Team UK: August



  • glittergirlamy14
    glittergirlamy14 Posts: 50 Member
    Yay, last week was a good week! Lost more weight and now apparently I've lost 10 pounds since I joined, which is good for me. I'm going to try and keep this up as it's not long until my holiday now - 2 weeks on Wednesday. Cannot wait.
    I had to have a roll, sausage & potato scone for my breakfast today coz I had nothing in the house, but it was ok as my calories are good today, and now I'm gonna do some exercise.

    Hope everyone had a good weekend? I was out dancing both nights with the girlies so that was some exercise! Although I don't think the cider helped :drinker:

    Amy x
  • kpnuts23
    kpnuts23 Posts: 960 Member
    Katherine , I'll come kick u up the *kitten* if you want:tongue: , being just round the corner it'll be as good for me as it is for you. sure i'd burn some calories kicking you a little lol

    James x

    Bad last week... not gonna lie i did indulge a little too much (not all in diary) Oops! Soo... i have made it my mission to plan ahead (as you can see in my diary) all my meals up until friday (cause friday is a weird day and i never know whats going to happen)... I wasn't in the right frame of mind last week to go to the gym, count cals.. i think its because i saw my ex for the first time in a few months.. and it lead to me eating.. (not usually an emotional eater) but hey ho!

    Anyways.. Im getting right back on track.. the next couple of days im going to shock my body with low cal, low carbs... and then go back to 1,200... just to give myself a kick in the butt!! :laugh: I'm hoping it kick starts things again!!!

    sooo.. im hoping by the end of August i will be within reach of my 10stone goal... hope so!!

    :heart: Katherine

    :laugh: Thanks James!! LMAO... I went for a run from my house last night to the spectrum.. did a work out then ran home (im sure you kinda know the distance) ran along the "abbots wood" road.. :happy: I wasnt gonna go but something inside me said... im gonna run outside on my own today! was alright.. only took about 10 mins... felt really good for it!

    food diary shows im eating LOW cals atm... i know its not wise but im only doing it for this week, then i will go back to normal! :bigsmile:
  • curvykatie
    curvykatie Posts: 870 Member
    yey, its good to see people back!
    glad to hear you're all doing well and getting back on track

    how hard is it to find proper trainers these days?
    i went into JJB and they had 2 columns of womens trainers - that was it! only 3 of which where proper sports trainers

    so moved on to Sports World - had loads of trainers, just couldnt tell which where which and they had no size 6's

    JD - all fashion trainers - no sports

    so i ended up going to Chivers sports (last sports shop in carlisle) - went in and didnt like any of them, but then the guy asked what i was looking for then went on to do loads of checks on my feet and my walking and running styles, i was there for a good hour and found out the reason my leg hurts when i run is because i have too much pressure on my right kness, and also a slightly fallen left arch.

    if any of you have this type of service available i would strongly reccomend you go get it done! (you get extra exercise too because you have to run in each pair of trainers you try on - i tried on about 10pairs lol)
  • glittergirlamy14
    glittergirlamy14 Posts: 50 Member
    Katie - I'm still wearing the trainers I had when I was in 6th year at school, so they're about 6 years old! They still fit fine and they are cross training trainers or something so good for exercising.

    I was looking through my food diary there and I've not had an Indian takeaway since 16th July, so a month! I'm very proud of myself. I've been out for a curry since then but that was a birthday, so that was ok, and it was a smaller portion. I used to get takeaways like once a week so this is a huge improvement :happy:
  • James501
    James501 Posts: 148
    good girl proud of you, keep up the hard work. I'm so sure I will bump into you at some point as one of my routs is past the spectrum.
    I did 7 miles yesterday and my legs are so ****ed today, but hey all good.
    I'm off to liverpool for a lads weekend next week so trying to do alot the hard work before coz that will be a very drunken weekend.:wink: As I said if you need a kick up the *kitten* i'm always willing :laugh:

    Hows your day been?

    Katherine , I'll come kick u up the *kitten* if you want:tongue: , being just round the corner it'll be as good for me as it is for you. sure i'd burn some calories kicking you a little lol

    James x

    Bad last week... not gonna lie i did indulge a little too much (not all in diary) Oops! Soo... i have made it my mission to plan ahead (as you can see in my diary) all my meals up until friday (cause friday is a weird day and i never know whats going to happen)... I wasn't in the right frame of mind last week to go to the gym, count cals.. i think its because i saw my ex for the first time in a few months.. and it lead to me eating.. (not usually an emotional eater) but hey ho!

