Does it count as exercise??



  • If your still losing weight, don't worry about it!
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,423 Member
    If you are using MFP to calculate your calories, and if you have your activity level set to sedentary, then it is quite valid to count (and add and eat) the extra movement you do each day.

    I have my activity level set to lightly active so I don't enter cleaning, short walks etc but they are still accounted for in my higher activity level setting.
    Just make sure you don't add them twice - ie, if you have accounted for them in your activity level setting don't add them in as extra exercise.

    You just have to find what works for you. And that is probably going to be different to what works for someone else.
    I don't like seeing people being dismissive of someone else's exercise - what seems like an insignificant amount of movement to one person might be a really big deal to another person.
  • basing on my BMR yes, I get told by other people who are losing or trying to lose weight that it does not count........and yet I'm the one who can average a 1 to 1.5kg loss in a week.

    Why are you asking if you think you already know better?

    Just wanting to know what others think, becase as I said some days I cannot get in that solid 30min workout
  • elishabeish
    elishabeish Posts: 175 Member
    If you are using MFP to calculate your calories, and if you have your activity level set to sedentary, then it is quite valid to count (and add and eat) the extra movement you do each day.

    I have my activity level set to lightly active so I don't enter cleaning, short walks etc but they are still accounted for in my higher activity level setting.
    Just make sure you don't add them twice - ie, if you have accounted for them in your activity level setting don't add them in as extra exercise.

    You just have to find what works for you. And that is probably going to be different to what works for someone else.
    I don't like seeing people being dismissive of someone else's exercise - what seems like an insignificant amount of movement to one person might be a really big deal to another person.

    I agree with this.
    I'm a 2 weeker here, so definitely not a pro, I'm a homemaker so I set my activity to light since I'm on my feet a lot with cleaning, cooking and chasing kids and pets. I only log what is added on to that such as my walks.

    What seems like an insignificant amount of movement to one person might be a really big deal to another person.
  • ooOOooGravy
    ooOOooGravy Posts: 476 Member
    My BMR is set to sedentary. Personally i dont count those things, i dont even count walking dogs on the field. I only log exercises that gets my HR going properly. But i guess its personal preference
  • Andrea_McQ
    Andrea_McQ Posts: 56 Member
    I find it a whole lot less time consuming to eat at my "lightly active" TDEE and not add in anything that is part of my normal activity in a day. I add on when I do any conscious exercise, using my HRM to estimate calorie burn. I don't always eat all of my exercise calories, but I do stay at a level where my net is at a point a bit higher than my BMR.

    As has been said already, setting your level for sedentary and adding in any extra calories used is going to work out about the same thing as long as your measurement of that burn is halfway accurate (whoever calculated my level didn't use anything more than a generic equation, so measuring everything as you do it could be a more accurate method!)

    If it works for you in terms of being a usable method, and works for you in terms of getting the results that you want then I wouldn't worry about what "people" say!
  • leilaphoenix
    leilaphoenix Posts: 839 Member
    First of all the "only if its more than 20 minutes" comment is untrue. Today I'm cycling to work (15mins), cycling to a class (15minutes), cycling to town (15minutes) and then cycling home again (15minutes). Are you saying because none of these are over 20 minutes at a time I have done no exercise??

    In response to the OP, I would not log these type of things. While they do burn calories, it is so insignificant that you are most likely to overestimate them.
  • REET420
    REET420 Posts: 160 Member
    I don't track housework or walking around . I track when I take my dog for a walk because I walk fast enough sweat abit.