Logging daily activities?

First I would like to start this post by qualifying it with....I am just asking questions so don't get all defensive and rude. I am not judging anyone here! Trying to educate myself.

I see people logging daily activities, like cleaning, carrying laundry, carrying a baby. Doesn't mfp already account for daily calories burned? So isn't someone that logs those activities doing themselves a disservice by counting them towards cardio? Seems like an easy way to pump up your diary and convince yourself you can eat more. Unless of course, you never clean your house, carry laundry, carry your baby, etc and these truly are new activities to you. I clean my house, carry laundry up and down stairs daily, carry my 5 month old quite a bit. I also work 9 hours a day, seven of which is walking around a nursing home and kitchen. But I am still fat, which is why I am using this site. If I loggd all that as extra calories burned, and ate to make up those calories, wouldn't I be just as fat as I was before starting on mfp?


  • graebnerkm15
    graebnerkm15 Posts: 33 Member
    I really think it depends on how you set your activity level or how much you do those things.
    For example: if you carry your child around the zoo that day for 2 1/2 hours I think that would be something "log worthy," especially if your lifestyle is set at sedentary on MFP.
    Or, if you lug 10 loads of laundry up and down 3 flights of stairs once a week I think that would totally count as cardio!
    To each their own, IMO. I waitress 5 days a week and have a desk job 4 days a week and I don't log my waitressing but I'm the "mildly active," or whatever it's called. If I work a particularly difficult shift or do lots of extra cleaning at work I will log it.
  • therealangd
    therealangd Posts: 1,861 Member
    If you set your activity level to sedentary, the difference between being in a coma and daily activities for most women is about 200 calories. BMR x 1.2 = TDEE.

    It has nothing to do with NEW activities. It has to do with activities that are outside of a "sedentary" level. Outside of that extra 200 or so calories.

    Most people became fat because they ate 3 or 4000 calories a day. Not because they cleaned their house.
  • JoolieW68
    JoolieW68 Posts: 1,879 Member
    If the activity is something I do during the normal course of my day, like doing dishes or sweeping, then no, I don't log it. But if I do a marathon cleaning session, like vacuuming every square inch of my house (basement, ground floor, upstairs, furniture, etc), then I will log it since it's not something I do every day.
  • salxtai
    salxtai Posts: 341 Member
    Daily / everyday-life activities should go towards determining your activity level.

    If you're hard labour / cleaning your house every day etc, then setting your level as "very active" is more accurate than logging housework.
  • cramernh
    cramernh Posts: 3,335 Member
    For me... the only thing I would log for things you mentioned, would be my housework required a full-body, rigorous workout - like Spring Cleaning. That requires moving furniture, carrying furniture, rearranging furniture, hearty scrubbing of floors and walls, etc...

    Regular housework - nope... because that is generally a normal part of the day.

    We just moved into a new apartment this past weekend (March 30th-March 31st) going from a two floor condex to an entire second floor apartment (both six room dwellings). Thats carrying heavy boxes, hauling furniture, lugging rolled-up carpet... loading the vehicles. Then doing it all over again but unloading and carrying up two flights of stairs. Then moving everything around within the new home. You betcha Im counting that because it doesnt happen everyday (THANK GAWD!) and even today, I am still feeling my core muscles are still affected by the move.

    I dont think people are 'seeing' the true reality of what is considered day-to-day (the norm) versus the actual act of feeling muscles ache/sweating profusely due to a Spring-cleaning project or moving.

    I do think though, the best factor to see if anything is truly affecting you caloric wise is to be wearing an HRM to review heart rate and caloric burn. I definitely wouldnt rely on common household cleaning and MFP values..
  • Givemewings
    Givemewings Posts: 864 Member
    If you set your activity level to sedentary, the difference between being in a coma and daily activities for most women is about 200 calories. BMR x 1.2 = TDEE.

    It has nothing to do with NEW activities. It has to do with activities that are outside of a "sedentary" level. Outside of that extra 200 or so calories.

    Most people became fat because they ate 3 or 4000 calories a day. Not because they cleaned their house.

  • kindra3434
    kindra3434 Posts: 177 Member
    That's a good point...I don't log exercise unless its a sustained, heart pumping burn. Isn't that why they calculate calories by how active you are? I chose sedentary because im not active. Now if I was on my feet all day busy being mom and cleaning than I would have chose active. Hence the reason for the calorie limits.
  • blv0267
    blv0267 Posts: 150 Member
    I do log cleaning, shoveling and yard work as part of daily activities. Simply because these are things I don't do everyday. For example, this weekend I moved brush around for burning for about 2 hours. This was labor intensive, got my heart rate up and got me sweating. I used this as my exercise.

    My rule of thumb is to log it if it's something I don't do everyday and gets my heart beating fast.
  • tpittsley77
    tpittsley77 Posts: 607 Member
    Thank you everyone. I see some people logging like 20 minutes cleaning every day. That is a daily activity. I agree that moving, spring cleaning, carrying a baby around a zoo, stuff that you do not do daily, should be logged. I personally am only logging actual exercise. The things I did on a daily basis did not prevent me from being fat in the first place.
  • Sepheara
    Sepheara Posts: 208 Member
    If the activity is something I do during the normal course of my day, like doing dishes or sweeping, then no, I don't log it. But if I do a marathon cleaning session, like vacuuming every square inch of my house (basement, ground floor, upstairs, furniture, etc), then I will log it since it's not something I do every day.

    ^^^^^^ This.
    I do laundry and dishes and things every day, but we're moving in a few months so I'm packing boxes and hauling them around, and doing extra deep cleaning so on days I do more then usual I log it. Or if I steam my floors or something (steamers full of water are heavy as CRAP, and you have to move them sooo slow my arms feel like they're gonna fall off!), I do try to adjust though. if I clean for 2 hours, then maybe I log 1. Because I probably took a break or my heart rate wasn't up the whole time or something.
    *edit to add*
    I have a lightly active job but I have it set as sedentary because sometimes work is slow and theres less to do so I'm sedentary, but some days are busy and I move a lot, so I just leave it at sedentary.
  • fozzie500
    fozzie500 Posts: 177 Member
    personally i don't log anything unless it's excercise,but my exercise level is quite high.
    i classed myself as lightly active because i am stood up for most of the day in my job. i walk the dog once a day but don't log it.
    it is very much each to there own though,if it works and your losing weight,i say log whatever,just keep moving and making good food choices.
  • Abigaillee15
    Oh good question!! I'm a college student and walk everywhere on campus, but when I'm not walking I'm sitting on my butt studying for hours on end! What kind of lifestyle do y'all think that is?

    Also, I live up a giant hill. I usually take the bus back home, but on nice days I walk (it's a really, REALLY big hill). Should I could that as exercise? I am always winded afterwards and with a backpack full of books I definitely burn some calories!

    What do y'all think?? Message/add me if you want!
  • DellG85
    DellG85 Posts: 79 Member
    I clean daily obv (I have two kids under seven, a hubs who thinks he's 7 and a black lab. Really, I have no choice lol) and I cant see the point in logging those cals. My activity level is set to "lightly active" as I spend most days running about being a mam so I only log cals burned cleaning when Im doing the more vigorous stuff, like scrubbing the yard or floors etc. Even then though, I log it as "light" cleaning as for my weight, MFP massively over estimates cals x
  • Sepheara
    Sepheara Posts: 208 Member
    Oh good question!! I'm a college student and walk everywhere on campus, but when I'm not walking I'm sitting on my butt studying for hours on end! What kind of lifestyle do y'all think that is?

    Also, I live up a giant hill. I usually take the bus back home, but on nice days I walk (it's a really, REALLY big hill). Should I could that as exercise? I am always winded afterwards and with a backpack full of books I definitely burn some calories!

    What do y'all think?? Message/add me if you want!