    Anyways.. Im getting right back on track.. the next couple of days im going to shock my body with low cal, low carbs... and then go back to 1,200... just to give myself a kick in the butt!! :laugh: I'm hoping it kick starts things again!!!

    sooo.. im hoping by the end of August i will be within reach of my 10stone goal... hope so!!

    :heart: Katherine

    :laugh: Thanks James!! LMAO... I went for a run from my house last night to the spectrum.. did a work out then ran home (im sure you kinda know the distance) ran along the "abbots wood" road.. :happy: I wasnt gonna go but something inside me said... im gonna run outside on my own today! was alright.. only took about 10 mins... felt really good for it!

    food diary shows im eating LOW cals atm... i know its not wise but im only doing it for this week, then i will go back to normal! :bigsmile:
  • Simplicity
    Simplicity Posts: 383 Member
    ah crap! i had a suprise holiday of the other half last week and have just got back from it. so weight is not good again. still i started doing my exercise yesterday and again today so already feeling positive. and still not smoking so they are all good things. im aiming to get to 12st 1 or 2 for end of august now. looks like you caught me up sean lol.
    mind you the holidays were nice. i know i don;t have a lot more planned this year so i can focus on my goal weight for the autumn. still not sure what my goal is yet lol. still thinking 160lbs. and congrats also to sean sounds like you are doing well. i just seem to have a lot of more important things happening at this moment in time.

    good luck everyone else. im looking forward to september being a full good healthy month. wonder what the challange will be.
  • sean93
    sean93 Posts: 109
    ah crap! i had a suprise holiday of the other half last week and have just got back from it. so weight is not good again. still i started doing my exercise yesterday and again today so already feeling positive. and still not smoking so they are all good things. im aiming to get to 12st 1 or 2 for end of august now. looks like you caught me up sean lol.
    mind you the holidays were nice. i know i don;t have a lot more planned this year so i can focus on my goal weight for the autumn. still not sure what my goal is yet lol. still thinking 160lbs. and congrats also to sean sounds like you are doing well. i just seem to have a lot of more important things happening at this moment in time.

    good luck everyone else. im looking forward to september being a full good healthy month. wonder what the challange will be.

    haha thanks :happy:

    yer im 12st 2lbs ryt now, but am goin on holiday this saturday until next wednesday so it could be 5 very bad days or i might not gain anything, i think i would prefer the second one haha. so anyway im gna tek it slow from now and with no choice really since im at college and work so im never going to have time to work out but for the past 3-4 weeks i have done probs 5 workout seshs bcos i jus avent had the time and iv still lost weight due to healthy eating so im hoping that will be the main factor for the next couple of months and he weight will still drop off just probably reallllllly slowly haha but thats ok as long as its coming off and not on:laugh: :bigsmile:

    so anyway hoping to reach 12st dead on at the end of august but i dnt know wether il reach it :indifferent: but even so coming this far is a huge achievemnt for me :smile:

    good luck to everyonce else nywy, and ben i bet you'll hav took over me again before long haha
  • Simplicity
    Simplicity Posts: 383 Member
    haha thanks :happy:

    yer im 12st 2lbs ryt now, but am goin on holiday this saturday until next wednesday so it could be 5 very bad days or i might not gain anything, i think i would prefer the second one haha. so anyway im gna tek it slow from now and with no choice really since im at college and work so im never going to have time to work out but for the past 3-4 weeks i have done probs 5 workout seshs bcos i jus avent had the time and iv still lost weight due to healthy eating so im hoping that will be the main factor for the next couple of months and he weight will still drop off just probably reallllllly slowly haha but thats ok as long as its coming off and not on:laugh: :bigsmile:

    so anyway hoping to reach 12st dead on at the end of august but i dnt know wether il reach it :indifferent: but even so coming this far is a huge achievemnt for me :smile:

    good luck to everyonce else nywy, and ben i bet you'll hav took over me again before long haha

    good one. yeah i wish i could keep up with the healthy foods. i don't eat that bad just too much at the moment. enjoy your holiday. im back from all mine so hopefully 11st 6 by autumn. we'll see. i can;t make it a competition i'll get all peed-off if i don;t win lol. good luck though. catch up soon. not much of summer left i don't know where it went. how about both of us at 12st for sept 1st lol
  • curvykatie
    curvykatie Posts: 870 Member
    well i attempted to go to the gym this morning - i got half way and turned around and came home, it was raining really heavy and by the time i got half way my trainers and socks were waterlogged, and my gym pants where soaked from my hips down, my change of clothes where also soaked even though they where in my rucksack.
    so ive done my sit-ups and reverse sit ups at home, and im gonna go on the treadmill at home and although i cant run on it (its a magnetic one and really bad for running - you can only run if you hold on) its a workout all the same, so will put that on whilst watching the biggest loser
  • kpnuts23
    kpnuts23 Posts: 960 Member
    Morning everyone...

