Running VS elliptical trainer VS 30 day shred

Hi all,

I currently do 40 minutes interval training on the elliptical trainer. I have only just properly started this up again but aiming to do this 3-5 times a week (work long hours so whenever i can fit it in).

I am also planning on going on for a run this weekend. I just wondered what is more effective out of elliptical trainer, running and the 30 day shred for weight loss?

Or would a mixture be best?

thank you!


  • fuzzybear123
    fuzzybear123 Posts: 32 Member
    I started using the elliptical and then bought the 30DS and have completely dumped the elliptical in favor of the shred. You work so many more muscles. I have been doing it for 3 months (alternating levels each day) in combination with the 6-week ab DVD and had fantastic results. I even canceled my gym membership. Just watch your knees on the shred--don't go too deep with your movements.
  • Rocbola
    Rocbola Posts: 1,998 Member
    I would vote for mixing it up. Sustained and interval training are both important. Impact exercise (like running) is important, too. Also, mixing it up helps you keep from getting bored in your routine.
  • chachadiva150
    chachadiva150 Posts: 482 Member
    Elliptical and running are cardio. The Shred is more strength training. You need both.