    I think if you're out of breath and working muscles thats definitly exercise! I would get a heart rate monitor watch (it's not as acurate as a chest strap but I wear one all day so when I do a lot of walking (sometimes I have to walk around washington dc for my job) I can keep a quick count of how many calories I burn :) or you can just log it in mfp as walking adn let it estimate for you.

    walking is great for you :)
  • daves160
    daves160 Posts: 600
    I would say to those people to not count that as exercise no matter what they set their activity level at. The reason being is even if you are doing heavy lifting you are not necessarily getting any cardio. You need to have your heart rate up to at least 110- 115 bpm minimum to consider it a cardio burn, or you really aren't burning that much more calories than just a slow leisurly walk.

    Aerobic and anaerobic activity is what I would count as exercise.
  • kasgill
    kasgill Posts: 12 Member
    I also wanted to share something my friend who is a nutritionist explained to me since I was complaining about not losing any weight. I have been training for a half marathon and running 20-30 miles a week and my calorie goal was 1200 a day. I was logging my runs and the calories burned which on some days would total over 600 cals. My mistake was that I was then eating 1800 calories on a day like that because I thought that the 600 burned allowed me to eat that much more. I guess my point is that even if you log your activities and exercises it is not an automatic "ok" to eat away those burned calories. Of course it is important to fuel your body before and after strenuous exercises but the snack should be something small...not 600 calories worth ;) I hope this helps at least helps somebody understand the benefits (or downsides) of logging activity on this site. ;)
  • katysmelly
    katysmelly Posts: 380 Member
    Daily / everyday-life activities should go towards determining your activity level.

    If you're hard labour / cleaning your house every day etc, then setting your level as "very active" is more accurate than logging housework.

    Why do you say that it is more accurate? It seems to me that it would be more accurate to set it to sedentary and then recording what you do?
  • hanky1
    hanky1 Posts: 39
    I'm set on sedentary. I only log workouts and cycling around town. sometimes walking if it's a decent distance. I would never record cleaning or daily activities. for me it's psychological - knowing that i log physical activity makes me more likely to do it in the first place (e.g. more likely to cycle instead of jumping in the car). however, cleaning is not something that i particularly want to encourage myself to do more of (lol) as i don't see it contributing massively to weight loss, and i don't think i could be accurate enough in calories burned anyway (don't own an HRM). i worry that if i started logging daily activities i would end up kidding myself as to how many calories i was using up.

    hope that makes sense!
  • gsager
    gsager Posts: 977 Member
    First I would like to start this post by qualifying it with....I am just asking questions so don't get all defensive and rude. I am not judging anyone here! Trying to educate myself.

    I see people logging daily activities, like cleaning, carrying laundry, carrying a baby. Doesn't mfp already account for daily calories burned? So isn't someone that logs those activities doing themselves a disservice by counting them towards cardio? Seems like an easy way to pump up your diary and convince yourself you can eat more. Unless of course, you never clean your house, carry laundry, carry your baby, etc and these truly are new activities to you. I clean my house, carry laundry up and down stairs daily, carry my 5 month old quite a bit. I also work 9 hours a day, seven of which is walking around a nursing home and kitchen. But I am still fat, which is why I am using this site. If I loggd all that as extra calories burned, and ate to make up those calories, wouldn't I be just as fat as I was before starting on mfp?

    If we set out activity level at sedentary it only accounts for breathing.
  • SteveZT
    SteveZT Posts: 16
    OP said:
    I see people logging daily activities, like cleaning, carrying laundry, carrying a baby. Doesn't mfp already account for daily calories burned? So isn't someone that logs those activities doing themselves a disservice by counting them towards cardio? Seems like an easy way to pump up your diary and convince yourself you can eat more. Unless of course, you never clean your house, carry laundry, carry your baby, etc and these truly are new activities to you. I clean my house, carry laundry up and down stairs daily, carry my 5 month old quite a bit. I also work 9 hours a day, seven of which is walking around a nursing home and kitchen. But I am still fat, which is why I am using this site. If I loggd all that as extra calories burned, and ate to make up those calories, wouldn't I be just as fat as I was before starting on mfp?


    love your thinking , they are deluding themselves :tongue: