Upcoming hysterectomy in May any others been there?

I am a 28yr old mom of 3 who has an upcoming TVH coming up! I am curious if anyone else has had one and how it affected their weightloss??


  • sam2674
    sam2674 Posts: 55 Member
    I'm curious to know as well. My surgery is next Thursday. I was also wondering if they lost weight right away, like from all the fluid they've been retaining..
  • TamImbrogno
    TamImbrogno Posts: 72 Member
    Yeah, im pretty curious myself!!!
  • sam2674
    sam2674 Posts: 55 Member
  • blynn2708
    blynn2708 Posts: 262 Member
    i just turned 40, mom of one. I had a laproscopic hysterectomy last summer, that's when I gained some of my weight back (10lbs) after all my hard work losing 32 lbs! BUT...I wasn't very active either after my surgery, went back to work after just two weeks...husband was driving me nuts, had to go back to work to get my rest:laugh: Everyone is different and will heal in your own time. I cannot stress enough though to LISTEN to your DR and DO NOT overdo it!! You may think you can do this and that, but you'll cause more harm than good...example...bladder control...none!! :laugh: :laugh: Once in awhile if I stretch too high or lift something too heavy I can still feel it!! Good luck to you both!
  • TamImbrogno
    TamImbrogno Posts: 72 Member
    Yes i joined hystersisters. I have a friend who had a LAVH but ive not gotten to talk to her much about it!!!
  • FlyByJuly
    FlyByJuly Posts: 564 Member
    I just had a total hysterectomy (indometrial cancer) in February. My surgery was done with the daVinci robot, which is less invasive and you have a quicker recovery time. I was off of work for 3 weeks. I did gain 8lbs, but I'm pretty sure it was water weight along with bloated belly from the gas that is pumped in there to separate the "innards" for surgery. My belly felt SO heavy, and it was distended! Ugh. Maybe TMI, but the first time I was able to have a bowel movement after surgery...BOOM...5 lbs gone! The next 3 lbs fell off soon afterward. I was able to resume working out just a week after surgery. However, I did modify my routine and didn't use weights, as I had been doing pre-surgery. Another pound fell away, and then another.

    Before surgery, I did worry about not being able to work out, and if I was going to gain weight. I stressed about it, and then I finally told myself to just stop it, stop all the worry, because the most important thing was to have the surgery, get the cancer out, and then recover. It went very well, and I am thinking that yours will as well! Sending positive thoughts and good vibes your way!
  • TamImbrogno
    TamImbrogno Posts: 72 Member
    Thanks!!! Im hoping mine is an easier recovery!! Im not having the da vinci done but just the TVH. I wonder how that will affect it. I know its all gotta go so I might as well not worry, but im a planner haha and this interferes!!!! If any of you want to add me feel free to do so!!!

    I just had a total hysterectomy (indometrial cancer) in February. My surgery was done with the daVinci robot, which is less invasive and you have a quicker recovery time. I was off of work for 3 weeks. I did gain 8lbs, but I'm pretty sure it was water weight along with bloated belly from the gas that is pumped in there to separate the "innards" for surgery. My belly felt SO heavy, and it was distended! Ugh. Maybe TMI, but the first time I was able to have a bowel movement after surgery...BOOM...5 lbs gone! The next 3 lbs fell off soon afterward. I was able to resume working out just a week after surgery. However, I did modify my routine and didn't use weights, as I had been doing pre-surgery. Another pound fell away, and then another.

    Before surgery, I did worry about not being able to work out, and if I was going to gain weight. I stressed about it, and then I finally told myself to just stop it, stop all the worry, because the most important thing was to have the surgery, get the cancer out, and then recover. It went very well, and I am thinking that yours will as well! Sending positive thoughts and good vibes your way!
  • carolann_22
    carolann_22 Posts: 364 Member
    My mom had a hysterectomy (for endometrial cancer) last Tuesday. She had hers with the daVinci robot too and she is having such an easy recovery - she went up to Lancaster on Thursday with my dad to see her sister who was in hospice, she hosted Easter dinner yesterday, and she's already started walking again (just a slow mile, but she started on Saturday which was just 5 days after surgery.) Good luck.