Tips?? - Weight Mgmt During Family Emergency

Hello, fellow MFP-ers! I need a bit of help. What tips do you have about how to manage weight loss while dealing with a family emergency?

I have been religious in my approach to getting healthy this year and have lost 35+ lbs. Last week my mom was hospitalized and within 48 hours we learned she wasn't suffering from a GI issue ... it was metastatic brain cancer related to a >8 cm tumor in her lung. She is terminal and is undergoing radition as palliative therapy to help extend her livable time. ACK!

I'm now her primary caretaker and in addition to handling transport and emotional support ... I'm juggling my own emotions, my career, my hubby and my five kiddos. Adding to my stress is my incredible desire to achieve my weight loss goal. Over the last 10 days, though, I've only worked out twice. And I haven't even logged calories in days. I'm exhausted and not eating. I feel awful about everything and I'm beating myself up about "quitting" on my goal.

What do I do? It's crazy ... but I don't feel like I should have "permission" to back off my goal ... I keep thinking I'm making yet another round of excuses as to why I don't take better care of myself.

What tips or thoughts do you have???? Thank you in advance for all your support! :)


  • OlibecaMom
    Wow; what a challenge for you to handle right now. I don't know everything, but I do know that YOU are important and need to keep yourself healthy while caring for everyone else. I can only imagine the planning and the organization you must have ahead. Just remember to carve out a little time for you every day. Maybe it won't be an hour long Zumba or yoga class, but a short 20 minute walk to clear your thoughts. Do your best, try to make healthy choices. Best of luck and please lean on us MFP folks for a sounding board or pep talk when you need it.
  • IveLanded
    IveLanded Posts: 797 Member
    I think eating well is really important for you right now because you need to keep yourself as healthy as you can to be there for everyone who needs you. That's some serious stuff.

    But past are smart. You've lost a lot of weight. You aren't giving up, you are giving yourself a reasonable break from the goal. Not a "give up"........a break. And, realistically, how can you NOT take a break right now? As a total stranger on the internet, I read your post and just think "well, how can she NOT cut back on her work outs at a time like this". I'm sure there are a lot of conflicting emotions here, but I hope you can take a step back and see it like we see makes complete, logical sense to focus on other things right now.

    Take care of yourself. I'm so sorry about your mama.
  • ks_mommaof5
    ks_mommaof5 Posts: 73 Member
    Thank you both SOOOOO much for your thoughtful replies!!!

    Rationally I understand ... and reading your messages I realized I've seen my weight loss effort as either "on" or "off." Clearly I need to reframe the situation with a more leveled perspective and a "middle-of-the-road" approach. Your point about having strength, energy and time to focus on what's most improtant right now is so true ... :)

    Thanks again!!!
  • RachelsReboot
    RachelsReboot Posts: 569 Member
    You've definatly got your hands full there. I have some experience with crisis situations like this, and after the initial craziness wears off you will eventually find the time to fit YOU back into your schedule. If you are taking your mom to a lot of appointments you may start to notice that you have a lot of waiting time. If you have an android or iphone there are tons of aps that you can download with short workouts on them. You may find that sneaking in a 10-15 minute workout (while your mom is in with a doctor or something) a big stress reliever. I know when I get stressed that's what makes me feel better. As for the eating part, if you go to church and have people who have offered to help, let them. If they haven't offered, ask. Don't be afraid to tell people what YOU need. You have to take care of your mom and yourself. If you need some protein drinks that are ready made that you can have handy let them know, if you need snack packs of veggies or stuff that is quick and easy to grab and go, let them know. Just remember that if you don't take care of you, you can't take care of anyone else.

    I'll keep you and your family in my prayers.
  • ks_mommaof5
    ks_mommaof5 Posts: 73 Member
    Thank you SO much, RachelsReboot, for your thoughtful reply! I love the idea you shared about brief periods of activity during the seemingly endless amount of waiting!!! And I'm working to get better about asking for and accepting help from friends and neighbors. I also really appreciate your comments about taking care of me ... I've forgotten a bit in these last 10 days that if I'm not ok, no one else is going to be either! :))))
  • JenniferInNY
    JenniferInNY Posts: 65 Member
    This sounds like a big challenge. I agree that you might find yourself going more towards “maintenance” for a little while. I think if you can get through this without re-gain, that’s a victory in itself.

    This would be a situation where I would buy more pre-packaged healthy food. Normally, I don’t like to buy pre-cut fruit salads, etc., because it’s so expensive. But it sounds like you have a lot of demands on your time, maybe you can take the pressure off by doing more pre-made portable healthy foods – fruit salads in containers, veggies snacks, yogurt, nuts, etc., and making meals out of those.

    As for exercise, it’s completely understandable that your time is limited, but perhaps it can be a stress reliever for you. Are you normally a morning exerciser? I find that sometimes that’s a good time to do it before the day gets crazy.