Under Calorie Goal

I would just like to send a caution out to the masses...

Remember that your goal is to hover right around your calorie intake goal. Please do not strive to come in drastically below your calories. Your body needs energy for fuel. If you continually consume less than your calorie goal, you could put your body into starvation mode and force it to cling to every calorie you feed it - and unfortunately that means maintaining or gaining instead of losing. Slow & steady wins the race!!!


  • sarabissa
    sarabissa Posts: 22 Member
    Thanks for the post. I am getting scared or confused about the recent posts. I have lost 13 pounds(some before mfp) it has been great the first few weeks I was hungry but I learned how to swap out food and eat healthy foods stay at goal and feel full mostly because I could eat back calories, however this week I noticed I am not hungry as much, even after working out. Which I thought was a good thing but lately my stomach feels bigger even though I haven't gained weight . Maybe I have just gotten used to how my body feels, at lower weight and I still have more to go, but before I could feel a difference. I am afraid I might be hitting a plateau, Should I go eat a bag of popcorn? Ha!

    Ps I used to not worry about being a little under goal because, I am a bit of a nibbler, fix the kids some fruit have a bite myself. Not bad food just a bite or two but wouldn't always log.
  • LoveyEstelle
    Thanks for the reply! I don't have a whole lot of free time to be reading all that's posted on here (I am getting sucked in more & more) so can you share the gist of the posts you are referring to? I just started with a personal trainer and am allowing him to use me as his test pilot - I promised to do (& not do) and eat everything he says for the next 8 weeks to prove that you lose more by eating more and are able to sustain it long term.

    Your diary is set to private (I tried to peek) so I am not sure what you have been eating. Are you consuming more caffeine than normal? That could help explain the loss of appetite. Are you currently stressed about anything? That can also lead to a loss in appetite for some people (it has the opposite effect on me) and stress can also lead to a bloated stomach. Higher amounts of sodium can also lead to a bloated stomach. I will be learning more, especially once I get to those last 5-10 pounds because they are the hardest.

    I am still reaching towards 90% eating clean. I have made drastic improvements since starting a month ago. Great job on your weight loss! Keep it up : )