
coliechacer Posts: 105
edited September 19 in Health and Weight Loss
Hi everyone!!!!! I was wondering if anyone has used
Hydroxycut ? If so did it work for you? They say in a 8 week study people have lost 14.99 lbs. That would be great if it really works. I just would love to hear your reviews on the product.

Thank you


  • coliechacer
    coliechacer Posts: 105
    Hi everyone!!!!! I was wondering if anyone has used
    Hydroxycut ? If so did it work for you? They say in a 8 week study people have lost 14.99 lbs. That would be great if it really works. I just would love to hear your reviews on the product.

    Thank you
  • Ive used it before and it didnt do anything for me. I hear that it just makes a lot of people extremely hyper and they constantly move around but caf. has no effect on me so im not sure. I do suggest though that when you go to take these things consider them for a very long time~ I look at something and if its not something i plan on doing/eatting/or taking for the rest of my life I just dont do it. It may sound good but chances are you will gain it back after you stop!
  • omid990
    omid990 Posts: 785 Member
    they should have then done a study to see how many of those people actually kept the weight off. the problem with diet pills that not only are you putting chemicals into your body that shouldn't be there, but once you stop taking the pills, you gain all of the weight right back.
  • mgullette
    mgullette Posts: 401 Member
    Try proper nutrition and exercise.
  • coliechacer
    coliechacer Posts: 105
    I have been trying proper eating and exercise THANKS I didnt ask for on advice what to do i asked if anyone used the pill
  • drewzaun
    drewzaun Posts: 111
    Hydroxycut, and all the other diet pills on the market work great, just not for you. They are solely designed to make money, that is all they do.

    For a diet pill to be effective it needs to do two things. First, it needs to supress your apetite, second ineeds to increase your metabolism. All diet pills attempt to acomplish this using chemicals.

    A diet that consists of several small nutritionally balanced meals will keep you satisifed, with the added benefits that your body is getting all the nutrition it needs, as opposed to being tricked.

    An exercise routine will increase your metabolism while lowering your blood pressure and toning your muscles.

    The ONLY people who are successful with pills are ALSO eating healthy and exercising. Hmmm, why spend the money on a caffiene placebo?

    The only get thin quick scheme that actually works is liposuction...
  • Huyvee999
    Huyvee999 Posts: 66 Member
    I tired it and it didnt work. I also tried that diet pill for women....cant remember the name I think its slim quick or somthing. NOTHING!!:mad: I wasted my money.
    You can try something more natural like Acai Berry or whatnot.
    Im doing a 14 day cleanse and so far im losing and actually feeling alot better.
    just a thought.
  • artschoolgirl
    artschoolgirl Posts: 598 Member
    I have been trying proper eating and exercise THANKS I didnt ask for on advice what to do i asked if anyone used the pill

    Ouch! Bold lettering HURTS. I agree, the delivery could have been better, but I think what mgullette was refering to is that the mass of us are pure diet, exercise, and healthy living people. Gimmicks, like Hydroxycut, are not a long term solution if you want to keep the weight off. It may be a temporary fix, but once you go off of it, your appetitie will return & the water weight will return. It's best to start your journey by slowly weening yourself off large amounts of calories until you reach your ideal calorie range. I would take the money you'll waste on that and invest in a new bike, awesome gym clothes, health foods, anything that promotes your health, something that your new body deserves! You'll be surprised how quickly the pounds will come off through the traditional diet + exercise routine. I've found weight loss much easier than I ever thought it could be by just making simple changes. Plus, it's far more rewarding & better for your system to do it the old fashion way!! :flowerforyou:
  • mgullette
    mgullette Posts: 401 Member
    Ahh, no offense taken. Just telling it like it is...all the diet pills say "done with proper nutrition and exercise over blah blah weeks. Subjects have been renumerated." Well, if you were getting paid for this ad you'd probably bust *ss too right? If you have proper nutrition and exercise, there's no way you can't see results.
  • Iceprincessk25
    Iceprincessk25 Posts: 1,888 Member
    I take it before I go to the gym and it gives me a boost of energy. I like the hyper feeling it gives you but then again I like caffeine. :love:

