For the ladies that strength train



  • rbccbrown
    rbccbrown Posts: 22 Member
  • WinWinGo
    WinWinGo Posts: 99 Member
    I don't lift much anymore (no gym membership) but I think I used to do 3 sets of 12 with a 25 or 30 pound weight for biceps curls. I think my leg machines were all in the 100-90 range at 4 or 5 sets of 16.
    Memory's fuzzy though... That was ages ago.
  • Lozze
    Lozze Posts: 1,917 Member
    Another one who does NROLFW. I'm currently lifting

    8kg/17 lb weights with shoulder presses (each arm)
    124kg/26lb weights with lunges (each arm)
    14lg30lb weights for the step-ups (each arm)
    40kg/88lbs for seated row
    45kg/99lbs for both squats, deadlifts and lat pulldowns
    Am able to do two full push ups in a row! EEEEEEE!

    A lot of these have been doubled from when I started. Some have been lower because of form (i loathe lunges)
  • RunHardBeStrong
    RunHardBeStrong Posts: 33,069 Member
    Another one who does NROLFW. I'm currently lifting

    8kg/17 lb weights with shoulder presses (each arm)
    124kg/26lb weights with lunges (each arm)
    14lg30lb weights for the step-ups (each arm)
    40kg/88lbs for seated row
    45kg/99lbs for both squats, deadlifts and lat pulldowns
    Am able to do two full push ups in a row! EEEEEEE!

    A lot of these have been doubled from when I started. Some have been lower because of form (i loathe lunges)

    Lunges are my enemy! I just started phase 2 last night and the split lunges about killed me but I kept going.....
  • spazofthedead
    spazofthedead Posts: 175 Member
    I've been following Stronglifts 5x5 since January. My current numbers are:

    Squat: 150lbs
    Bench: 85lbs
    Row: 90lbs
    OHP: 60lbs
    Deadlift: 200lbs

    I've been slacking off lately on deadlifts and squats because of a hip flexor injury. :/
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member
    doing NROL4W

    My current weights are

    Squats - 170
    deads - 160
    lat pulldown : 127.5
    seated row : 110
    dumbbell shoulder press : 35
    pushups : decline on 3 step risers
    barbell step ups on 20" step : 60
  • positivelyJ
    I've been following Stronglifts 5x5 since January. My current numbers are:

    Squat: 150lbs
    Bench: 85lbs
    Row: 90lbs
    OHP: 60lbs
    Deadlift: 200lbs

    I've been slacking off lately on deadlifts and squats because of a hip flexor injury. :/

    What is Stronglifts 5x5 ?
  • allynady
    allynady Posts: 59 Member
  • Generalle
    Generalle Posts: 201 Member
    I'm lifting pretty heavy right now - love it!!!
    Squats =165lbs
    Bench press = 110lbs
    Shoulder press = 90lbs
    Deadlifts = 155lbs
    Lat pulldown = 130lbs
    Seated row = 140lbs

    I'm almost at the point of being able to do a full chin up - unassisted, and can do 50 (full) push ups in a minute. I try and lift more each time I go too
  • snuggllepuff
    I've been doing Wendler's 5 3 1 program for about 3 months now. It focuses on the main lifts press, deadlifts, bench, squat. I've been making pretty good gains.

    tested 1RM are
    Deadlift-200 lbs
    Squat-170 lbs
    Bench- 100 lbs =( pathetic
    haven't tested press but I"ve been reaping 65 for 5 reps. Also pathetic haha.

    But 5 3 1 definitely helped because you work yourself up to about 85 percent of your maxes and see how many reps you can get. then you try to increase and beat it next week.
  • elledo
    elledo Posts: 80
    Are you ladies all using a smith machine for you squats? or just a squat rack and bar? I'm a bit confused because I am lifting around the same or heavier for most of the exercise listed except for squats (where I'm lifting way less). When i use a smith machine I am able to lift a lot heavier than when i use an unsupported bar. Is this the difference?
  • snuggllepuff
    Are you ladies all using a smith machine for you squats? or just a squat rack and bar? I'm a bit confused because I am lifting around the same or heavier for most of the exercise listed except for squats (where I'm lifting way less). When i use a smith machine I am able to lift a lot heavier than when i use an unsupported bar. Is this the difference?