    Bahhh Katie - Where do you live? Havent seen the rain yet!! :noway: LMAO! Poor you.. I hate that when you get caught in the rain and are completely soaked through... Nice and Dry in Farnham today... Bet you it wont last!!!

    Mmm i dunno what to do this afternoon... i know i have to tidy my room.. complete pig sti.. but then wat? i cant afford to go shopping (another holiday looming) so i might just gym it.. :ohwell:

    Food intake has been low this week but i feel alright about it... not gonna let it get to me... I know this weekend will be a bit of a blow out anyways!

    Ohh.. and something really weird happened to me last night... Didnt eat close to bedtime, however i woke up wreching... :sick: was the weirdest thing cause nothing came out but it sure as hell woke me up and freaked the hell out fo me!! lol i thought i would jst share!?

    Ooohh and another thing.. been running outside a lot this week, i suppose the sunny weather has made me avoid the gym and i have HATED my routine for the last 2-3weeks so i decided to do something different.. needless to say i wont run so much now... blistered feet again.. and my calves hurt!

    JAMES - Yeah you might just have seen me - i ran past boxgrove shops on wednesday :tongue: we chould meet up n go for a run! Give me some motivation!!! :flowerforyou:
  • curvykatie
    curvykatie Posts: 870 Member
    Im in Carlisle, right on the border to scotland.

    the gym sounds like a good plan, i've got work tonight and i really cant be bothered with it (i never can so no change there)

    thats strange that you woke up wretching, maybe you were dreaming something and it caused that.

    im trying to cut down on my sugar at the mo, i think thats the reason im not losing weight.
  • James501
    James501 Posts: 148
    motivation hey, I thought we agreed for me kicking you up the *kitten* to do that.:tongue:
    Yeah I think we could arange something, I'll send you my MSN and Mob to your inbox so you can get in contact and we can find someway of motivating you.
    Have you got alot planned this weekend?
    I had a belting week and have lost 4pounds so far. Go me!

    James xx
    Morning everyone...

    Bahhh Katie - Where do you live? Havent seen the rain yet!! :noway: LMAO! Poor you.. I hate that when you get caught in the rain and are completely soaked through... Nice and Dry in Farnham today... Bet you it wont last!!!

    Mmm i dunno what to do this afternoon... i know i have to tidy my room.. complete pig sti.. but then wat? i cant afford to go shopping (another holiday looming) so i might just gym it.. :ohwell:

    Food intake has been low this week but i feel alright about it... not gonna let it get to me... I know this weekend will be a bit of a blow out anyways!

    Ohh.. and something really weird happened to me last night... Didnt eat close to bedtime, however i woke up wreching... :sick: was the weirdest thing cause nothing came out but it sure as hell woke me up and freaked the hell out fo me!! lol i thought i would jst share!?

    Ooohh and another thing.. been running outside a lot this week, i suppose the sunny weather has made me avoid the gym and i have HATED my routine for the last 2-3weeks so i decided to do something different.. needless to say i wont run so much now... blistered feet again.. and my calves hurt!

    JAMES - Yeah you might just have seen me - i ran past boxgrove shops on wednesday :tongue: we chould meet up n go for a run! Give me some motivation!!! :flowerforyou:
  • glittergirlamy14
    glittergirlamy14 Posts: 50 Member
    Evening everyone, did you all have a good weekend?

    I was very bad on Friday night and had 7 slices of a large Dominos pizza! It's coz the girls were round, that's always gonna be trouble. We then went to Alton Towers which was great fun! Burnt off over 1000 calories walking round the park then I think the rides would've burnt some off calories from being a bit scared with the adrenaline pumping. I went on all the big rides, loved it. 7 & half hours on the bus there and back wasn't too bad either, it passed quickly.

    Just been on my bike as i didn't really do much exercise last week. Only 8 days to go to my holiday so not much time left for a flat tum! I don't think it's going to happen.

    Amy x
  • kpnuts23
    kpnuts23 Posts: 960 Member
    Morning one and all!

    I hope people are ok and havent lost interest! It will be coming up to a year on here soon! Well in October.. but i honestly have enjoyed being on here and meeting lots of people.. during this time i have learnt what works best for me and at the moment im happy with the way things are going!

    My weekends are always going to be hard... i have a very sociable life and it usually leads to house parties, going out into town clubbing or going to bars... its inevitable.. sometimes i can avoid it, but its the weekend and i like to relax, not only with alcohol but with food aswell.. and i dont let myself get annoyed if i have eaten too much because i know, come monday, i will be back to normal... :smokin:

    :flowerforyou: Katherine
  • kpnuts23
    kpnuts23 Posts: 960 Member
    Morning James - Thanks for the e-mail.. i will give you a heads up soon!

