Hi Everyone! I Need Support This Time Around.

Hi Everyone! I have used MFP in the past but I never got involved in the community for some reason. I have tried to lose weight about 1000 times before and it never happens for me. I usually do well for about 2 weeks and then get right back into my old habits. I think I need some support and accountability to make this work, so I am looking for friends to help me get through this with success. I need to lose 20-30 pounds. I am an ex college athlete, 27 years old, a newlywed, and a current high school coach. I really want this to work this time and I want it to last forever.


  • KP5555
    KP5555 Posts: 46 Member
    friend request sent. I have been on this site for the past 60 days. I have lost 12 pounds so far... with another 25ish to go, supportive friends have kept me going..... good luck..
  • Grimlock69
    Grimlock69 Posts: 197
    Ok, it's time to get busy!
  • I started a weight contest at the beginning of January and ended yesterday. I lost 22lbs and I am at my lowest weight in probably 20 years. I feel awesome! I started this web site by recommendation from a friend. It was a challenge at first to count calories but soon became a game. The first month and a half of this contest I did not change my eating habits. Then I logged in here and counted my calories. I love food and this was hard but quickly became a way of life. You have to believe and you have to focus. Use your expertise of a coach and keep motivating yourself. If there is anyone else around that you physically see and can talk to and maybe could stand to lose a few pounds, then I highly suggest you get them on this site and help push each other. I can be a support through this site, but it is truly fun doing it with someone or persons you can also talk to the next day about your progress. "The buddy system works"!! Don't do it alone if you don't have to. Friend me and I will encourage... But open the diary and be prepared for scrutiny of diet... Haha. Do you dare?