going through a break up

I am going through a break-up right now and what I would usually do is eat and drink myself happy. This time my friend told me about this website a couple of weeks ago...so I thought, that I would start a new healthy way of getting through this.
It is so hard because I feel that my weight has been rising and I have been less inclined to do anything about it...till now.
So hi to everyone and if you have any tips that would be great. I am pretty healthy overall, no car so I bus and walk everywhere. I do like to go out for cocktails though and happy hour, so that may change. I just want to be happy, healthy and have a better waistline after all is said and done. I mean the Adele pandora station can only go so far....right?

Okay, thanks and I look forward to any supportive tips!


  • MrsMrtz
    MrsMrtz Posts: 73
    When you feel down head to the gym or pop in a workout DVD! I know breakups are hard, sorry that you are going through this.
  • stuffsdb
    stuffsdb Posts: 165
    Welcome! Sorry to hear about your break up...I know they can really take down your motivation. I also like to have a few cocktails and noticed they sure take up a lot of calories!! I know I'm gonna have to cut most of them out but when I want an occasion drink or 3 I might be trying Coke zero and a shot of rum...still not good for me I know but it has the least amount of calories! It's always easy to want to eat and drink away sadness, try to remove all junk food from your house. I know I had to, i found myself nibbling when I was bored.

    Best of luck to you!
  • mickeygirliegirl
    mickeygirliegirl Posts: 302 Member
    I know how you feel. I went through a painful break up in January with someone that I had been with for over 3 years. The weight piled on and well, here I am trying to lose it and get back to being happy with myself. I have found MFP to be a very supportive group of people and have helped me even though I've only been logging on for a couple of weeks now.

    As I stated on my profile, I want to get back to being happy with me.

    If you'd like a friend, feel free to add me :)
  • tara7302011
    tara7302011 Posts: 94 Member
    I think its great your using this website for support instead of overeating and drinking. If you really wanna get into shape, I would not give that guy the satisfaction of quitting your healthy lifestyle.. Good luck... and remember.....everything in moderation.. :bigsmile:
  • jennapony
    jennapony Posts: 73 Member
    first off I hope you feel better soon!

    I am hardly an expert but a trick I use is water/apple/coffee. That is to say if I want to eat something I know I shouldn't I either drink a glass of water, make and drink a cup of coffee or tea, or eat an apple.
    After that I usually don't want it and if I do I cut it in half (I'm only human)

    Hope that is useful

    PS- I still go out for drinks once in a while
  • workingtowardsit
  • LoggingForLife
    LoggingForLife Posts: 504 Member
    Spend less time at the bar and more time getting fit and believe me, that ex will see you at some point in the future and will turn green with envy. You won't have the time to pay attention because you'll be out on dates or at the gym!
  • bridgettx78
    bridgettx78 Posts: 11 Member
    Sorry to hear about the breakup, it is his loss. Keep yourself happy & healthy. I too like to have cocktails. My downfall is bowling night, I like to drink beer, and bowling is so much more fun when drinking. I joined my bowling league when I filed for divorce, it got me out of the house and off my rear. Not only do I find bowling fun but it is also exercise! I've made new friends. Maybe if you want a break from the gym here and there, join a bowling league, or take a zumba class.
  • Ali65
    Ali65 Posts: 15
    Sorry to hear about your break up!! Think about the road ahead when you are walking, and the future it holds for you. There is always a beautiful life ahead, and brilliant!
    Best of luck and "chin up!"
  • Yasmeen174
    Yasmeen174 Posts: 68 Member
    I am so sorry to hear about your break up... I know this can be very hard. First, I am proud of you that you are choosing to become a more healthier you. Second, break ups can be very motivating! lol. Feel free to friend me and I can offer support!
  • docdrd
    docdrd Posts: 174 Member
    For what it is worth, working out releases endorphins which will make you feel better. Overindulging will just make you feel worse. So try to be proactive and do the things that will make you feel good in both the short and long term. My guess is that it will help you move on faster. Good luck!
  • staceydeelane
    when i broke up with my live in partner a father to my children (though we worked things out 6 months later)
    i used that time to work on myself joined a gym and started a healthyer lifestyle i lost 3 stone in 3 months and felt fab! its amazing how good you will feel when you feel happy with yourself throw yourself into exercise,long works work on the wii fit it all helps keep your mind occupied and feel great at the same time xxx