    My weekend was a busy one, went out into guildford Friday night - Spoons, Farenhieght and then Dusk! ha ha! Saturday i went shopping for a bit and then went to a party at a friends house for his birthday... That was another late one..
    Sunday i went for a pint of coke at the Seahorse in Shalford with the girls and then home for a BBQ in the beautiful weather!
    How about you?
    Congrats on the weight loss.. Im inch loosing! the scales are buggin me! so im going on how clothes are fitting!

    Hope your ok?

    Katherine x
    motivation hey, I thought we agreed for me kicking you up the *kitten* to do that.:tongue:
    Yeah I think we could arange something, I'll send you my MSN and Mob to your inbox so you can get in contact and we can find someway of motivating you.
    Have you got alot planned this weekend?
    I had a belting week and have lost 4pounds so far. Go me!

    James xx
    Morning everyone...

    Bahhh Katie - Where do you live? Havent seen the rain yet!! :noway: LMAO! Poor you.. I hate that when you get caught in the rain and are completely soaked through... Nice and Dry in Farnham today... Bet you it wont last!!!

    Mmm i dunno what to do this afternoon... i know i have to tidy my room.. complete pig sti.. but then wat? i cant afford to go shopping (another holiday looming) so i might just gym it.. :ohwell:

    Food intake has been low this week but i feel alright about it... not gonna let it get to me... I know this weekend will be a bit of a blow out anyways!

    Ohh.. and something really weird happened to me last night... Didnt eat close to bedtime, however i woke up wreching... :sick: was the weirdest thing cause nothing came out but it sure as hell woke me up and freaked the hell out fo me!! lol i thought i would jst share!?

    Ooohh and another thing.. been running outside a lot this week, i suppose the sunny weather has made me avoid the gym and i have HATED my routine for the last 2-3weeks so i decided to do something different.. needless to say i wont run so much now... blistered feet again.. and my calves hurt!

    JAMES - Yeah you might just have seen me - i ran past boxgrove shops on wednesday :tongue: we chould meet up n go for a run! Give me some motivation!!! :flowerforyou:
  • James501
    James501 Posts: 148
    yeah my weekend was good, did some driving for a mate up to london and back in his audi A4 so the pleasure was all mine. apart from that just relaxed really though did get a 3.5 mile walk in.
    going to liverpool this weekend so going to have a bad week i can see it already.

    wow ur a busy gal, surprised i havent seen you out before go to alot the same places. but if you see me out atm tell me off coz i shouldnt be drinking lol

    what you got planned this week?

    James x
    Morning one and all!

    I hope people are ok and havent lost interest! It will be coming up to a year on here soon! Well in October.. but i honestly have enjoyed being on here and meeting lots of people.. during this time i have learnt what works best for me and at the moment im happy with the way things are going!

    My weekends are always going to be hard... i have a very sociable life and it usually leads to house parties, going out into town clubbing or going to bars... its inevitable.. sometimes i can avoid it, but its the weekend and i like to relax, not only with alcohol but with food aswell.. and i dont let myself get annoyed if i have eaten too much because i know, come monday, i will be back to normal... :smokin:

    :flowerforyou: Katherine
  • James501
    James501 Posts: 148
    this thread is getting very quiet. just lost my 1st stone so very happy. 2 and a half to go before xmas. i'm on target
    whoop whoop
    J x
  • curvykatie
    curvykatie Posts: 870 Member
    i know, wheres everyone gone?? my internets been down that why i havnt been around the past couple of days

    well done on getting to a stone! thats great!

    im moving along slowly, i weighed in this morning at 149.4 which is good, i would so love to see 148lbs just to get out of this plateu!
  • James501
    James501 Posts: 148
    i know, wheres everyone gone?? my internets been down that why i havnt been around the past couple of days

    well done on getting to a stone! thats great!

    im moving along slowly, i weighed in this morning at 149.4 which is good, i would so love to see 148lbs just to get out of this plateu!

    you can do it girl, if i can lose a stone in 6 weeks you can do those 2lbs. keep thinking positive and it will be off before you know it

    james x
  • mumsanutter
    mumsanutter Posts: 3,099 Member
    Well done on losing the stone - magnet, and keep it up katie. I haven't been around much, as lost my dad at the beginning of the month and have found it hard to concentrate and stick to the calories, but hopefully back to it now and have just done 20 minutes on the exercise machine and about to do my sit ups.....
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