I Am New to The Boards - Need Suggestions

I am really bummed today. I have been changing my diet since Mid-January. I have health issues and I need to get healthy again. Most of my health issues I feel are a direct result of my military service in the Gulf - Gulf War Syndrome. In 2000, I has diagnosed diabetic and my diabetes has grwn continually worse Now inslin dependent). I had a major heart attack in 2001 with 20% of my heart tissue gone. I had triple heart bypass in 2005, I had tumor the size of a big marble in my sine removed in 2010 and since then have had major fatigue problems, difficulty walking, dizziness, muscle cramps, muscle pain, joint pain and I can't walk up or down stairs. In 2011 I had a stroke and since then have had a number of seizures, mostly brought on by stress. I had 3 stents put in my heart in January 2012. In January I bought a place in Florida moved here from the Washington, DC area. I left my wife (who can't yet retire) in the DC area. In December 2012 The Office of Personnel Management approved my disability retirement. I am still waiting for the Veterans Administration and Social Security to agree that I am disabled.

The point I am trying to get to is that I need to lose weight to get healthy. I currently weigh around 252 and cannot seem to lose any weight. I started changing my diet about 6 weeks ago and have walked a mile about 3 time a week.I started a cardio rehab program last week and spend an hour on aerobic exercises three times a week. Since about February 1st (about 6weeks) I don't seem to be losing weight. I might have lost about 3 or 4 pounds in that time. I'm cutting out carbs, eating more veggies, chicen and fish and cutting out all pre-prepared foods. I just started taking a protein shake twice daily and I eat a protein about every 3 hours during the day. I'm wondering if there is something that is chemically preventing me from losing weight? Possibly some of the toxins I picked up in the Gulf. I feel alone and really don't have much adult interaction except when I'm shopping. Are there any supplements that help increase my metabolism. HELP, I an to get healthy again, regain some of my energy.


  • I am new here today but had already started my weight loss and fitness program (9lb so far). I was ill for many years and was on lots of medication (neurological issues) that was poisoning me. Its only in the last year when I went through a detox process that I have been able to build muscle again. I also found that I had developed food allergies and sensitivities that were making me feel worse. I am certain the drugs I was taking prevented me from improving my fitness levels. Now I can exercise again and am getting fitter and after gaining lots of weight over 10yrs, it now means I can lose some weight again. I think this app looks really good as often we dont realise the amount of calories we consume and this compounds the problem when leading a life with little exercise. A year ago I struggled to walk up the stairs in my house and this week I walked up a hill (6 miles) which is a staggering improvement.
    I am sorry to hear you have so many health issues but getting fit in body and mine is essential. Good luck with everything.
  • lddavis06
    lddavis06 Posts: 13 Member
    Make sure you drinking lots of water, like 3-4 liters a day. You sound like you are eating right, and getting lots exercises and cardio in. I have been stuck at the same weight for 2 years (fluctuating 15 pounds up and down), after losing 90 pounds. One big thing I had learned is, if you have lots of stress or worry on your shoulders that can prevent you from losing weight, which I believe is one of my biggest problems. I realize you are diabetic (all my grandparents and parents are too), and i know you have to be very conscience of what you eat, but I am also aware that some peoples bodies hold in some foods more than others and they don't break down and get used like they should (ex whole wheat bread (try switching to rye bread or other grain breads), dairy). I am hoping by being on MFP, I can break the cycle of being "stuck".
  • EAVA
    EAVA Posts: 31 Member
    hi, you are a very brave man to serve in Golf
    I am sorry to hear about your health problems
    I had problem with diabetes and other health issue like psoriasis last summer
    rash on 60 % on my body, cellullitis in both legs
    diabetes is now is under control
    weight is problem, it feels as if I breath calories in
    my blood sugar was only 8.1 when I had mini stroke couple days ago
    which is very good

    I was eating every day for past 3 moths
    1 bitter watermelon, 5 garlic and fresh ginger fried for 5 minutes with little olive oil and turmeric and cooked rice
    it is very very bitter but healthy
    also and drinking apple vinegar tonic with fresh ginger and lemon should help
    1 spoon apple vinegar, 1 cup spring water, 1 spoon of fresh lemon juice, 1 spoon of fresh grated ginger, i spoon maple sirup
    mix well and drink every evening for detox your body
    my rash and psoriasis is completely gone

    I did some research on urine therapy and past two days I am trying this to
    that is what I started doing right now past three days
    drinking little bit of fresh morning urine hoping it would stop full stroke
    it would clear my artheries and avoid another TIA or mini stroke
  • melichar
    melichar Posts: 1
    hi, I am also new. I read your profile with interest. To loose weight is actualy very simple, but take a very long time, even when you exercise. You should do only light excersise. Walking, jogging is the best. Be patient. Just stop eating, cut everything, cofee, tea, alkohol. Eat fruit in the morning, every hour half of fruit. Raw vegetables for afternoons. And in the evening again combinations of both. You can include bananas, avokados, mangos anything you like. Drink lots of water. Everything raw. NO COOKING. And then you will loose weight. I already start that few month ago and I know it is working. The begining is hard, start slowly but then you get use to it. A little hunger is good for you. You will be light on your feet and be able to move faster like ever before. You'll be looking young again.