    I may possibly be the biggest anti smith machine advocate in the world. The Smith machine is kind of a joke because there's pulleys that help you get the weight up. When you're using a smith machine, you can pretty much use the world's worst form because you are stuck in the awkward constraints of a machine.

    With just the barbell from the squat rack, you can move however you want to move. It helps you maintain good form, you burn more calories, and you are really working your muscles. You have to do ALL The work yourself when you do real squats which really helps your strength. Also a great core exercise because you need to stabilize yourself to avoid tipping over.

    The best lower body workout is to do real squats and try to get your legs/butt parallel to the floor.
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member
    Are you ladies all using a smith machine for you squats? or just a squat rack and bar? I'm a bit confused because I am lifting around the same or heavier for most of the exercise listed except for squats (where I'm lifting way less). When i use a smith machine I am able to lift a lot heavier than when i use an unsupported bar. Is this the difference?

    stay away form the smith machine. the only time i screwed my knees up was because of the smith machine putting me in an unnatural position. you can lift more weight because you're cheating yourself.

    i do my squats in a power cage where it's just me and my stabilizing muscles and core keeping me balanced
  • snuggllepuff
    the smith machine makes for a good rack to hang your coat on... that's it.

    lol but all jokes aside, if you really dedicate some time to getting better at real squats without the Smith machine, you will gain strength, get a MUCH better workout, and notice the difference in your legs and butt. :)
  • LindaLouLu
    LindaLouLu Posts: 271 Member
    Just out of curiosity when you say you lift heavy how much do you lift??

    Such as squats, cable fly, leg press ect......

    I like to think that I'm doing good as far as the gains in the weight that I lift but maybe I was a weakling to start with and now I'm just average. :laugh:

    Right now I just use the machines (My gym partner is not available to assist, but soon as they come back I'm dragging their lazy tush back to the free weights area). Here's the machine workout I did this morning:

    lowest is 12 reps/ highest is 20 & 2 sets of each (also, what the weight was when I started lifting)

    Leg Extension 35# (20#)
    Leg Curl 45# (30#)
    Leg Press 105# (60#)
    Wide Grip Pull-down 45#(25#)
    Chest Press 45#(30#)
    Lateral Raise 20#(I just started this one)
    Low-Pulley 1 Arm Curl 10# (this is a new one as well)
    High-Pulley kick Back 10# (2.5#)
    Calf Raise 40#(25#)

    For me, the arm weights are still a bit heavy, but once they start getting light, I'll just add another 5#'s and be good to go for a while. I plan to up the lower body weights another 5lbs next week.

    P.S. Weights TOTALLY Rock!:laugh: :drinker:
  • Valkyriewoman
    Valkyriewoman Posts: 120 Member
    Low bar back squats: 165#
    Deads: 255#
    Hang cleans: 115#
    Bench: 105#
    Leg Press: 390#

    Those are pretty much 2-3 max reps.
  • lisaisso
    lisaisso Posts: 337 Member
    155lb on deads
    2 25lb dumbbell squats (50)
    20lb bicep curl/shoulder press
    80lb lat pulldown
  • snuggllepuff
    does anyone do powerlifting meets? I've done two and I'm sort of obsessed now. ;p

    But I'm in the lightest weight class where I don't really have much competition so I'm trying to gain a little weight.
  • JennieAL
    JennieAL Posts: 1,726 Member
    Pointless to compare yours with someone else's. Lift what is heavy for you. Lift what's a challenge for you to push out 3-8 reps. I do sets of 5 reps. Have no idea what my 1RM's are yet... and don't care to. I'm a novice. Theoretically, each time a novice lifts, they're increasing so they can't really know their 1RM.

    Heavy is what's a challenge for you to get 3-8 reps of it, with good form (for your own protection).