Lifestyle Change - need friends for encouragement/ideas

I am starting this again after having a pretty successful start last year. I got a new job and things just got out of control and now I am excited to start again.

My sister has lost about 70 lbs with her changes (and she used MFP to jump start) and I'd like to get back in to it as well.

Things I want to do:

1/2 Marathon in November
Fit in to designer jeans
Be healthy
Eat new, healthy foods

I also have started a blog to help me, feel free to check it out (but I just started today!):

Please feel free to add me!


  • eevg
    eevg Posts: 2
    I am new to this, but so excited to start this journey. I have started and restarted this journey, but this time I have three event inspirations (other than feeling better and getting healthy for my family) that are happening in the next year. I am three months away from my 10 year class reunion, and we have two beach vacations planned with our families next year, and I would like to feel good about being in a swimsuit. I am a mom. I have had three children biologically, and one adopted son. Our first two lived and passed away before either turned two months. I have always been curvy, but having my first two kids so close together and the constant stress of having such sick little babies made me obese. I am currently 240 pounds, and would like to lose about 20-25 in the next three months, and than go from there. I have my little ones to care for, a loving and supportive husband that loves me no matter what I look like. My obstacles are having to re-write years of loving food (my mom is an AWESOME but HORRIBLE cook, with butter, heavy cream, and cream cheese, as her go-to ingredients) and trying to balance a house, family, school, and work at a local hospital. I look forward to finding support and hopefully giving support here.