :)
    Hoping to lose 2 stone eventually. :)
  • mom_of_ross
    I just started it. I'm only on day 3. Sometimes it's hard...when I look at things I'd LOVE to be eating. But I love what's happening on the scales more. So, I'm sticking to it. I've done some reading online and it's nice to see that it continues to work for people even when they don't follow it 100% faithfully. If I slip up I know that I haven't completely done myself in. :)
  • mrs_kurz
    mrs_kurz Posts: 185 Member
    I've been on the Dukan diet about 4 months and have lost about 32lbs :) On consolidation now.