
so i have 3 weeks until im at college all week long, getting up at 7 and not getting home until 5-6, and then working on saturday from 8-6, im really stressing out over when im going to be able to take a break and really worried il pile the weight back on bcos i wnt have no wer near as much time as iv had the past 8 months :indifferent: :frown:

i wanted to reach my target weight by the end of this year, and it isnt much more to lose so im hoping that i can still lose weight but very slowly the next few months :ohwell:


  • proctor0828
    Just be very aware of what you put in your mouth... take a journal with you and log everything the way you would on here. Instead of taking an elevator take the stairs... little things like that will help since you won't have time to solely devote to exercise.
  • astridfeline
    astridfeline Posts: 1,200 Member
    I hear you! I'm going back in a couple of weeks too. I plan to plan, plan, plan my meals and prep food for the week on my one day off. I hope I can maintain that all semester.
  • TByrd1325
    TByrd1325 Posts: 920 Member
    Maybe get up earlier? I'm starting school also in a couple weeks. I'm trying to get in the plan of getting up at 5AM. That way I can get my workout done with no interruptions. (have an 8mo. old) then get ready and go by 8:45.
  • nikki4ever
    nikki4ever Posts: 116
    im so stessed too! i get married in 2 months, and ive been struggling with the last 10 lbs...i wanted to lose this for my wedding, and maintain at this forever!! hope it will happen,bc on top of all the wedding stuff , this is also stressful!!! anyways, hope you can achieve your goals!!
  • lessertess
    lessertess Posts: 855 Member
    Are you in classes straight from 7am to 6pm? That seems unusual to me but I haven't been in school in a long time. When I was in college I might have 3 -4 classes a day spread out over the day with time in between those classes. Your school probably has a gym and a pool. Schedule some time to work out between classes.

    If your in classes for all that time then schedule an hour before or after to work out. Even if you only do it twice or three times a week, you'll be in good shape. Also, walk fast all over campus in between your classes. Unlike many, I lost 15 pounds my freshman year in college just because I was walking so much. Now, I've not been in school for a lot of years, so maybe things have changed.

    You can make time to exercise and plan and pack your meals whenever possible. You just have to decide that this is important enough to make it a priority.
  • sean93
    sean93 Posts: 109
    Are you in classes straight from 7am to 6pm? That seems unusual to me but I haven't been in school in a long time. When I was in college I might have 3 -4 classes a day spread out over the day with time in between those classes. Your school probably has a gym and a pool. Schedule some time to work out between classes.

    If your in classes for all that time then schedule an hour before or after to work out. Even if you only do it twice or three times a week, you'll be in good shape. Also, walk fast all over campus in between your classes. Unlike many, I lost 15 pounds my freshman year in college just because I was walking so much. Now, I've not been in school for a lot of years, so maybe things have changed.

    You can make time to exercise and plan and pack your meals whenever possible. You just have to decide that this is important enough to make it a priority.

    no its not that college strts at 7, i just need to get up at 7 to get ready for the bus which comes a1 8 n college strts at 830 n i tink it finishes at 4ish but i dnt get home til 5:indifferent:

    im rlli hoping i can keep losing weight but im really nervous that i wnt b able to but at least im at college so i can eat healthily ther and i get an hours break for lunch so could go for a walk around the town near it to burn cals, better thn nothin:smile: