
So, I've been at this since mid January...low cal diet with 4-5 one hour zumba workouts per week. I LOVE zumba, look forward to it! BUT...for the last 2 weeks...my energy is totally zapped! During the workout, I feel my body just lagging and struggling to keep up-which is has not been an issue since I was a beginner. I am dragging in the others areas of my day as well...single mom, full time job, kids activities etc. My life is fast paced, I need some advice to keep up!


  • lorraine311
    lorraine311 Posts: 127 Member
    Try Protein Shakes!!
  • jillybean9881
    jillybean9881 Posts: 39 Member
    I feel you! I was like this a few weeks back, and I found that I have to have a snack about 1hr before I work out. Otherwise I will have no energy to work out. Sooo, I have been taking in about 100-200 calories as my pre-workout snack and it really gets me going. Sometimes I also drink a cup of tea for a little bit of caffeine.
  • kaylawheel
    I love Zumba! I had a friend that taught it and always kept the class going. Maybe you can try to hydrate yourself some more. Honestly, if you aren't hydrated enough your body won't want to cooperate with anything. Also your diet is a big part of everything you do. If you keep up with how much water you drink and maintain a good diet ( I know how hard it can be) you'll see a difference. Even though Zumba is amazing, you should try other workouts. Shocking your body with a new workout will keep you going as well. I hope this helps :)