Hurting hips

I have been having some pain in my hips. This has been happening more frequent and more painful than ever in the past. When I was younger I was a dancer and for the past eight to ten years my hips pop all the time. I have been running more over the years and training for a 20k, the past couple of weeks the pain has been getting so bad that I am having troubles getting my pants on without sitting down. If I put all of my weight on one leg the pain almost drops me to the floor. I have also been losing for weight lately so I wasnt for sure if this effect any of this. PLEASE give me some ideas on what may help the pain and how I can strengthen my hips. If this continues I will be having hip replacement surgery before I am 30!!!! :(


  • Sp1nGoddess
    Sp1nGoddess Posts: 1,138 Member
    1st off you should see your doc, if you can go see an orthopedist or sports med doc that would be best. I had IT band issues which can cause hip and or knee pain. It could also be bursitis. If you work at a desk all day like a lot of us your hip flexors can get tight. I have to stretch and roll out a few times a week to keep myself feeling good. I wouldn't mess around, go see your doc.
  • tig_ol_bitties
    tig_ol_bitties Posts: 561 Member
    Have you spoken with a doctor and gotten their perspective before going on the internet seeking advice? I only ask because this could be a serious medical issue; one that requires medical attention and not just "strengthening" exercises given based on opinions. I suffer with Lupus and Fibromyalgia, and my hips are in a constant state of pain due to the swelling and inflammation these diseases cause. I would seek out medical attention first and foremost. My father had an issue like this, and it turned out that some nerve tissue had gotten caught in the joint, causing pain every time he moved. He had to have surgery to move it back in place. Then again, it could just be a strength issue. Either way, nobody on here can tell you for go see a doctor.
  • wellbert
    wellbert Posts: 3,924 Member
    I second IT Band as a possibility. But hugely second seeing a doctor!
  • callikia
    callikia Posts: 226 Member
    1) Find a chiropractor if you can. Sometimes the problem isn't in your hips, but elsewhere, and they can help you figure out if your form is off (thus causing a problem) or what the problem is (mine was my knee and a tilted pelvis and a slipped disk in my back). If not a chiro, maybe a PT. They can help too.

    2) Read up on running form and see if altering yours helps any.

    3) Take a break if you need to. Trust me, I didn't want to...and I got injured further and can barely walk right now. A break is better than immobility.

    4) Look up strengthening and stretching exercises for your legs and hips. Sometimes it's lack of proper stretching, other times you just need to boost the strength in that area. The internet is a wise tool for setting yourself up with a good stretching and strengthening routine for any body part.

    Good luck to you! Remember to take care of your body. I made the mistake of not properly listening to mine. I wouldn't wish it on anyone!
  • vim_n_vigor
    vim_n_vigor Posts: 4,089 Member
    Have you spoken with a doctor and gotten their perspective before going on the internet seeking advice? I only ask because this could be a serious medical issue; one that requires medical attention and not just "strengthening" exercises given based on opinions. I suffer with Lupus and Fibromyalgia, and my hips are in a constant state of pain due to the swelling and inflammation these diseases cause. I would seek out medical attention first and foremost. My father had an issue like this, and it turned out that some nerve tissue had gotten caught in the joint, causing pain every time he moved. He had to have surgery to move it back in place. Then again, it could just be a strength issue. Either way, nobody on here can tell you for go see a doctor.

    ^^This. Don't wait for the symptoms to keep getting worse and worse and relying on the advice of those of us on the internet.
  • Sabresgal63
    Sabresgal63 Posts: 641 Member
    It could be your hip flexors or Sciatica..............go see your doctor:bigsmile:
  • djean2
    djean2 Posts: 37 Member
    Have you been to a doctor? That would be a good place to start.
  • janf15
    janf15 Posts: 242 Member
    I think I would find a sports medicine doc or a sports physical therapist to assess your issue. There are a lot of issues which could attribute to your hip pain, and I doubt you will need a hip replacement (you are too young anyway). It could also be your spine. - Keep in mind out musculo-skeletal system is all about alignment.
  • Iwillrunagain
    You really need to see a docotor, I am a runner and started having hip pain a year ago and am still not running, ended up having a labral tear, had surgery for that in November 2011 and now am suffering with tendonitis and still not running. The best advise I can give you is to see an ortho ASAP and RICE!! I really feel that if I had stopped running and rested when my pain started last March I would have only been out a month or two.
  • TurtleRunnerNC
    TurtleRunnerNC Posts: 768 Member
    See a doctor !! I had a labral tear & Synovitis (& osteoathritis) had surgery in Dec 2010. My hip is better but not 100% as nothing to do about the arthritis. I also developed hip flexor tendonitis post surgery & that is extremely painful. So many things it can be.

    This will not get better on it's own. Doctor....
  • mommymegz
    mommymegz Posts: 33 Member
    I actually have not seen a doctor, I just got insurance after not having it for 2 years, so I will make an appointment. Thanks!!! I actually do not set all day, I am a home daycare provider so I RARELY get the chance to set!!! :D
  • MeliciousGibson
    I agree - time to see a doctor.
    I have Acetabular Dysplasia - I was born with it. I have been very active for most of my life - and have had 'popping" in my hips since birth. With the right about of strength training in my legs, the muscles help keep my hips in place, or else they could become dislocated rather easily. Having said that -
    Recently I begain having SERIOUS pain in my right hip joint. The kind of pain you're talking about. I couldn't even sit for more than a half an hour. I went to see the chiropractor, who took a set of X-rays. I had a slipped disk in my lower back - it wasn't my hip at all! I'm about 4 weeks into regular adjustments, and I have absolutely NO hip pain at all!
    At the very least, schedule and appointment with a chiropractor to get X-rays.
  • Im_NotPerfect
    Im_NotPerfect Posts: 2,181 Member
    1st off you should see your doc, if you can go see an orthopedist or sports med doc that would be best. I had IT band issues which can cause hip and or knee pain. It could also be bursitis. If you work at a desk all day like a lot of us your hip flexors can get tight. I have to stretch and roll out a few times a week to keep myself feeling good. I wouldn't mess around, go see your doc.

    ^^This. I went and saw my DR (who is also an orthepedist) for my hip pain (every time I did a long/fast walk or some kick boxing it hurt to walk for days) and he said it was my IT band. Gave me some stretches to do and haven't had problems since.
  • lexidell46
    lexidell46 Posts: 143
    Have you spoken with a doctor and gotten their perspective before going on the internet seeking advice? I only ask because this could be a serious medical issue; one that requires medical attention and not just "strengthening" exercises given based on opinions. I suffer with Lupus and Fibromyalgia, and my hips are in a constant state of pain due to the swelling and inflammation these diseases cause. I would seek out medical attention first and foremost. My father had an issue like this, and it turned out that some nerve tissue had gotten caught in the joint, causing pain every time he moved. He had to have surgery to move it back in place. Then again, it could just be a strength issue. Either way, nobody on here can tell you for go see a doctor.
    I agree go see your doctor first.
    ^^This. Don't wait for the symptoms to keep getting worse and worse and relying on the advice of those of us on the internet.
  • lexidell46
    lexidell46 Posts: 143
    I do have osteoarthritis in one hip (so far). I can feel my pain in the bone socket joint, it's really obvious. But you are young to have this. I think you should see a doctor - a simple x ray should confirm it. Everyone's body chemistry is different, but for me, this brings relief: hydration, glucosamine/chondroitin supplements (MoveFree or Cosamin ASU), fish or kril oil, Celadrin, and (this is new and is making a HUGE difference) organic tart cherry juice. Good luck and see a doc!
    When I eat more dried cherries in the evening it helps with my arthritis.