In need of some motivation/peer pressure!

Hey everyone!

Hope you're good!

So, I have been totally and utterly useless at this and would love to make some new friends who can give me some motivation to carry on! I love seeing everyones updates it really gives me the kick in the *kitten* I need. The hardest thing about this for me is that I am in my early 20s and living at home whilst saving doing my first job, so i still have to eat what my mum cooks unless I head out and buy my own. Sad thing is, while I'm saving it is a LOT cheaper to just eat what she makes or something from the fridge, which I think is where I come unstuck. I also love eating out and struggle to spot low cal options in restaurants etc.

I have 10 pounds to loose to get to my dream weight and i seem to never make it past 3, no matter what my weight sticks at more or less the same give or take 3 pounds! Nightmare!

Any tips you can lend me?


  • mtm77
    mtm77 Posts: 84
    This place is GREAT for giving a good "Kick in the *kitten*", if needed. Welcome & Good luck to ya!
  • mila180
    mila180 Posts: 2 Member
    Wow! I too am in my early 20's, living with my parents and working full time! Yay for coincidences.
    My daily motivation is to prove to myself that I can do this. I also invision somebody watching me (creepy I know). I've noticed that I eat better in public than I do alone. It almost makes me think that by eating well in front of others that they'll think I'm healthy. My body would prove otherwise.
    If you've just started and need an acountability friend, feel free to befriend me. At this point I am kicking butt and taking names! Good luck!