Mommy of twins needs some enouragement

Hi everyone!
I am a 30 y/o mommy to 16 month old b/g twins and I work full-time.. I amd 5'3 and gained somewhere around 60-70 pounds with the twins and each pound I lose I keep seeing more of that dreaded twin skin on my tummy.

I have whittle away and now am at 130 pounds but I have stalled here for the past 2 weeks, but definitely gaining muscle. I'm carrying most of my excess weight on my stomach!! I lift heavy weights 3 times a week during my lunch at work, started training for a 5k two weeks ago, and do 30DS+elliptical twice a week with one day off.

So my questions are this:
-Since I am new to running, I don't run long (20 min this week), and not burning a lot of calories on those days. What else can I do on run days to burn more calories but not hurt my legs?
-Once I get to my goal weight, will the loose skin on my belly look worse or will it slowly start to shrink some?

I am really down about having such a hard time shrinking my belly and also all this hard work just to have an ugly stomach :(
Thanks for any help.


  • Hi There!

    First of all, let's say Way to Go! You're obviously dedicated and hardworking and that's a big part of it. While I can't offer you direct advice on this problem I can at least offer you some encouragement. Keep up with the good work and stay focused and I'm sure that you will see positive results!

    Stephanie :)
  • millers617
    millers617 Posts: 21 Member
    Thanks Stephanie! I am excited to be where I am, it is just hard when you remember your "old self"! HA!
  • mmsilvia
    mmsilvia Posts: 459 Member
    Feel free to friend me. I am a mom to a beautiful one year old son. I work full time. I am 5'3" and am here to lose (& keep off) the last 15lbs that I need to lose.

    I am on week on week 6 of C25K. Started 30DS last night.
  • janeosu
    janeosu Posts: 140 Member
    Hello :) Just added you! It looks like you are very dedicated and doing an awesome job with getting in shape!!! Yay for getting back to 130. I can't wait to get there too! My twins are 4. My stomach has not gone back to how it used to be, but running and strength training does help pull it all in quite a bit. I know it's hard to get used to, I never had a stomach at all before my twins and it's not very pretty now!! Last year I did the shred and it helped a lot with my stomach and rebuilding some core strength. I see that you are doing it, I bet it will really help! My Dr. told me that with my separated abdominal muscles, my stomach will never go back completely to how it used to be without surgery. I would love to do it eventually if I can get the nerve and the $$$ :)

    I'm getting ready for a 5K too! I think you're doing great, just keep at it!
  • gsager
    gsager Posts: 977 Member
    If it helps any, I had twins 33 years ago and my stomach got flat again, no saggy skin.
  • Hi, I'm also a mother a of twins. Mine will be four in June. Congrats on your achievements so far. I've lost a total of 30 pounds since I began to workout. I gained 95 pounds in my pregnancy. I have a ways to go before i hit my goal though.