to much water?

can you drink to much water when your trying to work out ive been doing 3-4 miles a day but im drinking 12-20 8 oz's of water a day am i going to just have water weight when i weigh in


  • lilfurson
    lilfurson Posts: 190
    I drink between 38-50 8 oz glasses of water a day :)

    Edit: You can drink too much water but it's how quickly you drink it. I once drank a gallon in 40 minutes and I did not feel well at all.
  • LeggyKettleBabe
    LeggyKettleBabe Posts: 300 Member
    When I drink water, I look at the color of the urine. If its getting clear -- ease up . Too much can tax your kidneys
  • megsmom2
    megsmom2 Posts: 2,362 Member
    I have always heard that when you're either doing physical work like exercize, or getting ready for a performance (Im a singer) should aim to PEE PALE!
  • laineyluma
    laineyluma Posts: 358 Member
    I struggle with getting 8 :ohwell:
  • powersmatti
    I drink 4.4 liters/day.
  • gamommy
    gamommy Posts: 131 Member
    I'm usually drinking around 100-120oz a day. Right now I'm at 160oz for the day. I don't feel like that's too much for me, but listen to your body!
  • AActon28
    AActon28 Posts: 32
    That does seem like a bit too much. Over-consuming water can cause damage due to organ swelling, particularly the brain. It is also possible that if you crave that much water you may be borderline diabetic. If you are just drinking that much because you are compensating for sweat loss then I wouldn't worry too much about. If you have chronic headaches and whatnot you should cut back some.
  • frugalmomsrock
    frugalmomsrock Posts: 1,123
    Drinking sufficient water will actually help you SHED water.

    I am doing c25k and do some HIIT, walking, etc., weigh 147, and I regularly drink 14-20 glasses a day. I have fewer headaches, better skin, and just feel better in general than when I skimp on my water. :)

    *yes, you CAN drink too much water, but it would typically take a lot of water in a very short amount of time in order to hit that point. Spread throughout the day should be just fine.
  • amybg1
    amybg1 Posts: 631 Member
    8 8oz glasses of water is what everyone should drink in general, when you exercise and if you're in a hot/humid environment drink a little more as required, don't forget to replace electrolytes as too much water will cause an electrolyte imbalance which is unhealthy.

    For me what helps in consuming the recommended amount is 1 glass an hour. Don't drink too much too fast or you'll get water poisoning which can be deadly in really severe cases. Aim for light to clear-colored urine
  • docjoe
    docjoe Posts: 65 Member
    Yes, you can develop hyponatremia. It has become one of the top causes of death in marathoners....typically undertrained and drinking lots at every drink station.
  • kymme16
    kymme16 Posts: 15
    That does seem like a bit too much. Over-consuming water can cause damage due to organ swelling, particularly the brain. It is also possible that if you crave that much water you may be borderline diabetic. If you are just drinking that much because you are compensating for sweat loss then I wouldn't worry too much about. If you have chronic headaches and whatnot you should cut back some.

    i was checked for diabetes before and after baby so i know im not that, someone said something to me before bout it bc i was always thirsty ive never drank much pop or anything so my pee has always been light but its deffinantly more pale then b4
  • Cndressing
    You could but at the same time you retain water when you dont drink enough water. Isn't that crazy? I'm on a high fiber diet and my mouth gets dry if i dont drink anough water, and alot of veggies have fiber. I upped my water intake by 12 cups a day and its helped alot. Read this article and I think you might get an Idea of what i mean. -
  • Cndressing
    I agree witht the comment of electrolytes.
  • nikkiprickett
    nikkiprickett Posts: 412 Member
    Water is the only thing I drink with the exception of some Acai juice every so often to keep keep my digestion good...
    i've always drank about 20 bottles of water a urine is usually light/clear but I've been told that's healthy.
    Drink when you need to, otherwise you'll be dehydrated and that's not good either!
  • Denjo060
    Denjo060 Posts: 1,008
    very informative thanks guys i drink a lot of water didnt know some of this info I thought the more the better guess i was wrong:ohwell:
  • KathieSwenson
    Water is the only thing I drink with the exception of some Acai juice every so often to keep keep my digestion good...
    i've always drank about 20 bottles of water a urine is usually light/clear but I've been told that's healthy.
    Drink when you need to, otherwise you'll be dehydrated and that's not good either!

    I have been having problems with my digestion what does acai juice do?
  • l1o9r9i9
    l1o9r9i9 Posts: 8 Member
    You can drink to much water Ive seen it first hand its called WATER INTOXICATION . And it can happen over hours of drinking water even if your going to the bathroom alot ! I found an app which is a guide for water consumption . Its called hydration calculator . Give it a look ..
  • amybg1
    amybg1 Posts: 631 Member
    20 bottles of water is a lot, how many MLs per bottle? if it's a few hundred a shot I hope the 20's just an exaggeration. Water is good for you as it keeps your skin hydrated, so less dry, keeps the organs healthy, helps flush out the system and can act as a hunger suppressant as well as helps with muscle cramping. But if you're being active, remember to replenish your electrolytes always if you're going to do high intensity activity for over 45-60 minutes as loss of electrolytes is a serious problem and can lead to death if not dealt with.

    I know someone who ran a 100 miler, she started having hallucinations of squirrels with no tail joining her in the race. The reason? A serious lack of sodium and potassium getting to her brain, let this be a lesson: water is good, but balance out the electrolytes.

    As far as the Acai fad goes, there's been some research done on it but there's a lack in the porrf that it has any health benefits. Also careful with any juice, watch the ingredients, especially the sugars as juices tend to be high in sugar
  • Devlyn_P
    Devlyn_P Posts: 294 Member
    I drink 1.5 gallons a day. Water is all I drink. It will take enormous amounts of water to kill you via toxication.
  • docjoe
    docjoe Posts: 65 Member
    I drink 1.5 gallons a day. Water is all I drink. It will take enormous amounts of water to kill you via toxication.

    This is true. And usually need to be losing electrolytes at the same time. But drinking truly massive quantities has no health benefit. More is not better at the extremes.