Has anyone tried Diet Suppliments(Thermogentics)

:happy: Today is the first day I am trying this new Diet suppliment pill to help speed my weight loss that I heard is really great and even gives you energy. It is called Oxyelite Pro. I currently work out daily and have changed my diet to eating no more than 1400 calories and thought I would give this a try to see if it helps speed up the process. My questions is has anyone tried this or tried anything else and had good results that didn't have crazy side effects. :happy:

Thank you in advance for your help and if you want friend request me because I am new on here and need more friends to help motivate me because it really has help. I love to motivate others as well:flowerforyou:


  • BrianSharpe
    BrianSharpe Posts: 9,248 Member
    When I see product warnings like:




    I tend to get very concerned.

    There are so shortcuts or magic bullets, many of these supplements are ineffective, some of them downright dangerous (it may interest you to know that Yohimbe is banned in Canada)
  • Quickster34
    Quickster34 Posts: 209 Member
    Oxyelite is a thermogenic (fat burner) mainly relies on caffiene so if your sensitive to caffeine then you will definitley feel this, im not so it was fine for me, i never took the recomended dose , stayed under it, didnt go a whole 8 weeks either, its really for the extra last push when you are already eating clean and workong hard to get down to low digit bf % in my opinion,

    that all said i was fine on it and off it, no major or drastic difference except when i was on it i didnt have to drink coffee , it is on the stronger end of thermogenics so be careful,

    ^ and Canada bans a few supplements for no good reason, when i was there i couldnt ship my Multi- Vitamin there.... very annoying
  • sbarnhill99
    sbarnhill99 Posts: 29 Member
    Thank you for the advice that is on the back I saw that and thought that it is still safe just don't drink caffine(as I am drinking my coffee now) for awhile. I just can't leave the coffee alone I got to have one cup of Joe a day. I never heard of Yohimbe is that a suppliment too?
  • i think you should stick to the one a day past the three days it recommends but i noticed that my workouts are easier and i can go longer but i am being super careful taking it and don't take past noon or i don't get any sleep.
  • akiramezu
    akiramezu Posts: 278
    Hey there,

    I don't consider myself an 'expert' when it comes to supplements, but i am a user of thermogetics.
    I have tried Lipo6-black, Oxyelite Pro, Hydroxy Cut, Roxy Lean. All have given me great results, but
    to have that, you must have a very strict diet and training regime, even with these 2 key components,
    a fat burner will at most give you the extra 5-10% extra boost to your 'weight' and 'fat' loss.

    Yohimbe is an aphrodisiac, when it comes to fat loss, just like most other ingredients they use
    in fat burners, there are no really conclusive evidence to suggest otherwise.

    Your best bet, is to just to try it out whilst on a strict diet and see how it works for you =]
    because it has definitely worked for me, but nowadays, i just supplement with
    Caffeine pills , L-Carnitine), Aspirin and 1-3 dimethylamylamine and i'm actually have better
    results than the fat burners, which is just mostly caffeine anyway, so why spend that much money
    on a fat burner, when you can get caffeine pills for a couple of dollars =]
  • I also use Oxyelite Pro when I am trying to get "back on the wagon" with running. It gives me an extra boost in the afternoons when I am about to get out of work and go run. However, I did take it for longer than the recommended 8 weeks when I was training for a half marathon and I did experience some pretty weird shifts in mood. I no longer take them since I have gotten back into my routine running schedule.

    I think as long as you stay under the recommended dosage and don't take it for longer than 8 weeks you should be fine.
  • BrianSharpe
    BrianSharpe Posts: 9,248 Member
    Yohimbe is one of the active ingredients in the product. While I do tend to think Health Canada is a little overzealous at times based on the known side effects of Yohimbe I wouldn't take it myself.

    The notion that because something contains "natural" ingredients it can't be harmful is flawed. Many of these supplements make it market with little or no clinical testing for both efficacy and safety and one of the huge problems with herbal supplements is that the potency of active ingredients is rarely standardized - the product may contain a defined quantity of a specific herb but the potency of the herbs will vary from crop to crop.

    While I wouldn't rely on Wikipedia as my sole source of information on anything there is a well cited article on Yohimbe:

    "The therapeutic index of yohimbine is quite low; the range between an effective dose and a dangerous dose is very narrow.[21] "
    Prescription for Nutritional Healing, fourth edition Phyllis A. Balch, CNC
  • sbarnhill99
    sbarnhill99 Posts: 29 Member
    @Quickster thanks for your critic I will either stick to the directions or stay under.
  • sbarnhill99
    sbarnhill99 Posts: 29 Member
    @Buckeyedboi I am defintly not there yet when it comes to needles.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,908 Member
    The majority of thermogenics don't live up to claims. And even the ones that do only attribute about 1%-2% of your total body fat loss. So if you lost a pound of fat, then .01 of that pound was due to the the thermogenic. That's quite a bit to pay for that little of return.
    That said ECA has been a studied and true proven performer as a thermogenic. It may be hard to get hold of though since ephedra isn't legally sold OTC anymore.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal & Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • Ash_76
    Ash_76 Posts: 186 Member
    i used oxy elite pro, whilst it did work in the fat burning department it did have crazy side effects, almost amphetamine like, i found it impossible to sleep at night, i didnt go to 2-3 pills aday like the tub suggests, after 3 weeks of use i was so tired that i couldnt face training so stopped using them
  • akiramezu
    akiramezu Posts: 278
    The majority of thermogenics don't live up to claims. And even the ones that do only attribute about 1%-2% of your total body fat loss. So if you lost a pound of fat, then .01 of that pound was due to the the thermogenic. That's quite a bit to pay for that little of return.
    That said ECA has been a studied and true proven performer as a thermogenic. It may be hard to get hold of though since ephedra isn't legally sold OTC anymore.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal & Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

