SO discouraged! Please help!

Hey all-

I need advice, support, whatever you've got!

So I started out at 200 pounds, got down to 165 and stayed there for about 3 months. Finally got the scale to budge down to 160, and then couldn't get it to move, for weeks again. My wedding is now in 2 months and for the past couple weeks I have really stepped up my exercising and watching what I eat. I only managed to lose one pound last week, bringing me to 159. I was excited to see the scale move, I thought it would start a new trend but today, I stepped on the scale to see I am back up to 161!!!

I can't take it! Last Friday was my fiance's birthday, so I did partake in a couple beers/piece of cake- but the very next day I participated in a 3 hour Zumbathon and danced my little heart out! Up 2 pounds after fighting the scale for my one pound loss.....not cool!!

I'm beyond discouraged. I really thought I would have hit my goal by now. I don't think I'll be able to do it in time for the wedding.

So upset today! What the heck do I have to do to get the scale to budge?

Thanks guys,


  • sarajo16
    sarajo16 Posts: 142 Member
    Try not to stress cos this can effect our weight loss. Weddings are stressful enough :)

    Does the dress fit? When I was getting married this is what kept me motivated! Sometimes your body needs to be shocked. Try exercising at a different time of the day, try a different type of exercise - spinning worked a treat for me. Maybe take a break from Zumba and try something new.

    You've done amazing to get to where you are, you've 8 weeks to go which is loads of time.
  • Di3012
    Di3012 Posts: 2,250 Member
    Hey all-

    I need advice, support, whatever you've got!

    So I started out at 200 pounds, got down to 165 and stayed there for about 3 months. Finally got the scale to budge down to 160, and then couldn't get it to move, for weeks again. My wedding is now in 2 months and for the past couple weeks I have really stepped up my exercising and watching what I eat. I only managed to lose one pound last week, bringing me to 159. I was excited to see the scale move, I thought it would start a new trend but today, I stepped on the scale to see I am back up to 161!!!

    I can't take it! Last Friday was my fiance's birthday, so I did partake in a couple beers/piece of cake- but the very next day I participated in a 3 hour Zumbathon and danced my little heart out! Up 2 pounds after fighting the scale for my one pound loss.....not cool!!

    I'm beyond discouraged. I really thought I would have hit my goal by now. I don't think I'll be able to do it in time for the wedding.

    So upset today! What the heck do I have to do to get the scale to budge?

    Thanks guys,

    You need to make your food diary public, otherwise it is impossible to make an objective suggestion.
  • csevera
    csevera Posts: 2 Member
    Lots of fibers! Anything going in must come out!!!
  • SueInAz
    SueInAz Posts: 6,592 Member
    Your muscles retain water after very strenuous exercise and water has weight. While I can understand your feelings of discouragement, you need to keep in mind that the scale isn't the best tool to gauge your progress. Have you been measuring yourself while you've been working so hard? Inches are what really matter especially when we're talking about fitting into a wedding dress. Only you see the number on the scale. Everyone else sees the inches.
  • onlyhalfcrazy
    onlyhalfcrazy Posts: 114 Member
    If you really want to see the scale move, cut out processed foods and add asparagus and brussel sprouts. You will see a big difference!! I do eat a few things that are processed (i.e. cheerios and crunch master sesame seed crackers) but for the most part if its not fresh or frozen veggies I dont eat it!! This will work!! I lost 55 lbs last year sticking to these rules!!
  • SunnyAndrsn
    SunnyAndrsn Posts: 369 Member
    Let me ask this: Aren't you happy that you will be a minimum of 41 pounds lighter than when you started this journey for you wedding day?

    I know all brides want to look their best for their wedding day, but that's also ONE DAY. Concentrate on having a marriage and long healthy life together.

