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Hi! Mom, grad student, surfer looking for friends/support...

Aloha everyone,

I am a 29 year-old mother of a wonderful 21 month old boy and I live in Honolulu, Hawaii. I am also pursuing my Master's in counseling psychology and work part-time. I have always been really active and love anything outdoors, especially ocean related activities like surfing and diving. However, I steadily gained weight through my college years and now that I am a busy mom the weight is creeping even higher!

I'm tired of feeling uncomfortable in my skin and want to get healthy and fit to be a better mom and a better me (not to mention revive my relationship!) I have at least 30 lbs to lose...

I also am in a friend's wedding shortly and realized just how large I will look next to the bride and other bridesmaids unless I get my *kitten* in gear! So, here I am.

Looking for friends and support, I'll try to help you too : )




  • CristaRae
    Hi Kai :)
    I have gained a lot of weight over the past two years in college as well and am looking to loose about the same amount as you. I feel the same way, I just want to feel comfortable again. If you need any support I will be here! Im looking for the same as well

    Good luck !