Why is my protein in red??

And is there a place where i can see a pie chart of my fat v. carbs v. protein % ??????

Thanks for your help!!


  • chachadiva150
    chachadiva150 Posts: 482 Member
    It's red because you went over the amount indicated. No biggie. It's up to you how much protein you eat.

    Click on the Reports tab then click under Nutrition. There you can see charts of each individual nutrient. You can't compare side by side though.
  • VividSugar
    Thanks!! I was wondering...lol. Wonder if i can change my protein settings so im allowed more/less.

    Oh, and i knew i had seen that pie chart somewhere! Its on the mobile app if you have it (and wanna know, lol). Its under the home page, daily, and ull see the pie chart. :-)
  • TurtleTape
    TurtleTape Posts: 254 Member
    Go to Goals and do custom and you can change how much protein in relation to the others you get per day.