    I haven't taken it for very long so I can't really say anything about weight loss but it definitely makes my workout a lot easier.
  • sunshine92
    sunshine92 Posts: 228 Member
    i agree with iceprincess...i took it before i worked out and it gavemea ton of energy...but then again...i also know its prolly not the best thing for you....good ol' fashioned eating right and exercise'll do the trick :smile: just hang in there!
  • I have taken Hydroxycut max for women (which was $50 :grumble: ) and all it did was make my heart beat really fast and give me a headache. I was not eating too good then or exercising so that might be why. I am not sure.
    But my doctor prescribed me phentermine and it has seemed to help suppress my appetite which it is suppose to do and also gives me that little extra boost at the gym. Truthfully, I will probably not be taking it much longer now that I have changed the way I eat and workout 60min. 6/week. I don't feel like I need it anymore.
    Best of luck to you and everyone is different it might work for you.
  • Wolfena
    Wolfena Posts: 1,570 Member
    Before I changed my life and starting eating healthy and exercising regularly I had tried Hydroxycut (and pretty much every other pill on the market)

    It did nothing for me.
  • Iceprincessk25
    Iceprincessk25 Posts: 1,888 Member
    People take pills like hydroxycut and alli and think that they can eat whatever they want and do no exercise and that it will work. It blows me away. I was reading reviews about alli and all these people were shocked and amazed that they kept having 'accidents' after eating pizza and cheeseburgers.

    HELLO! People need to read directions because they clearly say certain things that need to be followed for things to work correctly.

    The point of hydroxycut is that it is supposedly going to increase the amount of weight you lose WHILE dieting and exercising. Like I said before, I only take it before I exercise so I can't attest to the validity.

    Headaches happen from hydroxycut because the people aren't drinking enough water. Some people can't handle all that caffeine either. The original hydroxycut had ephederine in it which would DEFINITELY make your heart feel like it's racing.
  • I'm currently taking Hydroxycut with a low-sodium diet and a HIIT routine. It's working better than my diet and exercise alone did. My husband took two bottles (one month supply) of Hydroxycut with a diet and exercise routine back in June (10 months ago) and he's kept the weight off ever since.
  • lukeout007
    lukeout007 Posts: 1,237 Member
    I tried it for a couple weeks several years ago...the only thing it did for me is give me what I like to call the "hydroxybutt"....I'll let you figure out why I call it that. :)
  • SammySays
    SammySays Posts: 19
    Hydroxycut has helped me lose 10 pounds since the 1st of April.

    I'm just concerned on side effects.
  • ProjFit
    ProjFit Posts: 143
    I will be completely honest here. My mom took Hydroxycut for a year, she lost over 100lbs, HOWEVER, she was also on an extremely low calorie diet, she ate practically nothing but sushi for a year. She also became addicted to these pills and it took my dad and myself nearly two years to convince her she didn't need to keep taking them. To this day, we still worry she is taking these pills secretly. I do believe they work, WITH exercise and a proper diet.
  • LilynEdensmom
    LilynEdensmom Posts: 612 Member
    I like it b/c of the energy rush I get I mostly take them like um energy drinks lol. I haven't noticed them hurting or helping my weightloss
  • EmCarroll1990
    EmCarroll1990 Posts: 2,832 Member
    I've used something very similar. I'm going to tell you not to use it. Stick with what you're doing. What I used made me super hyper, felt like I was on coke all over again. I couldn't focus and at one point I had to stop everything and breath. I was getting heart palpitations, couldn't sleep (even though I never took a pill after 1pm), was nauseous, and ended up having to take 3 days off of work to get my body back to normal because it made me extremely sick.
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