Workout Videos - Jillian Michaels Body Revolution or Insanit

I am contemplating purchasing either Jillian Michaels Body Revolution or Insanity - thoughts??

Just to give some background, I have been working out on and off forever (workout DVD's, run, walk, etc). I am in no means in "great" shape, but I hold my own, and can typically handle (after some time) most workouts. I am 43, I would like to lose about 15-25 pounds, and I am a working Mom with 2 young kids, so I don't have tons of time. After really not working out for a while, I wanted to get back in shape so I purchased The Firm Express. I did the workouts religiously for about 3 months and did not lose a single pound. I also realized that I was barely breaking a sweat. It toned me up "a bit", but that was about it. I am contemplating getting either Jillian Michaels Body Revolution or Insanity. I must say Insanity scares me a bit, but after not getting any results from the last program I wonder if I should just go for it??? I've done Jillian Michaels Shred and I like her and liked the workouts, but I want results, and I want them ASAP.

Anyone with a similar background to me - what are your thoughts?? Thank you!!!! :smile:


  • My 22 year old brother just started doing insanity. He is a week in. I would say that he is in very good shape and works out most days. He struggles with insanity. It really pushes him. I am in the same boat as you. I can hold my own and I was planning on starting insanity also. After seeing him and a few of his friends struggle through a workout after a week of doing it everyday I am deciding on Jillian Michaels Body Revolution. It is 30 min and I have seen many good results on threads on mfp. Good luck with which ever you decide on!
  • mae924
    mae924 Posts: 2
    I'm starting Body Revolution on April 15th... I skimmed through the workouts yesterday and they look tough but do-able.. Plus the nutrition plan looks pretty realistic too!
  • I started Insanity Asylum about a week ago. It is very tough. I have been an avid runner for years and can run at least 60 minutes with no problem. I was dying the first day I did Insanity!!! It's very tough. I have heard that Jillian Michaels is challenging, but not as crazy! Good luck!!!