fustrated! not sure how people can be suck *kitten*!

jafy23 Posts: 59 Member
so my best friend found out she is pregnant and is having a rough time with it. she told her boyfriend and says he is movign out and there over and he wants to sleep with other girls and want nothing to do with her cuz she is a crazy phyico *****.

she is such a nice hard working person who does everythign to help, so i dont understand how he can be so rude.

i have been staying with her and trying to help with everything. i have a disbility so its hard to do a lot of things but she is suppost to be on bed rest and cant lift anything. so becuase i have been doing all her cooking and cleaning and shopping and lifting, that with my own life and my job my arm getting hard to stay focused and get my workouts done when i am in so much pain and so tired from staying up with her while she cries..

i kno she is my best friend i would do anything for her, i just with her bf wasnt such an *kitten* i dont feel its my job to take care of his pregnant girlfriend.

just fustrating and need to vent


  • FJcntdwn2sknyluv
    FJcntdwn2sknyluv Posts: 651 Member
    lame.. boys are such *kitten* sometimes.. I know I dated a few before I found my MAN... Just make sure you take some time for you and not take on too much of her stress.. be there for her, but don't add the stress for you... I have to do it all the time.. :)

    *hug* you are a good friend...
  • w_i_n_d_y
    w_i_n_d_y Posts: 216 Member
    suck *kitten*? I wouldn't knock it til you tried it. (Hoping maybe a laugh will help?) Seriously, they need an edit button for topics!

    Good luck to your friend. You need to take care of yourself though, it's nice you want to help but you need to make sure you don't overdo it.
  • Azzne
    Azzne Posts: 17
    Could you try to help her find other support systems? I'm sorry that you are going through this stress *hug*.
  • jafy23
    jafy23 Posts: 59 Member
    suck *kitten*? I wouldn't knock it til you tried it. (Hoping maybe a laugh will help?) Seriously, they need an edit button for topics!

    Good luck to your friend. You need to take care of yourself though, it's nice you want to help but you need to make sure you don't overdo it.

    haha i didnt even notice that
  • w_i_n_d_y
    w_i_n_d_y Posts: 216 Member
    suck *kitten*? I wouldn't knock it til you tried it. (Hoping maybe a laugh will help?) Seriously, they need an edit button for topics!

    Good luck to your friend. You need to take care of yourself though, it's nice you want to help but you need to make sure you don't overdo it.

    haha i didnt even notice that

    Glad I made you laugh! You are doing a very nice thing for your friend, but it's ok to not do so much, maybe you can find another friend of hers or a family member to help lighten your load. Good luck.