Joined a week ago

This is the best site. I am really getting into logging my food.. I love the save meal option as I often eat the same things from day to day and it allows me to add things I always eat together like coffee and cream or cereal fruit and milk. I wish there was a way to edit meals instead of creating htem all over in case you forgot something. For example I created a oatmeal-pumpkin-brownsugr-soy milk breakfast and realized I forgot to add the oatmeal so I had to go back and recreate it all over again. Also, I had to delet my coffee, which I had firts, so that it wouldn't be included in the meal.

Thanks for the great site.


  • janezeeb
    janezeeb Posts: 19 Member
    This is the best site. I am really getting into logging my food.. I love the save meal option as I often eat the same things from day to day and it allows me to add things I always eat together like coffee and cream or cereal fruit and milk. I wish there was a way to edit meals instead of creating htem all over in case you forgot something. For example I created a oatmeal-pumpkin-brownsugr-soy milk breakfast and realized I forgot to add the oatmeal so I had to go back and recreate it all over again. Also, I had to delet my coffee, which I had firts, so that it wouldn't be included in the meal.

    Thanks for the great site.
  • cardgrl
    cardgrl Posts: 175 Member