    I completely agree with you, perhaps my 5-10% was way too exaggerated :D
  • smarce
    smarce Posts: 24
    Brown see weed! the brand is called fucothin. It is all natural with zero side effects. It is the only thermogenic that does not effect your central nervous system so no jitters or heart racing and you don't have to cycle off because it isn't bad for your kidneys or liver.
    Also it will help you keep from storing fat in your abdomen. The only down side is you have to be patient because you need to ramp up the dosage and have a load faze so you are looking at 3 - 6weeks before it has an effect on your metabolism. But i think it's worth the wait being that you aren't giving your body bad chemicals.

    Hope that helps :-)

    Ooops "sea weed" (i just woke up)
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,908 Member
    Brown see weed! the brand is called fucothin. It is all natural with zero side effects. It is the only thermogenic that does not effect your central nervous system so no jitters or heart racing and you don't have to cycle off because it isn't bad for your kidneys or liver.
    Also it will help you keep from storing fat in your abdomen. The only down side is you have to be patient because you need to ramp up the dosage and have a load faze so you are looking at 3 - 6weeks before it has an effect on your metabolism. But i think it's worth the wait being that you aren't giving your body bad chemicals.

    Hope that helps :-)

    Ooops "sea weed" (i just woke up)
    Sorry, there isn't a clinical study to support brown seaweed as an effective thermogenic. If you have an actual study (not a proposed article, blog or opinion, but an actual peer review clinical study) please post it because I'd be interested in reading it.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal & Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • y353
    y353 Posts: 50 Member
    I used Lipo 6x, last years,was good. I followed the instructions to a tee.

    At first it would speed up my heartbeat (as expected), and when I upped my dosage too (as recommended in the instructions).

    I was eating really healthy and going to the gym, but I had to took the pills till 5PM or would have some troubles sleeping 6 hours later (happened at first too).

    I believe that helped to lose some, but I did better this year, without (counting calories and doing cardio 6 days/week). I have some left, but the stronger kind, with ephedrine. As the shelf life is looong, maybe I will use those left if I need some boost.
  • smarce
    smarce Posts: 24
    Brown see weed! the brand is called fucothin. It is all natural with zero side effects. It is the only thermogenic that does not effect your central nervous system so no jitters or heart racing and you don't have to cycle off because it isn't bad for your kidneys or liver.
    Also it will help you keep from storing fat in your abdomen. The only down side is you have to be patient because you need to ramp up the dosage and have a load faze so you are looking at 3 - 6weeks before it has an effect on your metabolism. But i think it's worth the wait being that you aren't giving your body bad chemicals.

    Hope that helps :-)

    Ooops "sea weed" (i just woke up)
    Sorry, there isn't a clinical study to support brown seaweed as an effective thermogenic. If you have an actual study (not a proposed article, blog or opinion, but an actual peer review clinical study) please post it because I'd be interested in reading it.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal & Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

    It has been a while since i did the research so I don't think i have any concrete. What i do know is i have taken it and did not have any bad side effects. I also have several friends who are in much better shape than I and they have cut out all suplements except that one.

    I know it sounds silly but i believe if you search it with Dr Oz you will find the science behind it.

    Sorry, not an expert, just a fan. :-)
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,908 Member
    Brown see weed! the brand is called fucothin. It is all natural with zero side effects. It is the only thermogenic that does not effect your central nervous system so no jitters or heart racing and you don't have to cycle off because it isn't bad for your kidneys or liver.
    Also it will help you keep from storing fat in your abdomen. The only down side is you have to be patient because you need to ramp up the dosage and have a load faze so you are looking at 3 - 6weeks before it has an effect on your metabolism. But i think it's worth the wait being that you aren't giving your body bad chemicals.

    Hope that helps :-)

    Ooops "sea weed" (i just woke up)
    Sorry, there isn't a clinical study to support brown seaweed as an effective thermogenic. If you have an actual study (not a proposed article, blog or opinion, but an actual peer review clinical study) please post it because I'd be interested in reading it.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal & Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

    It has been a while since i did the research so I don't think i have any concrete. What i do know is i have taken it and did not have any bad side effects. I also have several friends who are in much better shape than I and they have cut out all suplements except that one.

    I know it sounds silly but i believe if you search it with Dr Oz you will find the science behind it.

    Sorry, not an expert, just a fan. :-)
    Okay, so that kind of explains it. As of late Dr. Oz has been catering to some really bad advice on health issues. I'd look to be a fan of someone else.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal & Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • bump
  • motherbetty
    motherbetty Posts: 170 Member
    I've taken OxyElite Pro and it helped with appetite control for me. However, I think it MAY have also contributed to migraines (I get them anyhow but they seemed more frequent when I took the pills). I'm steering clear just in case.
  • sbarnhill99
    sbarnhill99 Posts: 29 Member
    @motherbetty I don't get migraines at all so I hope that this does not happen to me. I am going to watch for this closely.