    Now that I'm done lecturing, have you checked your measurements lately?
  • chelsealiz8
    I am thrilled with my progress, but I made a big mistake. I ordered a dress a couple of sizes smaller. The last time I tried it on it fit, as in it zipped, but I could barely breathe and had a little "back fat" which would make me self conscious on our special day! 2 months SHOULD be plenty of time- even 5-10 pounds would make a world of difference.

    I'm marrying a wonderful man and I'm thrilled.

    I think I'm going to take inches tomorrow I haven't in some time!

    Thanks for the encouragement.
  • chelsealiz8
    Thank you all for your advice and kind words. I'm going to try spicing up my exercise and eating bigger breakfasts and smaller dinners. :-) How do I make my journal public?
  • takemetoalaska
    takemetoalaska Posts: 1 Member
    You have done amazing Chelsea!!! I have also heard that if we hit a plateau in our weight loss, that sometimes it's a good idea to change it up like your previous comment said.
  • Lozze
    Lozze Posts: 1,917 Member
    I looked at your diary and you're not logging. You could be overestimating what you eat, under estimating I don't know. Log consistently and you might find it easier.
  • Sidesteal
    Sidesteal Posts: 5,510 Member
    I'm going to try spicing up my exercise and eating bigger breakfasts and smaller dinners.

    Assuming the same total daily energy intake, the above change will not make any difference at all.

    That being said, there's no harm in shifting your calories around, but unless you make a change to your total daily consumption, the shifting of cals from one meal to the next will not effect body composition.

    My advice would be to not concern yourself over this two pound fluctuation. Unless your eating habits changed remarkably, it's probably just water weight or it happened to coincide with your TOM and you're just bloated.

    Stay on track and keep plugging away.
  • Austin1988
    Austin1988 Posts: 243 Member
    1000 net calories is not a lot. Obviously, I'm not an expert on this, but I would think you should at least be netting 1200 a day, and if you are burning off a ton at zumba (idk how much you burn at zumba, I'm not much of a dancer myself) and eating what you ate today, you are not fueling your body.
  • chicpeach
    chicpeach Posts: 302 Member
    The quickest way to get rid of water weight it to do low sodium for a few days. When I say low, I mean low. Eat fresh whole foods. If it is preprocessed in some way, save it for another day. Drink lots of water. Sounds funny to say drink water to get rid of water, but honestly, it works.
  • Lift_hard_eat_big
    Lift_hard_eat_big Posts: 2,278 Member
    Stay positive and don't gauge your success by scale weight. I recommend you use inches as a better scale for success. Maintain a caloric deficit and perhaps include some heavy weight circuit training and High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) to your routine. Your physique will look much better if you perform some strength training juxtaposed to merely performing moderate intensity cardio. Congrats on your engagement and I wish you and your fiance a blessed marriage.
  • csevera
    csevera Posts: 2 Member
    So important to eat!!!! if you don't the body keeps reserves and you don't lose any inches or weight! A good combination of good food and an exercise program is the best! You can eat and feel energized! the best of both worlds!
  • Ready2Rock206
    Ready2Rock206 Posts: 9,488 Member
    I am thrilled with my progress, but I made a big mistake. I ordered a dress a couple of sizes smaller. The last time I tried it on it fit, as in it zipped, but I could barely breathe and had a little "back fat" which would make me self conscious on our special day! 2 months SHOULD be plenty of time- even 5-10 pounds would make a world of difference.

    I'm marrying a wonderful man and I'm thrilled.

    I think I'm going to take inches tomorrow I haven't in some time!

    Thanks for the encouragement.

    Invest in some good quality body shaping garments - like Spanx. When I was a bridesmaid the dress would barely even zip a couple days before the wedding and the Spanx made all the difference in the world. Drink lots of water, try not to stress. Good luck!
  • kalch
    kalch Posts: 45 Member
    get back to us on the measurements, the scale may be tricking you. Maybe, just maybe, theres been more gain of muscle and more loss of fat that won't hinder you getting into the dress!!
  • fattarzan
    try fasting IF (intermitten fasting)